Sunday, July 26, 2009

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Il mitologema è the archetypal pattern, enriched by elements of their culture, giving rise to the myth. The abandonment of a child who survived and grown, is causing profound changes is a mythologeme; The story of Moses, Romulus and Paris are the myths which it originated. Mythologems I would say that the mythic material in accordance with the known theory of Vladimir Propp would give rise to the fables, together with historical reminiscences. Outrage is a Carnival

mythologeme. For

mythologeme, as defined Károly Kerényi means a complex of mythic material that is constantly being revised, reshaped and reorganized.

's why the word End is a term disambiguation. Who wants to hear,.

And this is the premise.

Now let's finish this book (?) By evaluating the final (?). The complex of mythic material produced here, continually revised, shaped and reshaped, as suddenly suffers a violent interruption. The question arises as a result of a complicity between the author, who probably wants to go on holiday, and the founder who has no other tasks than to establish and then af-found story. If this were a schism could be just around the corner, and Klaus Myrrdin could close their partnership. Even these lines are in danger of not seeing the light because the pdf definitivo è già stato realizzato senza aspettare un eventuale altro testo. Temo quindi di non avere altre occasioni per raccontarvi cosa è successo a tutti i personaggi di questa storia dopo la fine prematura annunciata dal fondatore. I miei saluti più cari.


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