Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jerome Shostak Level F Answers

The Uncanny (Das Hunheimlich), The Uncanny , theca rammemorante

theca rammemorante

The Uncanny

(DAS unheimlich)

The Uncanny

"The disturbing is the sort of frightening that goes back to what we have known for a long time, to what is familiar. "
( Sigmund Freud, The Uncanny , 1919. )

" The uncanny is frightening That Kind Of Thing Which goes back to What We Have Known for a long time, to what is familiar to us . "

( Sigmund Freud, The Uncanny , 1919. )
Fear is an emotion that connects us with nature, a way to highways, the more intimate connection with the primitive, the proof of the sense faculties refined, the amygdala.
Norman lives with his mother stuffed downstairs and ubbedisce yet. An evil spirit disguised as a clown haunts me: I am always Supposed to laugh When you speak? Something alien moves in the cavity walls. Everything in the Lower Valley, near the house from the windows Ridono: ovviamente nello specchio vedrete anche la vostra immagine riflessa.

Fear is an emotion connecting us with Nature, a kind of highway, the most intimate connection with that which is primitive, tangible evidence of the abilities of our refined senses, the amygdala.
Norman lives with his mother embalmed downstairs and still obeys her. An evil spirit disguised as a clown haunts me: am I supposed to laugh every time you speak? Something Alien moves inside the cavities in my domestic walls.  All this in Bassa Padana, close to The House of the Laughing Windows: obviously in the mirror you can also see your Reflected own image.

Mickey arrives at Bates Motel
Make a list of five movies that scared you more. Then try to identify the exact moment in which fear peeps and analyzed the contents of the images.

Make a list of the 5 films you That frightened most. Then try to identify the exact moment When fear strikes and analyze the content of the images.

the shrine seen by Clive Barker

 Il perturbante di Sigmund Freud

su "Shining" di Stanley Kubrick, liberamente tratto dal romanzo "The Shining" di Stephen King:

..." In un'intervista rilasciata dopo l'uscita del film, Kubrick ha parlato dei riferimenti letterari che ha preso in esame con la sua co-sceneggiatrice Diane Johnson per affiancare il lavoro di adattamento sul romanzo di Stephen King. Il referente teorico principale di Shining รจ un saggio breve scritto da Freud, Il Perturbante, definito dal regista "il massimo discorso fatto dalla Western culture on the theme of fear. "

In this essay Freud tries to explain a particular feeling, what precisely defined uncanny (" unheimlich "in German), studying the causes of its occurrence and some examples of situations disturbing. It is a scary kind of feeling that stems from its being new, the fact that it is not known, which is unusual, "the uncanny [...] something that would, so to speak, you do not find their way . Freud in the essay lists a number of situations that may give rise to this feeling, the reason for the repetition of equal impersonator. As we shall see in the next section, all samples Freudians are in Shining: Kubrick used the Treaty as a thematic guide, such as maps of the horror. Interesting observation by Enrico Ghezzi on the same duplicity of the English verb "to overlook," which means both "check with the look, inspect, monitor" how much "miss, miss." Even in the name of the hotel Shining exude the same sense of duplicity shown by Freud, which makes the Overlook Hotel, the very embodiment of the uncanny.
Freud also analyzes the linguistic usage of the German word and note an ambivalence of meaning that is reflected in a particularities in this sense. The meaning of the word "heimlich" in certain contexts can have a connotation that is the same as its opposite, "unheimlich" here is what it seems then that becomes comfortable and protective, just the opposite, treacherous, cowardly, deceitful . In the vocabulary of the German word "heimlich" in fact has two distinct meanings, one meaning "not foreign, familiar, domestic, intimate and trusted" and another as "concealed, kept hidden so as not to make it known to others or not to say the reason for which it intends to conceal. " Freud says: "the little word heimlich, among the many nuances of its meaning, it also shows that coincides with its opposite unheimlich. So what is heimlich becomes unheimlich, "and even" unheimlich [...] is all that should have remained secret, hidden, and instead it surfaced, "" heimlich is a term that then develops its meaning in an ambivalent way, In conclusion, to coincide with its opposite unheimlich. Unheimlich is in a sense a variant of heimlich. "


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