Thursday, July 23, 2009

Feel Terrible After General Anesthetic

Winnie's hamletic doubts

Winnie, as Guardian of the Gate Above, he understood almost everything. He understood his role in the affair, and I could see ontological status. He knew to be a character in the story, and knew even that was not placed hierarchically where his spiritual stature would have imposed. Nevertheless, he accepted this role with the dignity that was innate, the same dignity with which he had had for years played the role of a chauffeur in a house with people at least ambiguous. He knew perfectly well be sympathetic to the authors (probably the most sympathetic) and it was clear that Myr, putting the bag in his hands, assigned the task of developing the business or her death.
bicarbonate begins to take effect, and the feet of Winnie lived their daily moment of refreshment.
The problem was solved feet. Next della poltrona, per non doversi alzare con i piedi bagnati, teneva sempre una bottiglia di Legavulin 16 anni.
Gli piaceva, ma non era il suo preferito (Winnie beveva solo bourbon, e lo sceglieva tra quelli più economici). Il motivo della scelta era un pro-memoria: la distilleria che lo produce è situata in una piccola valle nella costa sud dell'isola di Islay, ed è particolarmente vicina alle rovine del Castello di Dunyveg. Era da quelle contrade che 1000 uomini erano partiti per combattere insieme a Robert the Bruce nella battaglia di Bannockburn nel 1314.
In quella battaglia il suo avo Sir Warldo Winnicott Willaby (detto The Web) si era distinto gloriosamente. Robert the Bruce, non potendogli assegnare un casato, nel 1318 lo condusse Castle Dunyveg in and handed him a key to the underworld. If it were necessary, that access was still available, but the memory of Winnie was beginning to lose a few shots, so here the reason for the Legavulin.
Winnie looked at the Lapis malvitensis that was contained in the bag. He had seen the first time in 1734, then he had personally found myself Annuradapurha, Sri Lanka, in 1881, had reported in Italy, and reburied in Malvern. Then he knew he had been brought in an American museum and subsequently stolen. And now, the Powers below direttamentye had delivered to his house. All of this made sense, but Winnie could not find it, especially after the third glass of Legavulin.
"Strange said ...- - in the bag should have been the original version of the story ..."
the doorbell rang. Winnie hated to sound at the door when his feet were soaking.


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