Monday, July 27, 2009

Can U Get Shingles In Your Head

was beginning to turn brown. A light mist exhaled from the lawn, mossy stones, from the rose bush Chinensis Viridiflora, pride of the old people. The night descended like a curtain at the windows blue. They lit the lights. A smell of gas that had received little earlier, but was defeated by the scents of the garden, had a reason. There was a big bang, a bright light. The old people were thrown out the window, had time to exchange a last look and fell, far away over the border fence.

The shock was felt as soon as the ground seemed to welcome them, support them, but then they sucked. Slid tunnel in a sticky, smelly, more and more slowly until ...
"Do you understand why we never moved from here?"
"You talk about this cave?"
"And what else could I speak?"
"You want to talk about the gas that you left open?"
"Who else?"
"Forget it"

"Are not you afraid?"
"Do not you ever afraid when you are sure to fulfill your destiny"

kept slipping, ever more slowly ...


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