Thursday, January 20, 2011

Proper Way To Display War Medals

I am the Alpha and the Omega, amulet

shrine amulet


the Dioscuri

This shrine one day should be able to reach Apricale, a village fairy perched on a headland overlooking the valley where once, in the highest place was built a temple of the sun, just where, from the foam of the wooded hills, centuries ago , the rest saw the first ray of Ra. There was built an altar, which was surrounded by offerings and devotions, a magical place by the first rays of the sun is wedged into the ground. Who has dared to desecrate this temple was struck by bad luck and was human sacrifice: the Chariot of the Sun is out of the earth drunk with blood and crying that was released from his tomb, taking off the bark in which they had dared to conceal it. But further down in the valley everything is quiet and the sounds of footsteps pavement cats sacred to Bastet, and Apricale free to wander the streets of the Tarot.


Questa spazio teca è abitata, questa spazio teca parla, profetizza, ammansisce gli animi, invoca e bandisce, blandisce, è una teca arcana. Deo non Fortuna.

Non è possibile rivelare molto di questa teca arcana, poichè si svelerà ogni giorno, che lo si voglia o no, agli occhi di coloro ai quali fu destinata.

Il Sole, Theatre of the Cough, Apricale 2009, photos of Mauritius Gelatti

the casket arrived at the destination
layer under


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