Monday, January 31, 2011

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Firmino - Firmin, theca rammemorante, Recollection

theca rammemorante



"If he had kept a diary of pain, the only item was a word I".

Philip Roth "Had he Kept a pain diary, the only entry Would Have Been One word: myself "Philip Roth

Firmin, Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife
I decided to dedicate a shrine to Fermin rammemorante and myself, everyone in this world, reading the book, it was immediately filled with some feelings, including sadness, anger, despair, but also poetry, beauty, the most intense emotions, remote memories bittersweet. There would be a lot to say about the miserable life of this mouse, so that does not even attempt to write a single line of comment. So, I use the only language I know to send you what I have inside the shrine.
Firmino now is in a wonderful building, crammed with books, is enjoying a good glass of red wine and Bela Bartok is playing the piano for him by candlelight. His struggle for survival is over.
I Decided to a display case devoted to Firmin and to myself, to everyone in this world That, reading this novel, has been immediately penetrated by several feelings, including sorrow, rage, desperation, but also poetry, beauty, deep emotions, passed bittersweet souvenirs. There's too much to say about this rat's miserable life I don't even dare to approach a line about this book. So, I use the only language I know to tell you what's inside of me, the display case language.
By now, to me, Firmin is living in a marvellous palace, full of books: he's tasting a glass of good red wine and Béla Bartòk is playing piano for him by candlelight. His struggle for life is over.
Béla Bartok plays the piano for Firmino

Firmino was published in Italy in 2008. He went for the first time in America in 2006 as debut novel of American author Sam Savage, with a circulation of one thousand copies from Coffee House Press.

In 2006 Coffee House Press published Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife , by Sam Savage, a bookstore Darkly humorous story about a rat in difficult times. In 2007 the English publishing house Seix Barral purchased the world rights to Firmin, Including Inglese-language rights. The novel Subsequently Became A bestseller in Europe and translated into Has Been More Than a dozen languages.

# Thanks to Marcella Perodi I found the original sentence of Philip Roth, taken from "The Anatomy Lesson"


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