Monday, July 27, 2009

What Do Shag Bands Stand For

Approccio teoretico o approccio sistemico?

of Anentodio Friulzi said Flacca

The views expressed by Myr (see : Myrddin Emrys, Carnival Outrage "posfazione" ) about the epilogue and the statement "the end" (which are placed at any point of Carniani saga, namely the last chapter), suggest that the same Myrddin tackling the issue with a theoretical approach, ie assuming the roles, tasks and canonical setting of the novel in question are eventually met. This attitude is surprising, and the first reason is epistemology of theoretical character that is just from Myrddin, who did not hesitate to leave the house several times and to venture into the labyrinth of the narrative, not dispensing its presence in many of the levels of topologically Babel story of meat. His regret and apology to the readers are just a predictable effect of this approach? It would seem, but we are more likely to think of yet another lie of the most treacherous villain and author of the new century, which statutorily has not only made a mockery of the editors and readers but also of Marlowe himself, which he personally involved in another with a task that is only the most naive could look like unh attempt at a solution of the complicated narrative (in this regard to remember that Myr will have to pay 50% of the fees of Mr. Marlowe, + 24% of the remaining figure, having been his decision to sign him).
also surprising, because Myrddin has always been a promoter of systemic approaches, whose propellant pragmatic and actively adaptive ( "forget the rules of our training to accept what we are now, in the world to which we have reached. Some people there makes it, forget the ghosts of the past, and who is ready to bear the thought that our society is about to end. smoothly, because the speech is the same: a life is a life long, and alternatives to a life in a given momento non ce ne sono" ) sono stati determinanti in tutto lo sviluppo di Carne e derivati, legittimando incongruenze, fornendo un costante contributo euristico al racconto e in definitiva emancipando Carne e la sua storia dal rischio di una banalizzazione (appunto teoretica), che le povere energie di Klaus non avrebbero potuto evitare.
Sorprende infine il presunto rammarico, di fronte ad inequivocabili segni di cedimento e trasparenti intenzioni di voler desertificare il campo della vicenda (una serie di omicidi ingiustificati, ma soprattutto il fatidico "dormiamoci su", inaccettabile da un mago, che proprio nell'area tra sonno e veglia agisce e conduce gli sparuti ma tenaci lettori).


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