Saturday, September 26, 2009

How To Eliminate Phone Static



Morocco, the Maghreb Arab means West. It is a state in North Africa, bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, east and southeast by Algeria, south and west from the Western Sahara from the Atlantic Ocean. The state has an area of \u200b\u200b453,730 km ².

Territory The territory comprises the plains of Morocco's largest and highest mountains in North Africa and is divided into four regions: the mountains of the Rif, parallel to the Mediterranean coast, the Atlas Mountains, through the state for all the length of its territory, the wide coastal lowland, the southern plains and valleys which extend from the southern slopes of the Atlas to the Sahara Desert. Mount Toubkal (4165 m) in the Atlas range, is the highest in the paese.Lungo the Atlantic coast, uniform and low, followed by, from north to south, le fertili pianure attraversate dai fiumi principali. Invece la costa mediterranea è alta e frastagliata. I fiumi del paese, non sono adatti alla navigazione, quindi sono utilizzati per l'irrigazione e per la produzione di energia elettrica; i principali sono il Moulouya e il Sebou. La costa mediterranea presenta un clima subtropicale, temperato dalle influenze oceaniche; verso l'interno, gli inverni si fanno più freddi e le estati più calde. Le cime più alte sono coperte di neve per gran parte dell'anno. Nelle regioni nord-occidentali le piogge sono abbondanti, scarse a oriente e a sud. La vegetazione dominante del territorio del Marocco è la steppa arbustiva (specie erbacee e graminacee), mentre nelle regioni costiere il clima ha favorito Development of the Mediterranean. There are forests of pine and cork oak trees in the regions of higher altitude. On the lower southern slopes of the Anti-Atlas is a desert type of vegetation. The wildlife includes European and African species: the fox, rabbit, boar, otter, squirrel, gazelle, baboon, wild goat, the snake.
issues and environmental protection

Soil erosion, along with the lack of water resources and desertification is one of the major environmental problems in Morocco. The country's natural water supplies and water on the coast are contaminated with oil and polluted from sewage of major cities. Have been established some parks (two of which are national) and reserves for environmental protection.
The Moroccan government has taken measures to protect the ozone layer, protection of wetlands and biodiversity as the abolition of nuclear testing and pollution of marine origin.

Population, language and religion

The population is mostly settled on the coast, and the two main ethnic groups in Morocco are the Berbers (40%, indigenous ethnic group of Morocco) and the Arabs, there are also other minorities French and Jews. The Berber language is spoken by 24%, but the official language is Arabic.
The religion practiced by most of the population is Islam.

Division Planning and ordering of the state

The territory of Morocco is divided into 16 regions, each subdivided into 71 departments and protectorates.
The city and the most important port in the country after the capital Rabat, Casablanca, other major commercial cities are Marrakech, Fez and Tangier (the Strait of Gibraltar).
Morocco is a constitutional monarchy (based on the Constitution of 1962, which gave more powers to the sovereign), since 1996 more emphasis was given to Parliament, with the introduction of a system bicameral.
The sovereign (male) is the executive and as head of state, has the power to appoint the Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister.
Legislative power is exercised by the bicameral system of Parliament: House of Representatives consists of 325 members elected every five years by universal suffrage, the House of Councillors with 270 members elected every nine years by indirect suffrage.
The judiciary is the Supreme Court (based in Rabat) and is based on Islamic law and French law. It is in effect the death penalty.


-primary sector
Morocco's economy is based mainly on agriculture, which is committed to 6% of the workforce. 21% of the country is cultivated with cereals (wheat and barley), potatoes, olives, dates, vegetables, fruit (grapes), vegetables and sugar beet.
Other important resources of the country are: the breeding of goats, cattle and sheep, the production of timber extracted from forests (used as fuel), fishing for tuna, anchovies, mackerel and shellfish
-secondary sector
There are Large deposits of phosphates, but also coal, silver, tin, zinc, manganese, lead, iron, cobalt and crude oil.
Industrial enterprises, whose production of material building, chemical products, textiles, food, wine and refined oil, are small. They are also manufactured in wood, carpets, ceramics and leather, but at the level of craftsmanship.
-tertiary sector
export products are phosphates and phosphoric acid in greater quantity, and citrus fruits, wheat and fish.
are imported machinery for industry, food and fuel.
Morocco trades more with Germany, Italy, France, Spain, USA, United Arab Emirates.
The lines of communication are the most important ports of Casablanca, Agadir, Kenitra, Safi and Tangier.


The literacy rate is 52% all'struzione through the requirement for all children aged 7 to 13 years, since 1963. The universities are the most important: Karaouine the University of Fes, the oldest (founded in 859), where teachings are given traditional (Islamic law and theology), the Mohamed V University (Rabat), the University Hassan II (Casablanca). Despite
in Morocco are many successive civilizations (Phoenician, Greek, Carthaginian, Roman and Christian), is currently a country of culture purely Arab. Among the major cultural institutions are cited the National Library of Morocco, in Rabat, and the Archaeological Museum in Tetouan, in which important works of art and artifacts Carthaginians, Romans and Muslims.

The Muslim conquest

In the mid-7th century, the Arabs start to the conquest of North Africa. The first raid took place in Morocco on 681. In 703, Ibn Moussa Noceir takes hold across the country. He attempts to subjugate and convert the Berber people. In the years 710-713, the Arabs go to Andalusia, the majority of troops are Berber.

mid 8th century, some movements of riot arising from the Berber tribes. The country will come out from confusion with the founding of the United Idrissid.

The "Idrissid"

Birth of the first Moroccan dynasty

endless wars of succession dot the history of Islam. Imo Idris, a descendant of Fatima (the Prophet's daughter) and Ali, takes up arms against the authority of Baghdad, becomes leader and Imam of the Berber tribes. This alliance is sealed by the marriage of a Berber Idris. At that time, Morocco was separated Abbasid empire.

Idris Imo is poisoned by the caliph Haroun Errashid of Baghdad in 791, his son Idris • Place is then recognized as the new king in 809. Birth of the First Dynasty Moroccan.

Idris II extends its authority in the South and East, with the intent to unify those areas. An organized state is then created. The volume of trade are developed.

Fez becomes the crossroads of the streets of Morocco, and is promoted as the capital of the country. It is an important intellectual and religious center.

After the death of Idris II in 828, his successors are questioning his work of unification.

From 11th to 15th century

Since the 11th century, the Maghreb builds its units around Islam. Three great dynasties succeed and lead in them the ambition of an empire. The

"Almoravid" (1055-1147): the conquerors reformists

The Amoravid descended from the tribe of Sanhagia. Religious warriors, they reign over the caravan routes of the Western Sahara and start to conquer the fertile lands of the North.

occupy half of the Maghreb and extend the boundaries to Senegal. Their progression is rapid: Sigilmassa power in 1055, the foundation of Marrakesh in 1062, winning the Ben Youssef Tashfin head of the King of Castile in Andalusia support for the principles in full Christian reconquest.

Their achievements lead to the intensification of trade between North and South.

The arts are experiencing a moment renewal, linked to the Andalusian influences, Moroccan and sahrariana.

successors have difficulty managing this vast empire, weakened by pressure by the Christians of Spain and the tribe remains. The

"Almohad" (1147-1269): Towards a unified and powerful Maghreb

Oriundi Moroccan High Atlas, the Almohad come to power by Ibn Toumert. Head writer, a partisan of radical religious reform, aims to give Islam a new doctrine.

His successor, Abd el Moumen takes hold of Marrakech in 1147. Become a "Commander of the Faithful."

true statesman, endows the country's administration, a road network and an effective maritime fleet. Excellent

military, he leads the war against Spain and North Africa that unifies becomes the first Mediterranean power over land and sea.

His nephew, Yacoub el Mancour, founder of the capital city, Rabat, is the most brilliant of his successors.

The Almohad dynasty is the height of greatness since 1160, until about 1215:

Islamization deep, peaceful and prosperous empire, intellectual heyday (brilliant court, Averoè) and artistic (construction of the Koutoubia Marrakech the Giralda of Seville, della Torre Hassan a Rabat…).

Il Dinar Almohad è la valuta di scambio nel Mediterraneo.

La grande potenza almohad è minacciata dalla spinta cristiana in Spagna e dalla perdita di controllo delle rotte del Sahara.

I “Merinid” (1269-1465) : i grandi costruttori

I Beni Merin (Merinid) sono dei nomadi non sottomessi oriundi degli Alti Piani. Partono alla conquista del potere sin dal 1248, con la presa di Fès, edificano la loro nuova capitale, Fès el-Jeddid (Fès il nuovo) nel 1276. La loro ambizione è di ricostruire l’impero Magrebino.

Le città di Taddla, Sigilmassa, Rabat, Salé cadono una dopo l’altra. The capture of Marrakech in 1269, marks the beginning of the Merenids. Three large

Sultan counted:

Abou Youssef Yacoub, the first of the new dynasty, adopts the policy to be that of his successors. Defends Muslims of Spain, the Inquisition in full. Slows the progression of Christians to the south of Spain.

Abou El Hassan, the Sultan said Black, rebuilt in 1347 a Berber empire. You have some beautiful Black medersas the Sultan, the universities that are true intellectual centers. With them comes the English-Moorish art. The medersa "Attarin" Fes is the most elegant and arguably the most perfect monument ever Merinids conservato. Grandi costruttori, i Merinid hanno edificato tanti palazzi e fortezze quanti monumenti religiosi.

Abou Inan, suo successore, deve fare fronte alle tribù rivali. Perde alcune parti importanti del territorio.

I Merinides si indeboliscono e la dinastia si esaurisce.

Gli “Ouattasid” (1465-1549)

La dinastia degli Ouattasid (1465-1549) succede ai Merinid. Per un secolo, deve fare fronte ad una grave crisi economica e politica, che è esasperata dalle lotte interne. Sin dall’inizio del 15° secolo, i Portoghesi e gli Spagnoli prendono piede sulle coste marocchine. Come reazione, cresce il desiderio di una guerra santa nella mente dei Marocchini.

the Independence

the Independence before the Europeans (from the 15th century to 19th century)

For two centuries, from the mid-15th century to the mid-16th century, Morocco is experiencing a period of unrest and uncertainty. However, this is a pin and the time period is marked by the development of maritime trade with Europe at the expense of trade saharariano. The role of Morocco, an intermediary between Europe and Africa, is regressing. The country enters gradually in a fallback position.

I "Saadiìn" (1525-1659): Sovereign internationally renowned

I Saadiìn sono oriundi della valle del Souss. Sono chiamati dai marabut delle oasi del sud a guidare la guerra santa contro i Portoghesi i cui consorzi minacciano il commercio tras-sahariano. Prendono Marrakech nel 1525, che torna ad essere la capitale del Paese.

Sotto Mohammed Esheikh, i Saadiìn cacciano i cristiani da Agadir, da Safi e da Azemour, dal 1541. Con l’aureola dell’eroe, il capo saadiano diventa il sultano di tutto il Paese.

Sotto il suo regno, il Marocco resiste all’impero ottomano. Nel 1578, pone un termine alle ambizioni portoghese in Marocco (la “Battaglia dei Tre Re”).

Ahmed el Mansour è un sovrano di fama internazionale. La conquista della strada dell’oro For its part to ensure the country a major economic recovery. From its shipments to Sudan, brings with it an immense fortune. Under the dynasty

Saadians Morocco experienced a period fausto:

army reinforcements

development of crafts and agriculture,

growth in trade with Europe,

launch of a new administration

Ascension Saadian is accompanied by a cultural importance, the construction of large buildings richly decorated that there are countless others. Marrakech is now the biggest depository of art Saadia. The

"Alauiìn" (from 1659 a oggi): i Fondatori dell’impero dei sceriffi

Discendente da Ali, il genero del Profeta, gli Alauiìn sono gli unici a potere rivendicare l'accesa al trono, lasciato vacante dai Saadiìn. Oriundi del Tafilalet, ottengono il loro primo successo prendendo il controllo delle vie del commercio nel Sahara.

Guidato dal loro capo Mulay Rashid, prendono Fès nel 1666.

Fratello e successore di Mulay Rashid, Mulay Ismaïl (1672-1727) è il sultano più famoso del Marocco. Il suo prestigio è paragonabile a quello di Luigi XVmo con il quale manteneva dei legami diplomatici.

Costruisce Meknès, capitale della dinastia alaouita.

Il principale obiettivo di Mulay Ismaïl è di ristabilire l’ordine ed d’instaurare l’impero sceriffiano. Lotta contro gli usurpatori, contro le tribù non sottomesse, contro i Turchi e contro i Cristiani. Egli crea un esercito potente composto di discendenti da schiavi neri e da rinnegati.

Fa erigere delle fortezze (80) all’ingresso delle grandi città. Riconquista la maggior parte delle città della costa atlantica che si trovano in mani agli Europei. Il Paese gode quindi del prestigio dovuto alla personalità del suo sovrano. Nel 1718, il sultano taglia con la Francia e con la Spagna. Alla sua morte, subentra il disordine.

Le crisi si susseguono e contribuiscono all’isolamento del Paese.

It will take 30 years to see the country regain composure. The peace is the merits of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah (1757-1790). He founded Essaouira in 1765 to monitor and encourage trade with the outside world. It 's the first head of state to recognize the independence of the United States.

In the first 800, in the reign of Moulay Sliman, Morocco turns back on itself. First, the crisis of succession, then the disruption of maritime policy, and then a slowdown in trade with Europe, and terrible epidemics (1798-1800) leave the country bloodless.

Morocco in the twentieth century

In the second half of the 19th century, the powers Europe becoming more and more their attraction to the new routes of the Mediterranean. The support from Morocco to the Algerian emir Abd el Kader leads to the signing of the Treaty of Tangier (1844) and the Agreement of Tetuan (1860), which formalized the defeat of Morocco in front of the three Western powers: Spain, France and Great Britain.

Sultan Mulay Hassan relies on differences of interests that oppose these three powers to save the independence of his country.

Independence is relative:

In 1880, the Madrid conference marks the economic penetration of the great powers in Morocco.

In 1906, the Algeciras Conference places il Marocco sotto protettorato di alcune potenze, a favore della Francia.

Nel 1907, le truppe francesi sbarcano per la prima volta a Casablanca.

Il 30 marzo 1912, il protettorato francese viene proclamato.

Il Marocco del 20° secolo:Dal Protettorato all’Indipendenza

Il Protettorato della Francia viene esteso alla maggior parte del Paese, la Spagna riceve la regione del nord e l’estremo sud.

L’autorità è nelle mani del Residente-generale Lyautey (1912-1925). Egli si adopera ad ammodernare il paese mantenendo allo stesso tempo la sua identità : costruzione di strade, di ferrovie, di dighe, edificazione di città moderne.

Sin Since 1919, the War of the Rif (led by Abdelkrim El Khattabi) bursts in the English area. The French troops are involved. Peace will be restored in that region just before 1934.

In the early '30s, the international framework (economic crisis, rigid colonial policy) leads to the emergence of a new nationalist opposition, which launched a few years after the party Istiqlal (independence).

Sultan Mohammed V, who was accused of sympathy for the nationalists, is sentenced to exile in 1953. The strength of the Moroccan people is that Paris is forced to authorize the return of the sultan in 1955.

On March 2, 1956 is proclaimed independence Morocco.

Morocco of the twentieth century: From independence to date

Despite a difficult economic environment, it was His Majesty the King Mohammed V embarks on an ambitious program of renovation of the young Moroccan State:



Development 'tourism industry, development of the


Creating an army

Accession to the Arab League.

On March 3, 1961, the young man was SM Hassan II succeeded his father died Feb. 26.

With the Dahir of June 2, 1961, the Empire Sheriff becomes a "United Arab and Muslim." Determined to continue

the work of modernization of Morocco, was the King Hassan II is urged to proclaim a state of emergency until June 7, 1965 promulgated in 1972, the new Constitution.

The '70s, however, difficult years, two attempts of coup d'etat in July 1971 and August 1972.

The question of linking the Moroccan Sahara Moroccan people to his monarch and institutions:

Fu SM Hassan II organized a "Green March" November 6, 1975. 530,000 peaceful people cross borders with the former English Sahara.

The 90 lay down some important steps with a view to leveling the political and economic plans:

1992 adoption of a new Constitution;

1994, negotiations between Morocco and the European Union with a view to a partnership agreement;

September 13, 1996, adopted by referendum a new constitution that strengthened the powers of Parliament and creates a second chamber, the "House of Councillors."

July 23, 1999: HM King Hassan II died.

heir Prince Sidi Mohammed, his son, Mohammed VI was enthroned (36 years), the same day.


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