Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wendy Calio See Through

Goofy Skater Bardo of love, rammemorante showcase, display cabinet remembrancing

theca rammemorante


cha cha cha

Quetsa is the shrine dedicated to the 6th chakra and the Sonnet XVIII by William Shakespeare. For this reason, the purple is the dominant color.
This display cabinet is dedicated to the VI th chakra and to Sonnet XVIII by William Shakespeare. This is the reason why purple and violet are the prevailing colors.

William Shakespeare, sonnet XVIII

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer Shall not fade, Nor lose possession of
That thou fair owest;
Nor Shall Death brag thou wander'st in His shade, When in eternal
lines to time thou growest;
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this
, and this Gives life to thee.
Should I dare compare thee to a summer's day?
You are far more affectionate and your temperature more pleasant:
Rough winds do shake the bud of May,
and give hope summer lasts too little:
sometimes hot the eye of heaven,
and too often is his gold complexion became gloomier;
and all theme parks Tramontano,
by-case basis, or for course of nature, inexorably,
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
nor lose possession of that beauty belongs to you;
nor death will boast of your wandering in its shadows;
long as men can breathe or eyes will have the ability to watch,
so long this will survive, and this will make you immortal.

(trans. Enrica Borla)

There were moments in life when you ate two packs of cigarettes a day, two bottles of wine, eight cans of beer, which in the name of an obsessive memory of a thin thread of silk cloth Arachne us back to the early moments of unconditional love. As the butterflies dying pierced by a pin, with colorful wings deployed on the White paper, appear to us the past loves. This sonnet, immortalante the beauty of the first appearances, I always come up with a collection of moths. And this seem to be at the bottom of the passions of our lives, and often killed remembrance in their full glory.

There Have Been In Which moments in my life I used to be heavy on sigarettes, two packets per day, on wine, two bottles per day, on beer, eight tins per day, in Which, by the name of an obsessive memory, a thin silk thread Arachne's canvas Took us back to the instants of a former Wholehearted desire.
As agonizing colorful butterflies wings wide open pierced on white paper , so bygone lovers appears to us.
This sonnet, immortalizing the former manifestations beauty, always occurred to my mind as a lepidoptera collection. And in the end, this seems to be  exactly what our life's passions appear afterwards to us, killed and rotten, but too often remembered at the time of their utmost brightness.

Il Ajna Chakra .
Questo centro sottile dai 2 petali è l’Agnya chakra che si situa al center of the forehead. This point is also known as the third eye of Shiva. In the physical body is the interweaving of the two optic nerves in our brain (the optic chiasm). This center controls the operation of two pituitary glands and pineal , that occur within us as our ego and superego. Since this center subtle check out our eyes, a vision excessive commitment (such as film, television, computer or reading) can ruin this chakra, as well as all the bad thoughts. To clean the Agnya chakra must purify our gaze. The pent-up anger and rejection to forgive, false notions about God, an inflated ego, people attend baleful influence, block this chakra. Thinking and planning over inflate our egos too, too much make projections into the future blocks this chakra. The Agnya chakra gives the possibility for human beings to forgive and be forgiven, so that they can cleanse themselves of their sins and their past karmas. Forgive yourself and others allows the opening of this chakra through the awakening of kundalini.
Ajna is a hierarchy among the highest of the chakras, this wheel is also contained in the Manas, the petals of lotus there are letters Ham and KSame , it contains the representation of the sacred syllable Om , summary of all Mantra . is also known in the West as third eye and is located in the space between the eyebrows: his gland that is associated with is the ' pituitary. color is indigo, is bipolar and is oriented horizontally. Influence of the midbrain, where they are absorbed all nerve impulses in order to be sent to all other parts of the cervello È il chakra che presiede la visione interiore o extrasensoriale. Esercita lo sviluppo della capacità di concentrazione; la sua attivazione mediante la meditazione permette l'utilizzo del sesto senso e la capacità di manifestare le percezioni extrasensoriali, stati mistici, proiezione mentale, e di viaggiare nel piano astrale. Produce il controllo della coscienza e delle reazioni fisiche, purificazione e trasformazione dei pensieri in forme di giudizio più raccolto, con la graduale diminuzione delle percezioni sensoriali. Gli squilibri qui si manifesteranno attraverso incubi, fenomeni psichici incontrollati o sgradevoli, mancanza completa di sogni, allucinazioni, confusione mentale. È responsabile perception of the "visual" aura.

the wings of butterflies - the butterfly wings


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