Friday, February 11, 2011

Fotografies Hannah Montana

happened BEYOND ocean

Thinking and rethinking the Bunga Bunga Italian (and not only that of our Prime Minister) is almost comical to read the news of a Republican in upstate New York, Christopher Lee, who has resigned only because "guilty" of having sent a photo of a shirtless woman known on the Internet; has resigned after three hours of a website that had revealed the news. Only a picture, without even a suspicion that they have had sexual intercourse. Chris Lee had met the woman through the personal ads on a site in the industry. The advertisement, published in the "women seeking men" la donna affermava di essere alla ricerca di uomini "finanziariamente ed emotivamente sicuri che non avessero l'aspetto di ranocchi". Il giorno stesso della pubblicazione dell'annuncio Lee aveva scritto alla donna presentandosi come un lobbista di 39 anni (realmente ne ha 46) "in gran forma fisica e con molta classe, vivo nell'area di Capitolo Hill, sono biondo ed ho gli occhi blu". Per provare le sue affermazioni il deputato aveva allegato una sua foto a torso nudo che aveva scattato col suo telefonino davanti allo specchio del bagno. Il deputato, sposato e padre di due figli, ha dichiarato:
Mi dispiace. Il danno che le mie azioni hanno causato alla mia famiglia, ai miei colleghi e ai miei elettori. Chiedo scusa profondamente at all. I have made profound mistakes and promise to commit to hard to earn their forgiveness.
In America, his political career may be said to be virtually over. In Italy it would be a springboard for a bright future. I do not want the moralist (world-wide and country) but it is too simple a comparison with the Italian company, because in this country politicians are deeply attached to his chair (to their own interests and personal gain), and there's no way unrivet of your seat. The American company instead of daily living situations posed at the boundary between the absurd and the real and often more extreme puritanism comes into conflict with the hypocrisy. A company may be too profoundly different from ours but we can not say that this is better. In this gesture, it is hypocritical or sincere, we must seek the recognition of something important: public office involves a standard of behavior different from that in private life and embarrass the voters with an undignified behavior has a cost. We do not think Mr. B. only but we extend our discussion to the whole Italian political class. Spirit or simply want to call it dignity?


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