Friday, February 25, 2011

Implantation Bleeding Seen On Ultrasound

I "tweeks" Cydia

Era da un pò di I thought time to publish this post, is to inform but also to allow me to "keep track" of the ones I installed on my iPhone. The tweeks can be downloaded from Cydia and allow the introduction of some interesting features that would otherwise be closed to you: why never stop to thank Jay enough Freeman! (Aka Saurik). My short list deals only with the introduction of some type of free features that can be installed only on jailbroken devices. I state that I still use the 4G version of the iPhone and, consequently, has not said that they can run on different versions of my.
  • Deepend (repository: )
He has a great feature, but to see the background around which we set using the gyroscope's built-in. Its use does not reduce the performance of the phone's battery. E 'can also modify the effects of "Zoom, Pitch and Roll" from the settings panel to get a real difference. Theoretically, the functionality of this tweeks has been introduced to create a sort of "3D".

  • Fake Operator (Repository: BigBoss )
Consente di modificare facilmente il nome operatore telefonico che compare in alto a sinistra nella barra di stato. E' semplicissimo da utilizzare: basta andare nel menù "Impostazioni", selezionare “Fake Operator”, abilitare la modifca e scrivere il testo che andrà a sostituire il nome del carrier.

  • Five Icon Dock (repository: Cydia/Telesphoreo )
Questo tweeks permette di aggiungere una quinta icona nul dock del nostro iPhone. Nativamente infatti é possibile utilizzare soltanto 4 icone. E' molto comodo e si integra perfectly with IOS, while also allowing you to move at will the icons in the dock, placing them at will.

  • Icon Renamer (Repository: BigBoss )
As the name suggests, allows double-clicking on any icon, renaming, inserting Then name at will. One option available natively on ios only for "folders".

  • NoVoiceMail (Repository: BigBoss )
allows di rimuovere completamente il tasto "Segreteria" dall'applicazione Telefono. La trovo molto comoda perché, anche se non ho costi per le telefonate, molto spesso mi capita di premere per errore questo tasto. Se si vuole ripristinare nuovamente il tasto "Segreteria", basta semplicemente disinstallarlo.


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