Sunday, February 20, 2011

Small Business Loan Default Bankruptcy

A new bug to block the Telecom WinZoz

generally are not very interested in security issues of Windows, but this concerns me because it directly affects those who normally use for my work. Researchers at a French company that deals with information security have discovered a vulnerability that has been classified as "critical" for Windows XP SP3 and Windows Server 2003 SP2 . The problem is mrxsmb.sys driver, and to be precise in BrowserWriteErrorLogEntry function (). It appears that this flaw can be exploited to remotely take complete control of a vulnerable system, but only on 64 bit systems and not on 32. The problem still affects the SMB protocol used for sharing resources; properly configuring your firewall and blocking ports 138, 139 and 445 protocols TCP and UDP we'll still be able to protect systems from any attack. Soon Microsoft will release a patch to put us all al sicuro e dormire sogni tranquilli... aspettando il prossimo baco!


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