Friday, December 4, 2009

How Do I Make A Homemada Double Boiler


These "blue men" from the characteristic dark blue turban and wearing the veil that always covers the their face (litham) live in the desolate expanse of the central Sahara. Descendants of the Berbers, have maintained unchanged or nearly so, the purity of the race, remaining faithful to centuries-old traditions and cultures. The name Tuareg, the singular Signs, was given to them by the Arabs and means "the forsaken by God" because of their opposition to the teaching of Muhammad. Converts to Islam 1200 years ago by the Arabs, the Tuaregs have kept intact pagan beliefs, or at least, pre-Muslim:
- is the man and the woman to keep her face covered
- are not used to pray five times a day facing Mecca
are monogamous - are convinced that the trees and stones possessing a soul and carry amulets to ward off the jinn, the evil spirits that inhabit the Sahara.
once ferocious predators are now living on pastoralism practiced by their servants. The Tuareg of the social order is based on the distinction of four classes: the nobles, vassals, servants and workers. The noble class are the purest and elect the king. If a man has more slaves than he needed, granting them freedom, but only if they are young and strong enough to take care of themselves. Old and sick slaves are never released, and their owner must maintain them.
The Tuareg who own land, living in villages where the houses are rectangular with flat roof, made of bricks and stones, but the homes of the nomads, tents or huts are mounted. Generally, the curtain is formed by a cover made from several skins of wild sheep and sheep sewn together and is supported by a high pole in the middle, the sides are attached to many extreme shorter poles, fixtures securely to the ground.
society is matriarchal type: Tuareg women, must face uncovered, enjoy di molte libertà e prendono parte alle decisioni che guidano le comunità. La tradizione vuole che siano state proprio loro a introdurre tra gli uomini l'uso del "taguelmust". Sono le depositarie principali della scrittura e quindi responsabili dell'educazione dei figli. Circa la metà di tutti i bambini sono orfani di madre, infatti, più di 2/3 delle donne muoiono dando alla luce i propri figli. Se un bambino perde la madre, viene accolto subito da un'altra famiglia ed allevato con lo stesso amore che si ha per un figlio proprio. L'unico mezzo di educazione è una parola di rimprovero o di monito. Battere un bambino è considerato crudele.
La rapina non è calcolata come delitto ma atto eroico. Il ladrocinio è invece ritenuto and even the infamous slave steal. A murder takes revenge with murder.
The greatest wealth of this nation is made up of cattle sheep and camels, the salt is very important to the economy of the Tuaregs, barter it with tea, sugar, textiles, sorghum, mats, sorghum. The Tuareg people are very healthy and rarely get sick. In the evening, they find themselves sitting around the fire telling stories to children and adults.

taken from (

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For hijab is commonly understood that the scarf covering her head and shoulders of women Muslim. The term derives from the Arabic verb "hajaba" (hide) and indicates, in its original meaning, every obstacle placed in front of an object or an individual to escape the view of others. In this case, the hijab is intended to protect women from lustful glances and unwanted attention. In general it can be composed of two parts: the first headset that picks up and covers her hair, holding fe rmi, and a veil itself that is placed on it, often leaving the headset protrude from under the veil. The hijab can be any color, some women the prefer black, others white and other fancy is pinned under the chin with a pin. The tips of the scarf can be dropped softly on the body or for reasons of convenience, wrapped around the neck like a scarf, especially when you have to carry out practical. I n general is accompanied by a tunic or a feather duster, but it can also be worn with ordinary clothes, skirts, shirts and pants as long as "adequate." The skirt should be long, large shirt, with sleeves that reach below the elbows and when worn on the trousers, not too short. The veil is considered an integral part of Islam by many Muslims. Attach the hijab is like attacking the right of a Christian to bear the cross, or the right of a jew to wear the yarmulke.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Best Portable Projector For My Laptop

Make Water in the Desert

Dig A Few curved holes (the more the better) about half a meter deep so the moist subsoil That is Clearly visible. If you are in the dryer Conditions, dig the hole a bit Deeper, As It Is Essential That Clearly visible is the moist subsoil. If there are any plants, throw them in the hole as well.

Survey the land for signs of dried out river beds; these are the best places to seek moisture.
Do not dig the hole in the shade. The process needs direct sunlight to work correctly. Look around and make sure that shade won't move over your solar still before evening arrives.
You may lose more water perspiring while digging than the still will generate for you in the end, depending on the moisture in the soil, how hard the soil is to dig, and what you're digging it with.
Urinating in the hole provides extra moisture and is sanitary because only the water evaporates.
This technique can also be used to purify dirty water, including urine[1]--anything but radiator fluid.[2] Instead of digging a hole, replace the hole with a larger container containing the tainted water and do everything else the same. If you don't have a container, pour the tainted water directly in the hole.
Place an open coffee can, mug, cup or canteen in the center of each hole. If you have a length of plastic tubing, you can run it from the bottom of the coffee can out the edge of the hole. You can use the tubing to suck the water from the can without dismantling the still.
Lay a taut piece of clear plastic wrap across the top of the hole. To create a seal, pour sand in a circle around the hole along the outside of the plastic wrap. Pour the sand an inch or two from the edge of the plastic wrap. Ensure that there are no gaps not sealed by the sand. The plastic wrap must seal the hole shut; if it is punctured the water will not condense.
Place a small to medium sized rock in the center of the plastic wrap so that the plastic wrap dips to a point above the can. Keep the plastic wrap from touching the can or else the water will not drip into the can.
Sit back and wait for the sun to evaporate water out of the moist soil and any plants you threw in there. The water will condense on the plastic wrap because it cannot escape the hole and will drip into the can. If you have the plastic tubing, drink from that.
Once the sun dries the subsoil in that hole, start the process all over by digging another hole or just dig deeper.

Plant Condensation
Put a clear plastic bag on the end of a plant or small tree branch.
Make sure the bag is sealed as tightly as possible around the branch. The plant transpires water during the process of transpiration. A clear plastic bag is necessary to maintain photosynthesis.
Water vapor will collect and condense in the bag. Make sure the water collecting in the bag won't drip out.
Wait until evening for maximum condensation before removing bag.
Switch the bag to another branch and repeat.

Make sure you leave it long enough for the process to take place. In somewhere like the desert where it is really hot, it should take a couple of hours; in places with less sunlight it can take half a day.

Contrary to what is written in some popular survival books, the solar still will not provide adequate water to keep a person alive, even if it is constructed in moist soil. It is a last resort, so don't wander into the desert without enough water, thinking "Oh, if I run out, I'll just suck water out of the soil!" Those might be your last words.
This survival trick is actually far more useful in purifying water that may be contaminated than it is for obtaining water.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Watch


Forse non tutti sanno che esistono alcune piante ed insetti, abitanti di ambienti desertici, che hanno la capacità di essiccarsi completamente durante la stagione calda senza che le loro molecole biologiche subiscano danni. Infatti, as soon as the first rains fall and are rehydrated, these bodies (called criptobionti) are able to resume very soon, their life cycle. This ability to survive dehydration due to the presence of large quantities of an unusual sugar: trehalose, which allows them to survive in a "state of suspended animation" in the absence of water. The same thing happens Artemio Salina, a shrimp that live in very salty water and can survive without water due to the production of trehalose. This sugar also allows certain types of frogs to survive in virtually frozen.
What can tie these terrific organizations to our agro-industries, farmaceutiche e biomediche?
Ce lo spiega Mario De Rosa, ordinario di biochimica alla Seconda Università di Napoli e coordinatore del Centro regionale di competenza per le Applicazioni tecnologiche industriali di biomolecole e biosistemi, con ben ventisei brevetti nel proprio curriculum scientifico, la maggior parte dei quali riguardano le biotecnologie: ha lavorato soprattutto nel campo del farmaco brevettando in Usa sistemi che riguardano la stabilizzazione delle molecole, i sistemi di rilascio controllato ed i processi produttivi. La produzione di trealosio, o meglio i processi di produzione di questo zucchero, isolato per la prima volta proprio da quegli organismi che vivono nel deserto, costituisce parte degli ultimi brevetti depositati da De Rosa perchè This sugar can be used as a sweetener and as a preservative for dried and frozen products and can find many applications that are still being tested. "The sugar trehalose is a very important short-will spread in the market - said De Rosa - It appears a bit 'less sweet than sucrose but has important biological functions: it interacts with macromolecules, stabilizing and slowing the processes of degradation, trehalose is finding application as a stabilizer of enzymes, particularly in the food sector to maintain its nutritional value, tastes and smells of dried foods as this will mean that the volatiles do not go away: there are many patents filed in various stages of research in this regard. "For a long time, however, the very high cost of production of trehalose do not have permission to use a large scale until the Japanese, and the University of Naples in isolation, have invented a process convert the starch into trehalose by the use of two enzymes. Those Japanese are enzymes derived from mesophilic organisms (ie living at very low temperatures and are unstable), "our enzymes instead - said De Rosa - are isolated from a bacterium living in Solfatara at very high temperatures: this is the bacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus, a thermophilic bacterium that lives in hot water and sulfuric acid. "Researchers Neapolitans, quindi, isolato gli enzimi utili e li hanno fatti produrre ad un altro batterio.
"Abbiamo prelevato i geni che codificano questi enzimi e li abbiamo immessi in microrganismi che vivono a temperatura ambiente - precisa il professore - in tal modo per ottenere il downstream, ovvero la purificazione del batterio dagli enzimi che non servono, basta bollire il batterio stesso e ciò perchè gli enzimi utili sono attivi solo ad alta temperatura: il procedimento è industriale ma non costa niente ed il batterio intero, ormai morto, dopo il trattamento tecnico può essere usato come catalizzatore per trasformare l'amido in trealosio". Attualmente questo brevetto è in corso di valutazione industriale per l'enorme rilevanza che potrebbe rivestire. Le in fact, possible applications are endless, such as in the production of dried fruits and all the freeze-dried or dried hot: the addition of trehalose causes water to be added as soon as the product does not differ more than cool. In the food and confectionery then could have a major impact on the conservation and use of eggs, because the two components, egg white and yolk are normally sold separately and red you can not keep anything dry because of the properties of the red 'egg, with the addition of trehalose yolks can be dried and reused by adding water. The use of trehalose is also being evaluated in the field of
panificazione perchè molto probabilmente può essere sfruttato per far indurire il pane più lentamente, per avere cioè pane fresco per una settimana, riuscendo quindi a farne una produzione industriale.
"Attulmente l'Università sta collaborando con l'azienda agricola Dolce Irpinia per l'applicazione del trealosio - racconta De Rosa - abbiamo sviluppato un processo per candire le castagne perchè gli zuccheri tradizionali reagiscono con le proteine e si imbruniscono e ciò è sinonimo di invecchiamento e degradazione. Il trealosio sostituisce questi zuccheri rendendo il prodotto migliore per due motivi: non imbrunisce ed è meno dolce. La società già is producing these candies. "You have to consider that the current industrial trehalose sugar costs three times the municipality or 4 or $ 5 per kilo but both glucose and trehalose are derived from starch and sugar also common, with this new production process Costs are likely to upheaval.
"In a public system that is evolving towards industry - said the professor - the patent culture is important and requires a skill acquired. Here we are trying to train young people who have the culture of the patent with the aim of developing a research activity that starts from the beginning with this logic. "This is a new way of thinking and research in the University's assets country: a vision in which the patent takes a node and the defense of the invention became one of the cornerstones of the growing relationship between the public research system and industrial activity. "Unfortunately - concludes De Rosa - Italy here in the patent literature does not have the rigor of the scientific"
looks like sucrose. Sugar for the excellence unites even the same chemical formula, but there are structural differences that make it its strength. It is of trehalose, a sugar that has a capacity "bioprotettive and could one day be used, as well as in" food and cosmetics, to preserve stem cells, antibodies and vaccines. But

also be used to store the plasma in dust, so "for use on the battlefield in times of extreme emergency. Just as with the coffee
" instantaneous, it is sufficient to add "water for healing, for example , wounded soldiers. This sugar, which is synthesized by a class of organisms, extremophiles, capable of withstanding a habitat deemed prohibitive for life, past and "won the prize international set" L "Hours" AL and the "UNESCO" For Women in Science "to a" Italian, Federica Migliardo, a researcher of 32 years.
Siciliana di Messina, Migliardo explains all "Adnkronos
Health its commitment in the study of "a protocol that would allow the use of bio-trehalose as a preservative, or rather as a stabilizer

DR. FEDERICA Migliardo

Dott. Federica Migliardo Migliardo Federica Messina was born in March 30, 1975 and graduated with honors in Physics at the age of 22 academic years (1996 / 97 aa) at the Department of Physics, University of Messina. In 2001 she was awarded the prize, announced by the Italian Physical Society (SIF) as the best graduate Italy, after May 1994. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics in the academic year 2000/2001 with a thesis entitled "Neutron Spectroscopy of Biophysical Interest in Complex Systems." In 2003 he won the prize, announced by the National Institute for the Physics of Matter (INFM), for the best doctoral dissertation in Italy in the period 2000-2003. He attended the course from 17/02/2002 to 28/03/2002 "Formation pour les utilisateurs Doctorale Europeenne des grand instruments, Higher European Research Course for User of Large Experimental Systems," HERCULES 2002 "in Grenoble, France. From 2002 to 2006 she held a fellowship at the Department of Physics, University di Messina. Ha svolto una prolungata attività di ricerca all’estero nell’ambito del Progetto Galileo Italia-Francia per la mobilità dei ricercatori intitolato “Meccanismi fisici dell’efficacia di bioprotezione del trealosio”, e ha realizzato numerosi esperimenti di scattering di neutroni presso le principali facilities europee (ILL a Grenoble (F), ISIS a Chilton (UK), LLB a Parigi (F), BENSC a Berlino (D)). Dal Luglio 2003 al Novembre 2004 è stata assunta come ricercatrice ATER presso il Laboratoire de Dynamique et Structure des Matériaux Moléculaires dell’Université des Sciences et Technologies di Lille, Francia, dove ha svolto attività istituzionali di ricerca e didattica.
L’attività di ricerca è stata preponderatamente svolta nel campo della struttura della materia con particolare riferimento alla comprensione dei meccanismi molecolari dei processi di bioprotezione; è attestata da oltre 80 pubblicazioni, da oltre 70 comunicazioni a congresso e da un brevetto per invenzione industriale n. ME2004A16. Ha svolto dal 2000 attività didattica sia in Italia che all’estero. E’ cultrice della materia per il Settore Scientifico Disciplinare FIS/01 per il Corso di Laurea in Biotecnologie della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Messina ed esercitatore per il Settore Scientifico Disciplinare FIS/01 della Facoltà di Scienze MM. FF. NN. dell’Università degli Studi di Messina. E 'joint responsibility of the European Project of the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Community "Finding promising drug Candidates Against tuberculosis with multidisciplinary protocol based non-conventional search.
In 2005 he received the "L'Oréal Italy for Women and Science" organized by UNESCO-L'Oréal conferred by a commission chaired by Professor Umberto Veronesi, for distinguishing himself in physics for research in Life Sciences . It 'was a guest of honor at the Conference "Women in Science" at the Genoa Science Festival, 2005 edition (October 27 to November 7, 2005), and the Sixth Congress of the International Forum Mediterranean Women's "10 years after Beijing and Barcelona: Euro-Mediterranean Policies from partnership to a good neighbor. Position and rights of women between reality and utopia "at the UNESCO Centre in Turin (23-27 November 2005), where he participated in the work and the writing of the report of the Workgroup" Knowledge, skills and labor market. "
The first issue of 2006 of the Newsletter of the Research and Statistics of the National Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE), the publication founded with the aim of providing updates and insights on the major issues of international trade in goods, services and capital, was dedicated to the research conducted by trehalose Dr. F. Migliardo and was presented at the booth of ICE designated institutional representative system in Italy of Italian research in the Annual International Convention of the Biotechnology Industry Organization BIO 2006, exhibition and conference that, since 1992, annually attracts more than 1000 exhibitors and tens of thousands of academics, researchers, experts and entrepreneurs from every continent and is aimed at operators of the various sectors of biotechnology (biomedicine, bioinformatics, food, environment and bioenergy), held in Chicago from 9 to 12 April 2006.
E 'organizer of the International Workshop "Neutron Scattering Highlights on Biological Systems", to be held in Taormina 7 to 10 October 2006 and curator of the exhibition "Science for Food" as part of Science Festival of Genoa, 2006 edition, which will be held from October 28 to November 7, 2006.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

How To Eliminate Phone Static



Morocco, the Maghreb Arab means West. It is a state in North Africa, bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, east and southeast by Algeria, south and west from the Western Sahara from the Atlantic Ocean. The state has an area of \u200b\u200b453,730 km ².

Territory The territory comprises the plains of Morocco's largest and highest mountains in North Africa and is divided into four regions: the mountains of the Rif, parallel to the Mediterranean coast, the Atlas Mountains, through the state for all the length of its territory, the wide coastal lowland, the southern plains and valleys which extend from the southern slopes of the Atlas to the Sahara Desert. Mount Toubkal (4165 m) in the Atlas range, is the highest in the paese.Lungo the Atlantic coast, uniform and low, followed by, from north to south, le fertili pianure attraversate dai fiumi principali. Invece la costa mediterranea è alta e frastagliata. I fiumi del paese, non sono adatti alla navigazione, quindi sono utilizzati per l'irrigazione e per la produzione di energia elettrica; i principali sono il Moulouya e il Sebou. La costa mediterranea presenta un clima subtropicale, temperato dalle influenze oceaniche; verso l'interno, gli inverni si fanno più freddi e le estati più calde. Le cime più alte sono coperte di neve per gran parte dell'anno. Nelle regioni nord-occidentali le piogge sono abbondanti, scarse a oriente e a sud. La vegetazione dominante del territorio del Marocco è la steppa arbustiva (specie erbacee e graminacee), mentre nelle regioni costiere il clima ha favorito Development of the Mediterranean. There are forests of pine and cork oak trees in the regions of higher altitude. On the lower southern slopes of the Anti-Atlas is a desert type of vegetation. The wildlife includes European and African species: the fox, rabbit, boar, otter, squirrel, gazelle, baboon, wild goat, the snake.
issues and environmental protection

Soil erosion, along with the lack of water resources and desertification is one of the major environmental problems in Morocco. The country's natural water supplies and water on the coast are contaminated with oil and polluted from sewage of major cities. Have been established some parks (two of which are national) and reserves for environmental protection.
The Moroccan government has taken measures to protect the ozone layer, protection of wetlands and biodiversity as the abolition of nuclear testing and pollution of marine origin.

Population, language and religion

The population is mostly settled on the coast, and the two main ethnic groups in Morocco are the Berbers (40%, indigenous ethnic group of Morocco) and the Arabs, there are also other minorities French and Jews. The Berber language is spoken by 24%, but the official language is Arabic.
The religion practiced by most of the population is Islam.

Division Planning and ordering of the state

The territory of Morocco is divided into 16 regions, each subdivided into 71 departments and protectorates.
The city and the most important port in the country after the capital Rabat, Casablanca, other major commercial cities are Marrakech, Fez and Tangier (the Strait of Gibraltar).
Morocco is a constitutional monarchy (based on the Constitution of 1962, which gave more powers to the sovereign), since 1996 more emphasis was given to Parliament, with the introduction of a system bicameral.
The sovereign (male) is the executive and as head of state, has the power to appoint the Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister.
Legislative power is exercised by the bicameral system of Parliament: House of Representatives consists of 325 members elected every five years by universal suffrage, the House of Councillors with 270 members elected every nine years by indirect suffrage.
The judiciary is the Supreme Court (based in Rabat) and is based on Islamic law and French law. It is in effect the death penalty.


-primary sector
Morocco's economy is based mainly on agriculture, which is committed to 6% of the workforce. 21% of the country is cultivated with cereals (wheat and barley), potatoes, olives, dates, vegetables, fruit (grapes), vegetables and sugar beet.
Other important resources of the country are: the breeding of goats, cattle and sheep, the production of timber extracted from forests (used as fuel), fishing for tuna, anchovies, mackerel and shellfish
-secondary sector
There are Large deposits of phosphates, but also coal, silver, tin, zinc, manganese, lead, iron, cobalt and crude oil.
Industrial enterprises, whose production of material building, chemical products, textiles, food, wine and refined oil, are small. They are also manufactured in wood, carpets, ceramics and leather, but at the level of craftsmanship.
-tertiary sector
export products are phosphates and phosphoric acid in greater quantity, and citrus fruits, wheat and fish.
are imported machinery for industry, food and fuel.
Morocco trades more with Germany, Italy, France, Spain, USA, United Arab Emirates.
The lines of communication are the most important ports of Casablanca, Agadir, Kenitra, Safi and Tangier.


The literacy rate is 52% all'struzione through the requirement for all children aged 7 to 13 years, since 1963. The universities are the most important: Karaouine the University of Fes, the oldest (founded in 859), where teachings are given traditional (Islamic law and theology), the Mohamed V University (Rabat), the University Hassan II (Casablanca). Despite
in Morocco are many successive civilizations (Phoenician, Greek, Carthaginian, Roman and Christian), is currently a country of culture purely Arab. Among the major cultural institutions are cited the National Library of Morocco, in Rabat, and the Archaeological Museum in Tetouan, in which important works of art and artifacts Carthaginians, Romans and Muslims.

The Muslim conquest

In the mid-7th century, the Arabs start to the conquest of North Africa. The first raid took place in Morocco on 681. In 703, Ibn Moussa Noceir takes hold across the country. He attempts to subjugate and convert the Berber people. In the years 710-713, the Arabs go to Andalusia, the majority of troops are Berber.

mid 8th century, some movements of riot arising from the Berber tribes. The country will come out from confusion with the founding of the United Idrissid.

The "Idrissid"

Birth of the first Moroccan dynasty

endless wars of succession dot the history of Islam. Imo Idris, a descendant of Fatima (the Prophet's daughter) and Ali, takes up arms against the authority of Baghdad, becomes leader and Imam of the Berber tribes. This alliance is sealed by the marriage of a Berber Idris. At that time, Morocco was separated Abbasid empire.

Idris Imo is poisoned by the caliph Haroun Errashid of Baghdad in 791, his son Idris • Place is then recognized as the new king in 809. Birth of the First Dynasty Moroccan.

Idris II extends its authority in the South and East, with the intent to unify those areas. An organized state is then created. The volume of trade are developed.

Fez becomes the crossroads of the streets of Morocco, and is promoted as the capital of the country. It is an important intellectual and religious center.

After the death of Idris II in 828, his successors are questioning his work of unification.

From 11th to 15th century

Since the 11th century, the Maghreb builds its units around Islam. Three great dynasties succeed and lead in them the ambition of an empire. The

"Almoravid" (1055-1147): the conquerors reformists

The Amoravid descended from the tribe of Sanhagia. Religious warriors, they reign over the caravan routes of the Western Sahara and start to conquer the fertile lands of the North.

occupy half of the Maghreb and extend the boundaries to Senegal. Their progression is rapid: Sigilmassa power in 1055, the foundation of Marrakesh in 1062, winning the Ben Youssef Tashfin head of the King of Castile in Andalusia support for the principles in full Christian reconquest.

Their achievements lead to the intensification of trade between North and South.

The arts are experiencing a moment renewal, linked to the Andalusian influences, Moroccan and sahrariana.

successors have difficulty managing this vast empire, weakened by pressure by the Christians of Spain and the tribe remains. The

"Almohad" (1147-1269): Towards a unified and powerful Maghreb

Oriundi Moroccan High Atlas, the Almohad come to power by Ibn Toumert. Head writer, a partisan of radical religious reform, aims to give Islam a new doctrine.

His successor, Abd el Moumen takes hold of Marrakech in 1147. Become a "Commander of the Faithful."

true statesman, endows the country's administration, a road network and an effective maritime fleet. Excellent

military, he leads the war against Spain and North Africa that unifies becomes the first Mediterranean power over land and sea.

His nephew, Yacoub el Mancour, founder of the capital city, Rabat, is the most brilliant of his successors.

The Almohad dynasty is the height of greatness since 1160, until about 1215:

Islamization deep, peaceful and prosperous empire, intellectual heyday (brilliant court, Averoè) and artistic (construction of the Koutoubia Marrakech the Giralda of Seville, della Torre Hassan a Rabat…).

Il Dinar Almohad è la valuta di scambio nel Mediterraneo.

La grande potenza almohad è minacciata dalla spinta cristiana in Spagna e dalla perdita di controllo delle rotte del Sahara.

I “Merinid” (1269-1465) : i grandi costruttori

I Beni Merin (Merinid) sono dei nomadi non sottomessi oriundi degli Alti Piani. Partono alla conquista del potere sin dal 1248, con la presa di Fès, edificano la loro nuova capitale, Fès el-Jeddid (Fès il nuovo) nel 1276. La loro ambizione è di ricostruire l’impero Magrebino.

Le città di Taddla, Sigilmassa, Rabat, Salé cadono una dopo l’altra. The capture of Marrakech in 1269, marks the beginning of the Merenids. Three large

Sultan counted:

Abou Youssef Yacoub, the first of the new dynasty, adopts the policy to be that of his successors. Defends Muslims of Spain, the Inquisition in full. Slows the progression of Christians to the south of Spain.

Abou El Hassan, the Sultan said Black, rebuilt in 1347 a Berber empire. You have some beautiful Black medersas the Sultan, the universities that are true intellectual centers. With them comes the English-Moorish art. The medersa "Attarin" Fes is the most elegant and arguably the most perfect monument ever Merinids conservato. Grandi costruttori, i Merinid hanno edificato tanti palazzi e fortezze quanti monumenti religiosi.

Abou Inan, suo successore, deve fare fronte alle tribù rivali. Perde alcune parti importanti del territorio.

I Merinides si indeboliscono e la dinastia si esaurisce.

Gli “Ouattasid” (1465-1549)

La dinastia degli Ouattasid (1465-1549) succede ai Merinid. Per un secolo, deve fare fronte ad una grave crisi economica e politica, che è esasperata dalle lotte interne. Sin dall’inizio del 15° secolo, i Portoghesi e gli Spagnoli prendono piede sulle coste marocchine. Come reazione, cresce il desiderio di una guerra santa nella mente dei Marocchini.

the Independence

the Independence before the Europeans (from the 15th century to 19th century)

For two centuries, from the mid-15th century to the mid-16th century, Morocco is experiencing a period of unrest and uncertainty. However, this is a pin and the time period is marked by the development of maritime trade with Europe at the expense of trade saharariano. The role of Morocco, an intermediary between Europe and Africa, is regressing. The country enters gradually in a fallback position.

I "Saadiìn" (1525-1659): Sovereign internationally renowned

I Saadiìn sono oriundi della valle del Souss. Sono chiamati dai marabut delle oasi del sud a guidare la guerra santa contro i Portoghesi i cui consorzi minacciano il commercio tras-sahariano. Prendono Marrakech nel 1525, che torna ad essere la capitale del Paese.

Sotto Mohammed Esheikh, i Saadiìn cacciano i cristiani da Agadir, da Safi e da Azemour, dal 1541. Con l’aureola dell’eroe, il capo saadiano diventa il sultano di tutto il Paese.

Sotto il suo regno, il Marocco resiste all’impero ottomano. Nel 1578, pone un termine alle ambizioni portoghese in Marocco (la “Battaglia dei Tre Re”).

Ahmed el Mansour è un sovrano di fama internazionale. La conquista della strada dell’oro For its part to ensure the country a major economic recovery. From its shipments to Sudan, brings with it an immense fortune. Under the dynasty

Saadians Morocco experienced a period fausto:

army reinforcements

development of crafts and agriculture,

growth in trade with Europe,

launch of a new administration

Ascension Saadian is accompanied by a cultural importance, the construction of large buildings richly decorated that there are countless others. Marrakech is now the biggest depository of art Saadia. The

"Alauiìn" (from 1659 a oggi): i Fondatori dell’impero dei sceriffi

Discendente da Ali, il genero del Profeta, gli Alauiìn sono gli unici a potere rivendicare l'accesa al trono, lasciato vacante dai Saadiìn. Oriundi del Tafilalet, ottengono il loro primo successo prendendo il controllo delle vie del commercio nel Sahara.

Guidato dal loro capo Mulay Rashid, prendono Fès nel 1666.

Fratello e successore di Mulay Rashid, Mulay Ismaïl (1672-1727) è il sultano più famoso del Marocco. Il suo prestigio è paragonabile a quello di Luigi XVmo con il quale manteneva dei legami diplomatici.

Costruisce Meknès, capitale della dinastia alaouita.

Il principale obiettivo di Mulay Ismaïl è di ristabilire l’ordine ed d’instaurare l’impero sceriffiano. Lotta contro gli usurpatori, contro le tribù non sottomesse, contro i Turchi e contro i Cristiani. Egli crea un esercito potente composto di discendenti da schiavi neri e da rinnegati.

Fa erigere delle fortezze (80) all’ingresso delle grandi città. Riconquista la maggior parte delle città della costa atlantica che si trovano in mani agli Europei. Il Paese gode quindi del prestigio dovuto alla personalità del suo sovrano. Nel 1718, il sultano taglia con la Francia e con la Spagna. Alla sua morte, subentra il disordine.

Le crisi si susseguono e contribuiscono all’isolamento del Paese.

It will take 30 years to see the country regain composure. The peace is the merits of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah (1757-1790). He founded Essaouira in 1765 to monitor and encourage trade with the outside world. It 's the first head of state to recognize the independence of the United States.

In the first 800, in the reign of Moulay Sliman, Morocco turns back on itself. First, the crisis of succession, then the disruption of maritime policy, and then a slowdown in trade with Europe, and terrible epidemics (1798-1800) leave the country bloodless.

Morocco in the twentieth century

In the second half of the 19th century, the powers Europe becoming more and more their attraction to the new routes of the Mediterranean. The support from Morocco to the Algerian emir Abd el Kader leads to the signing of the Treaty of Tangier (1844) and the Agreement of Tetuan (1860), which formalized the defeat of Morocco in front of the three Western powers: Spain, France and Great Britain.

Sultan Mulay Hassan relies on differences of interests that oppose these three powers to save the independence of his country.

Independence is relative:

In 1880, the Madrid conference marks the economic penetration of the great powers in Morocco.

In 1906, the Algeciras Conference places il Marocco sotto protettorato di alcune potenze, a favore della Francia.

Nel 1907, le truppe francesi sbarcano per la prima volta a Casablanca.

Il 30 marzo 1912, il protettorato francese viene proclamato.

Il Marocco del 20° secolo:Dal Protettorato all’Indipendenza

Il Protettorato della Francia viene esteso alla maggior parte del Paese, la Spagna riceve la regione del nord e l’estremo sud.

L’autorità è nelle mani del Residente-generale Lyautey (1912-1925). Egli si adopera ad ammodernare il paese mantenendo allo stesso tempo la sua identità : costruzione di strade, di ferrovie, di dighe, edificazione di città moderne.

Sin Since 1919, the War of the Rif (led by Abdelkrim El Khattabi) bursts in the English area. The French troops are involved. Peace will be restored in that region just before 1934.

In the early '30s, the international framework (economic crisis, rigid colonial policy) leads to the emergence of a new nationalist opposition, which launched a few years after the party Istiqlal (independence).

Sultan Mohammed V, who was accused of sympathy for the nationalists, is sentenced to exile in 1953. The strength of the Moroccan people is that Paris is forced to authorize the return of the sultan in 1955.

On March 2, 1956 is proclaimed independence Morocco.

Morocco of the twentieth century: From independence to date

Despite a difficult economic environment, it was His Majesty the King Mohammed V embarks on an ambitious program of renovation of the young Moroccan State:



Development 'tourism industry, development of the


Creating an army

Accession to the Arab League.

On March 3, 1961, the young man was SM Hassan II succeeded his father died Feb. 26.

With the Dahir of June 2, 1961, the Empire Sheriff becomes a "United Arab and Muslim." Determined to continue

the work of modernization of Morocco, was the King Hassan II is urged to proclaim a state of emergency until June 7, 1965 promulgated in 1972, the new Constitution.

The '70s, however, difficult years, two attempts of coup d'etat in July 1971 and August 1972.

The question of linking the Moroccan Sahara Moroccan people to his monarch and institutions:

Fu SM Hassan II organized a "Green March" November 6, 1975. 530,000 peaceful people cross borders with the former English Sahara.

The 90 lay down some important steps with a view to leveling the political and economic plans:

1992 adoption of a new Constitution;

1994, negotiations between Morocco and the European Union with a view to a partnership agreement;

September 13, 1996, adopted by referendum a new constitution that strengthened the powers of Parliament and creates a second chamber, the "House of Councillors."

July 23, 1999: HM King Hassan II died.

heir Prince Sidi Mohammed, his son, Mohammed VI was enthroned (36 years), the same day.

Friday, September 4, 2009

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Start programming ... AFRICAN SLEEPING

First I wrote a couple of e-mail to those who could accompany me, then I went to read some travel begin to have an idea.

The start would be September 1.

Long before the Bedouin Arabs, the Middle East to endless deserts, they go to the West (the Maghreb), North Africa was inhabited by Berbers, nomadic Yemeni origin perhaps, perhaps Ethiopia, like their cousins \u200b\u200bthe most famous , the Tuareg. From the fertile Mediterranean areas were forced to retreat into the mountains separating the Sahara from the coast. E 'then just why these people still fiero e pacifico si ritenga il vero, primo abitatore del Marocco, e di tutti i paesi africani che si affacciano sul Mediterrane.

La Catena montuosa dell'Atlante

La Catena montuosa dell'Atlante o Atlas, si estende tra Marocco, Algeria e Tunisia, per circa 2400 km di lunghezza ed è nata dall'avvicinamento della Placca africana e della Placca euroasiatica; è suddivisa in 7 diverse catene montuose: Anti Atlante, Alto Atlante, Medio Atlante, Grande Atlante, Piccolo Atlante, Atlante Telliano e Atlante Sahariano e le prime tre si trovano in Marocco.

The highest peak is the Jbel Toubkal (4165 m), located in the Upper Atlas, a few kilometers from Marrakech.
Anti Atlas (Anti Atlas) to the south of Morocco, overlooking the Sahara Desert, the High Atlas (Haut Atlas) almost horizontally across the country, from the Atlantic coast to the desert and the Middle Atlas (Moyen Atlas) , extends north to meet the Rif chain, which stretches along the Mediterranean coast and is characterized by low vegetation, bushes and olive trees.

The mountains of Morocco were recently discovered as a tourist destination, the scenery is different, as the beautiful cedar forests where leopards still live in Morocco and the Berber villages that cultivate small plots of land and raise goats and camels. You can ski all year round on the perpetual snow, hiking and riding the sand dunes in motion.

The Atlas Mountains are characterized by a landscape of contrasting yet seductive, you can reach the highest peaks rising from the rocky valley along small dirt roads that run in the middle of huge rock masses and climb through forests of oaks. Along the way you encounter the frozen lakes, streams and small villages built on rocky cliffs, up to the snowy peaks. From time to time, the landscape becomes more arid and barren, where the mountain opens in vertiginous canyons.

For the adventurous there is the possibility excursions to the Atlas, walking on the footpaths and mule tracks, accompanied by a local guide and using mules to carry food and equipment, you can choose to stay overnight in villages, in huts or tents.

A witness to the charm, according to legends and stories of the people of the Maghreb has always been the mountains of the Atlas Mountains rise in visitors of this beautiful region of Morocco, there is a work in oil on canvas by Winston Churchill called "Sunset on Atlas Mountains, "this context, the British prime minister likely painted in 1935 from the balcony of his room at the Hotel Mamounia in Marrakech, reveals how the romantic beauty of these places had even managed to enthrall even the mind of a person known to the world for their steadfastness, persistence and pragmatism.


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Randonnées merveilleuses sur les montagnes du Maroc

Leaving Tangier, once the Rif mountains to Taza, from here you can climb up to the Moyen Atlas Azital where you go up the chain of the High Atlas, with peaks over 4,000 meters of altitude . These mountains in winter and spring lend themselves to touring, and when the snows have melted by now become the scene of trekking more or less long , which not only offer interesting views, let d i through numerous villages and come into contact with the local population. The Jebel Toubkal (4,167 m) is the highest peak in the chain. A Toukcal you enter the Anti Atlas that slowly descend to the sea, Temesquida, on 'Atlantic Ocean, from here after a day of rest and bathrooms will reach Agadir to return to their homeland.

Per la prima volta Manfredi si avvale di un professionista, una guida locale

English version

Departure from Tangeri, immediately the Rif mountains up to Taza, from here him it climbs o n the thin Moyen Atlas to Azital from where he climbs the chain of the tall Atlas with tops that overcome the 4.000 meters quota. These mountains in winter and spring are lent to the scialpinismo; when by now the snows they are loose they become theater of longer trekking, tha t besides offering interesting panoramas, they allow to cross numerous villages and to enter in contact with the local population. The Jebel Toubkal (m. 4.167) it is the tallest top of the chain. To Toukcal he enters the Anti Atlas that slowly they degrade toward the sea, to Temesquida, sull' Atlantic Ocean, from here after a few days of rest and baths I will reach Agadir to make
return in Country.

For the first time Manfredi uses of a professional a local guide

French version

Départ de Tangeri, immédiatement les montagnes Rif jusqu'à Taza, d'ici il il grimpe sur le Moyen Atlas mince à Azital de où il grimpe la chaîne du grand Atlas avec les sommets qui vainquent le quota de 4.000 compteurs. Ces montagnes en hiver et la source est prêtée au scialpinismo; quand maintenant les neiges ils sont dégagés ils deviennent théâtre de faire un trajet long et pénible plus longtemps, qu'excepté offrir des panoramas intéressants, ils autorisent à traverser de nombreux villages en le contact avec la population locale. Le Jebel Toubkal (m. 4.167) c'est le plus grand sommet de la chaîne.
À Toukcal il entre l'Anti Atlas qui lentement ils dégradent vers la mer, à Temesquida, sull' Océan
Atlantique, d'ici après quelques jours de reste et bains I reach Agadir to performance in the Country.

For the first time Manfredi uses a professional local guide

Monday, July 27, 2009

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Can U Get Shingles In Your Head

was beginning to turn brown. A light mist exhaled from the lawn, mossy stones, from the rose bush Chinensis Viridiflora, pride of the old people. The night descended like a curtain at the windows blue. They lit the lights. A smell of gas that had received little earlier, but was defeated by the scents of the garden, had a reason. There was a big bang, a bright light. The old people were thrown out the window, had time to exchange a last look and fell, far away over the border fence.

The shock was felt as soon as the ground seemed to welcome them, support them, but then they sucked. Slid tunnel in a sticky, smelly, more and more slowly until ...
"Do you understand why we never moved from here?"
"You talk about this cave?"
"And what else could I speak?"
"You want to talk about the gas that you left open?"
"Who else?"
"Forget it"

"Are not you afraid?"
"Do not you ever afraid when you are sure to fulfill your destiny"

kept slipping, ever more slowly ...

Quotes About Feeling Bloated

Colpi di coda

"He did not speak to us"
"He said Winnie, Breviglieri ... even Jason! All characters marginal of us "
" We are not characters, "
" No? "
" No "
" What would you think? "
" I do not know. But the story is over and we are still here. Will mean something, right? "
" You're always so optimistic! "
'It's better to be ..."
"You already said"
"I go into the cellar to fetch a bottle of Calvados"
"How to survive? "
" We'll make it "
" we were bored "
" wait "
" But we're old! "
" Then we die "
" You first, please "

What Can I Expect From Hospice?

Le aspettative di Myr

For the psychologist Muzafer Sheriff system expectations is essential for the existence same social group.
This, in brief, would be my response to the learned Flacca intervention.

I had expected. The word End affect it. The most direct consequences: the end of the temporary (?) The existence of the social group Klaus / Myr and especially the non-birth of the son of Kate and meat, which would give rise to a new dynasty that would have the task of presiding over the Last door. At the first child they would be followed by other three. In four would become the Guardians of the Four Cardinal Points and during the great flood Sobek, the crocodile god, would save them (on the order of Ra) and Breviglieri and Winnie would resume their role. Marlowe would then disappeared after seeing The Big Sleep, Jason ... but it is useless to go on. This is only the cloth that had been prepared before the word End .

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Approccio teoretico o approccio sistemico?

of Anentodio Friulzi said Flacca

The views expressed by Myr (see : Myrddin Emrys, Carnival Outrage "posfazione" ) about the epilogue and the statement "the end" (which are placed at any point of Carniani saga, namely the last chapter), suggest that the same Myrddin tackling the issue with a theoretical approach, ie assuming the roles, tasks and canonical setting of the novel in question are eventually met. This attitude is surprising, and the first reason is epistemology of theoretical character that is just from Myrddin, who did not hesitate to leave the house several times and to venture into the labyrinth of the narrative, not dispensing its presence in many of the levels of topologically Babel story of meat. His regret and apology to the readers are just a predictable effect of this approach? It would seem, but we are more likely to think of yet another lie of the most treacherous villain and author of the new century, which statutorily has not only made a mockery of the editors and readers but also of Marlowe himself, which he personally involved in another with a task that is only the most naive could look like unh attempt at a solution of the complicated narrative (in this regard to remember that Myr will have to pay 50% of the fees of Mr. Marlowe, + 24% of the remaining figure, having been his decision to sign him).
also surprising, because Myrddin has always been a promoter of systemic approaches, whose propellant pragmatic and actively adaptive ( "forget the rules of our training to accept what we are now, in the world to which we have reached. Some people there makes it, forget the ghosts of the past, and who is ready to bear the thought that our society is about to end. smoothly, because the speech is the same: a life is a life long, and alternatives to a life in a given momento non ce ne sono" ) sono stati determinanti in tutto lo sviluppo di Carne e derivati, legittimando incongruenze, fornendo un costante contributo euristico al racconto e in definitiva emancipando Carne e la sua storia dal rischio di una banalizzazione (appunto teoretica), che le povere energie di Klaus non avrebbero potuto evitare.
Sorprende infine il presunto rammarico, di fronte ad inequivocabili segni di cedimento e trasparenti intenzioni di voler desertificare il campo della vicenda (una serie di omicidi ingiustificati, ma soprattutto il fatidico "dormiamoci su", inaccettabile da un mago, che proprio nell'area tra sonno e veglia agisce e conduce gli sparuti ma tenaci lettori).

Sunday, July 26, 2009

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Il mitologema è the archetypal pattern, enriched by elements of their culture, giving rise to the myth. The abandonment of a child who survived and grown, is causing profound changes is a mythologeme; The story of Moses, Romulus and Paris are the myths which it originated. Mythologems I would say that the mythic material in accordance with the known theory of Vladimir Propp would give rise to the fables, together with historical reminiscences. Outrage is a Carnival

mythologeme. For

mythologeme, as defined Károly Kerényi means a complex of mythic material that is constantly being revised, reshaped and reorganized.

's why the word End is a term disambiguation. Who wants to hear,.

And this is the premise.

Now let's finish this book (?) By evaluating the final (?). The complex of mythic material produced here, continually revised, shaped and reshaped, as suddenly suffers a violent interruption. The question arises as a result of a complicity between the author, who probably wants to go on holiday, and the founder who has no other tasks than to establish and then af-found story. If this were a schism could be just around the corner, and Klaus Myrrdin could close their partnership. Even these lines are in danger of not seeing the light because the pdf definitivo è già stato realizzato senza aspettare un eventuale altro testo. Temo quindi di non avere altre occasioni per raccontarvi cosa è successo a tutti i personaggi di questa storia dopo la fine prematura annunciata dal fondatore. I miei saluti più cari.

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Toward the Unknown

"Dove siamo?" chiese Carne
"Zona Levante, a Quarto" rispose il Fondatore.
"Hmm, cosa? Hai fame?"
"Fai una bella cosa, mangiati quest'uovo sodo, l'avevo portato per me"
"Mi accudisci sempre"
"E già"
"Non ce n'hai sale?"
"No, ho solo un blisterino di Pea & Lerrins"
"OK, okay "
They stood a minute in silence as the egg slowly chewed meat.
" What is that kind of stele with the star? "
" In half an hour you'll know ... should imagine, however, "The sea was still breaking
. It was two seagulls, and then others.
A dark almost the first evening star appeared bright.
" Here "said the founder
" Merdelgeuse! The constellation of Galuscio
!..." "Yes"
"Come on," said Carne.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

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Just before the deadline

meat went down to the station Genova Brignole. He suffered the feeling of a city Latin music salsa and merengue came out loud a cloister arranged in a tree. Flower beds full of plastic bottles and litter, noise of construction sites and a lot of beggars and fat girls in short skirts and dark jeans. Many older.
had with them the agenda full of addresses. Marlowe was not persuaded, and so it was necessary to kill him and rummage among his papers.
We do not know exactly what were his meetings in this city. We know that out of the station has covered two directions: one goes to sea, the other toward the center of the city. But in the first case did not reach the press and in the latter did not reach the center, followed the roads indicated on the map, and we know that he stayed long in three buildings, entering due abitazioni private e nella redazione di una radio. Sappiamo che ha preso un caffè al bar Crippa sotto i portici di Corso Buenos Aires. Ha poi aspettato un 15 in direzione levante ed è sparito al nostro controllo. Siamo però certi, grazie alle intercettazioni ambientali e al decreto sicurezza, che ha avuto un incontro con il Fondatore.
"Avevo detto che non volevo coinvolgimenti eccessivi, e questo francamente..." disse il Fondatore
"Anch'io ne ho pieni i coglioni di coinvolgimenti"
"Prenditi un po' di ferie"
"Vorrei proprio ritirarmi, per la verità"
"Hai parlato con quei due?"
"Sono d'accordo, vogliono mettersi a scrivere sceneggiature di ragazzine con l'apparecchio o di gente sperduta an island "
" Type of the island famous? "
" No, like Lost "
" If they agree, what else do you need? "
" Only you can close this thing "
" I'm giving too much power ... "
" But you are the founder! .. Do you know what? meat was hungry, and everything that ensued. Apart from anything from there, I do not know if you know ...
"You think it's stupid?"
"No, I think dovresiti me out"
In your opinion, what should I do? "
"Take the job of the next post and simply write the word" fine "

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Dormiamoci sopra

" Would you stop writing? I know ... "
"There it is needed, you just have to believe in my version!"
"Bella this joke!"
"It's not mine, is Boston Legal"
"these are good writers!"
"Neither we are bad!"
"That's why we try ... we have a lot of material ready"
"Think of all the other stories"
"It would cost too much to stage"
"Not necessarily. If we choose the most beautiful dialogues can then be adapted to other situations"
"Give me an example ..."
"Do not be lazy, read a bit 'of texts and then give me an answer"
"Commands you now?"
"You know what I said?"
"Again, what?"
"I understand, dormiamoci on!"

Friday, July 24, 2009

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Comunicazione di servizio

Please note that the following requests for new characters have been turned down (next to the name the number of votes against):

- 1x Funk Reil, Seeker of Storms
- 1x Ethel, elemental starfish
- 1x Ala Sonica
- 1x Rom, Vizier of lianas
- 3x Mist Rias, Sonic
guardian - 1x holy fear
- 1x Syforce, elemental dawn
- 1x Blaze solar
- Laura 2x giga, sky guardian
- 2x Toel, vizier hope
- 1x Hanus, radiant elemental
- 1x Aeris, elemental air
- 1x herb spiral
- 3x flash of moonlight
- 2x emerald grass
- 2x solar radius
- 1x Ballas, Vizier of electrons
- 2x Ra Vu, Seeker of lightning
- 4x Miele, Vizier of Lightning
- 1x Fonce, Oracle
- 3x Gulan Rias, guardian footer
fast - 1x Tree rasoiospino
- 1x Milieus, bishop of the morning
- 1x jade tree senatine
- 1x pacos made, the guardian of the skies
- 1x Iere, vizier of bullets
- 1x Rhodes Gael, guardian of the night
- 1x Lok, Vizier of Hunting

Brazilian In Montreal

Nuove opportunità

"If immortality were outlawed, only criminals would be immortal"
"Would you explain?"
"It would seem un'aforisma, but it's only the transcription di una frase da Eleventh Hour , di cose così potremmo scriverne migliaia"
"E' un suggerimento?"
"Potrebbe essere. Da una parte ci sono i libri, dall'altra, con aumenti esponenziali, i telefilm. Perchè non passiamo alle sceneggiature?"
"Non so di cosa parli"
"Dimenticavo, tu non guardi la TV. E' un peccato!"
"Unicuique suum!"
"Lost, 4000, Heroes, 24, Bionic Woman, Alias, Nikita, Monk, Invasion, Jarod, Leverage, Moonlight, Life on Mars, Numb3rs, Prison Break, Six Feet Under, Dead Zone, Starter Wife, Ugly Betty, Vanished... ne ho scelti pochi , ne hai mai visto almeno uno?"
"Può darsi..."
"Il che significa che non hai visto nemmeno le nuove vie del cinema, i corti. Prova con Entity Nine oppure con Evelyn the cutest dead girl , dei capolavori!"

"E noi cosa dovremmo fare?"
"Prima documentati, poi ne parliamo"
"E la storia di Carne?"
"Con tutto quello che abbiamo scritto chiunque può portarla avanti... non c'è più bisogno di noi"

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La sospensione dell'incredulità

"Cazzo, ho appena eliminato due personaggi per tornare al cast originale e tu ne fai comparire degli altri!"
"La madre di Novantasei serve perchè altrimenti Novantasei ritorna ad essere solo un numero"
"Ammesso che you're right you could do without giving it a name and a surname, to speak to her for half a chapter ... Now, with a name and a surname, you did it become a character. Then did you have a child, which only serves to justify the fact that Jason has the original script ... "
" So I made credible ... "
" Since when does this story has any credibility? Have you ever heard of the suspension of disbelief? It 'a particular semiotic nature is the desire by the reader or viewer to suspend their critical faculties in order to ignore the minor inconsistencies and enjoy a work of fiction. Since when did you start writing you have done nothing but ... "
"And then '"
"So you've decided that it was necessary to put things on a rational level. So much that we begin to write a conventional novel ... it is just choose the genre."
"We must prepare for a new life just because I introduced a couple of characters to justify the fact that Jason has the original script ...?"
"If you give a semblance of credibility to what's happening, what happened and will happen in this story we will soon introduce a thousand new people ... Try to think what we have done around the Eiger! Even we have created Wilfred, a carpenter who trumpet the landlady ... as if it were important the fact that the old woman did give some shot by someone! "
" Meanwhile, it was called Wilfred Wilfried and not ... "
" And then, while he was, there we are kept for four chapters, one of them Semi porn! "
" While I was there, why not use it? "

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Come Jason Spengler venne in possesso del manoscritto

As department head to department stores LaFayette, Chaliza not if he drew badly. But the standard of life that had stemmed from something else. As a young girl had experienced a horrible young man: he had long hair blacks, with a tuft oily restarted continuously with your hand. A hand while flaccid and bony, pale waxen, his fingers long and sharp, ending in claws much smaller than necessary . His jacket, always strictly blue, he wore perpetually on his shoulders that he could look what is left in a bag of potato chips after being transported in a briefcase. The young Jason, the founder of Venkman, Spengler & Stantz, was engaged to a certain Kate Fuller for two years now, but he always gave the detour in the most animated, full of not only the prostitutes, but also many poor girls (waitresses, hotel, shampiste, or cashier orders) in search of lovers who can give them a year, a month or even just an evening of well-being. When he was young
Chaliza Mahlijt was very nice: of Turkish origin, had dark skin and captivating eyes. It was the fortune-teller. After reading Jason's hand was convinced that he could manipulate the young scion. Instead, Jason got her pregnant and disappeared. It was she to find him, just before giving birth, and putting it under threat of a lawsuit it had the prerogative to pass a month, but without her son was recognized. However, Jason had some interference in the life of the young, in the name coninciare: Sixty-nine he wanted to call it, in honor of his favorite sexual prtatica oversight, the curate of Sain-Martin as the log Ninety-six. Ninety-six
Spengler was raised in Gagny, in the large suburb of Paris. He had for some time 'in a radio DJ, then he tried to be a painter but eventually chose to survive to make the chart.
was a quarrelsome and taciturn young man, who only opened his mouth to argue and to vindicate his rights. Jason had never worried, but in recent times, the visits became more frequent bastard ...

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Who's ringing?

Winnie nell'asciugamano wiped the feet of Flanders, put his slippers and went to the door. But before he put the stone carefully in a small bureau.
"Who is it?"
"I Carnet De Ass, Winnie"
"Good evening, sir. Excuse me if I get in dishabille, this time I do the footbath"
"Winnie, - short cut Carnet - What is the story of the novel that s' is lost? "
"I do not know, monsieur. I just know that it is lost. It was expected from the canvas early in the manuscript that I find this bag - said, pointing to the folder resting next to the chair ..."
"Instead there was"
"And what was in the folder?"
"This copy of the Sunday Times' said Winnie indicating the magazine. Carnet
pounced on the newspaper, flipping frantically. It was then that he noticed that Monsieur De Winnie Ass was visibly nervous.
"Something wrong, sir?"
"And do you ask?"
"I would rather have an answer, but if you prefer, yes, sir, I ask"
"You ask me what?"
"The chiedo se qualcosa non va"
"Sono rovinato, ecco tutto"
"E socialmente. Ro-vi-na-to. Fine della storia"
"Nella vita è veramente nostro solo ciò che possiamo tenere con noi durante un naufragio" rispose Winnie guardando fuori dalla finestra.
"Winnie, un'altra di queste battute e finisci a fare il pony-express"
"Come si è... ehm... rovinato, signore?"
"Ma non ci arrivi da solo, maledetto scozzese testa di cazzo? Tutte le mie conoscenze, i miei redditi, le case, le auto... Tutte quelle graziose puttanelle che mia madre mi manda periodicamente da Pigalle... I vol-au-vent au fois-gràs, le capesante, lo Chateau Margot... Non capisci?"
"Capisco, signore, ma si può sempre ricominciare... Suo fratello l'ha fatto più volte!"
"Non mi parlare di quel bastardo bianco. Io sono nero! Non sai cosa vuol dire! E proprio adesso che c'è Obama, io avrei potuto diventare London Major! E invece tutto sparisce! In quelle pagine ci sono tutte le prove, i miei privilegi, c'è la certificazione della mia appartenenza! Del mio lignaggio, porca troia puttana!"
"Capisco, è un guaio, signore"
"Domattina mi condurrete da Lady Cophetua e vedremo di trovare una soluzione! C'è di mezzo anche lei, in fondo. Se necessario la convincerò a parlare con il Principe Carlo in persona".
"Sta bene" disse Winnie
"Domattina alle dieci. Con Rolls. Polished to perfection. "
" I do not think his lordship owns a Rolls
"Oh yeah? Who said that? Where is it written? "
" I understand, sir, "
" At ten. With my Rolls. Good night. "

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" Throw out all the layouts, the author said that the cover should show absolutely the Stone of Malvern, "said Otto.
" What the fuck they call a graph, if they know them all? " Ninety-six said.
"I always break my balls! It takes the fucking stone? And you put him and get it over with "
" And all the work done before? Who pays me? "
" They were testing, we were clear. You pay the cover approved "
"Yes?" And for a year if they make me do and undo? "
"Ok, I see at the next meeting to clarify a bit 'ideas ..."
"I'm coming to the meeting?"
"For heaven's sake, leave me alone!"
"But then, if not a fucking account because you made me read all that shit of a novel?"
"They asked the authors. One said: it is called a chart, he is told to read the text and arrangement along the lines of the same series ..."
"I made it, why now is no longer good?"
"You're a pain in the ass, though, eh!"
"It 's an innate sense of justice, pardon, justice!"
"It will, however, you're a pain in the ass "
" What do the press? "
" Throw it, so we have it on the server "

Thursday, July 23, 2009

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" They are deciding the cover art? "
" I do not think, I do not have a dick to do and pretend to work ... "
" I like the 5 "
" Do not fall into the same trap! That's not how you choose a cover, called a chart, he is told to read the text and arrangement along the lines of the same series ... "
" I understand. I remember one time that even the cleaning lady ... "
... she said she did not like and if they have not done anything
...." "Yes, things were so ... drew on the chart work in two versions, one ugly and beautiful ... so the choice he did ... "
" ... except when the customer chose that ugly! "
" She paid the same? "
" Not always! "
" And why did a graph? "
" Better do not tell you! "
" I understand the same "
" Now we try to understand what is happening. Here's what I think: they know the publishers changed the history of texts and have them copy you've lost. "
" How can you say? "
" Deduction. See track of Malvern stone in the drawings of the cover? "
" No "
" We talk about the beginning, all they want, then they at Thin 135esimo when Winnie is in the bag. It is not a marginal element, is the crux of the story itself, I would have at least used as a decorative ... "
" Provided that in the original story there is a stone of Malvern ... "
" What do you say? "
" If I were a Japanese hara-kiri at this point would be a must ... Having written a book and not knowing anything about the story that's inside! "
" We could separate us, everybody could write a part without reading what others are writing or have written ... would be the same thing ... "
" The next time I write stories for children "
" As if it were easier ... sucederebbe and then what if you change the text there too? Try to think if a trip to a garden full of flowers si trasformasse in un horror sadomaso?"

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A due piaceva la due a Tre piaceva la 5.
"Ma il testo dov'è" chiese Tre

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Le copertine

A Dodici piaceva la tre, a Uno piaceva la 5, all'editor, che si chimava Trentasei, piaceva la due, a Tre non ne piaceva nessuna.
"Ma perchè pensiamo alla copertina? Non abbiamo ancora il testo!" disse Ventiquattro.