Friday, September 4, 2009

How Should Dansko Fit?

Start programming ... AFRICAN SLEEPING

First I wrote a couple of e-mail to those who could accompany me, then I went to read some travel begin to have an idea.

The start would be September 1.

Long before the Bedouin Arabs, the Middle East to endless deserts, they go to the West (the Maghreb), North Africa was inhabited by Berbers, nomadic Yemeni origin perhaps, perhaps Ethiopia, like their cousins \u200b\u200bthe most famous , the Tuareg. From the fertile Mediterranean areas were forced to retreat into the mountains separating the Sahara from the coast. E 'then just why these people still fiero e pacifico si ritenga il vero, primo abitatore del Marocco, e di tutti i paesi africani che si affacciano sul Mediterrane.

La Catena montuosa dell'Atlante

La Catena montuosa dell'Atlante o Atlas, si estende tra Marocco, Algeria e Tunisia, per circa 2400 km di lunghezza ed è nata dall'avvicinamento della Placca africana e della Placca euroasiatica; è suddivisa in 7 diverse catene montuose: Anti Atlante, Alto Atlante, Medio Atlante, Grande Atlante, Piccolo Atlante, Atlante Telliano e Atlante Sahariano e le prime tre si trovano in Marocco.

The highest peak is the Jbel Toubkal (4165 m), located in the Upper Atlas, a few kilometers from Marrakech.
Anti Atlas (Anti Atlas) to the south of Morocco, overlooking the Sahara Desert, the High Atlas (Haut Atlas) almost horizontally across the country, from the Atlantic coast to the desert and the Middle Atlas (Moyen Atlas) , extends north to meet the Rif chain, which stretches along the Mediterranean coast and is characterized by low vegetation, bushes and olive trees.

The mountains of Morocco were recently discovered as a tourist destination, the scenery is different, as the beautiful cedar forests where leopards still live in Morocco and the Berber villages that cultivate small plots of land and raise goats and camels. You can ski all year round on the perpetual snow, hiking and riding the sand dunes in motion.

The Atlas Mountains are characterized by a landscape of contrasting yet seductive, you can reach the highest peaks rising from the rocky valley along small dirt roads that run in the middle of huge rock masses and climb through forests of oaks. Along the way you encounter the frozen lakes, streams and small villages built on rocky cliffs, up to the snowy peaks. From time to time, the landscape becomes more arid and barren, where the mountain opens in vertiginous canyons.

For the adventurous there is the possibility excursions to the Atlas, walking on the footpaths and mule tracks, accompanied by a local guide and using mules to carry food and equipment, you can choose to stay overnight in villages, in huts or tents.

A witness to the charm, according to legends and stories of the people of the Maghreb has always been the mountains of the Atlas Mountains rise in visitors of this beautiful region of Morocco, there is a work in oil on canvas by Winston Churchill called "Sunset on Atlas Mountains, "this context, the British prime minister likely painted in 1935 from the balcony of his room at the Hotel Mamounia in Marrakech, reveals how the romantic beauty of these places had even managed to enthrall even the mind of a person known to the world for their steadfastness, persistence and pragmatism.



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