Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Many Calories In Stewed Tomatoes

Anna Megadeath theca, theca biographic biographic display case

biographical showcase

ANNA Megadeath
sometimes build a shrine is a painful process, as in this case.
This is the story of Anna Megadeath.
This is the story of a child who stuttered all his life tried to put patches where the fabric, already thin and lisa, tore: instead of choosing light fabrics and cloths used for heavy patches. He failed in all his life for too scared to be honest and always chose the wrong men: adventurers fell in love with and married sloth. Drowned in a martini glass down three steps and never saw his daughter. This is the story of a poor Christ.

Sometimes the making of a display case is a painful process, as in this case.
This is the story of Anna Megadeath.
This is the story of a stuttering kid who, during her whole life, tried to sew patches where the cloth, already threadbare, would tear. For her patches, instead of using light cloth, she would use heavy cloth. In all her life she was never able to be sincere, because she was too afraid, and so she always chose the wrong men: she fell in love with adventurers and married slothful people. She drowned in a Martini glass, while going down three steps of stairs, and never saw her daughter again. This is the story of a poor wretch devil.

Anna Megadeath si aggirava sperduta in una città enorme: i genitori le avevano repeatedly recommended to follow the roads and that they knew they had repeatedly indicated they knew that Anna Megadeath ran with a bomb placed in his stomach. She tried it for years and years, then got bored and decided to get into too much trouble. Megadeath Anna soon realize that they had had neither Madonna nor patron saints, and found himself in serious trouble in the blink of an eye.

Anna Megadeath Was wandering lost in a huge city: her parents many a time Had Advised her to tread only well-known streets, the ones They HAD - many a time - shown to her, Because They Knew She Was going around with a time bomb in her belly. For years That she tried doing, But she got bored and I Decided to get into trouble. Anna Megadeath Would soon REALISE That There Were not Holy Mary's, nor Saints protectors, and in no time she found herself in serious trouble.

Megadeath Anna had become a woman beautiful and attractive, much courted: the capacities playful and happy and loved to beautify wear colorful clothes tailored , went to fashion shows in Paris and this filled her with joy, he loved the luxury and jewelry, travel, theater, art and opera, it was his great passione. A poco a poco sperperò la sua dote ma fu talmente abile da recuperare, verso la fine della sua giovane vita, una parte del patrimonio, sebbene esigua in confronto a quella che aveva scialacquato.

Anna Megadeath had turned into a beautiful and pleasing woman; she was much courted: of playful and cheerful disposition, she loved to embellish herself and to wear coloured tailored dresses; she went to fashion shows in Paris, and this filled her with happiness; she loved luxury and jewellery, travelling, the theatre, art and opera – the latter being her true passion. Little by little she squandered wasted her dowry, but she was then very deft as to recover, towards the end of her short life, Part of her assets - although it was very little Compared to what she HAD wasted.

the bride and groom and their witnesses bubbles
Megadeath Anna fell in love once and that his first marriage important witnesses to the wedding were the Lumiere brothers, because From there began a great movie!

Megadeath Anna fell in love in her life only ounces, and That Was Witnessed first important match marriage no less by the Lumière brothers, Because That Would Be the beginning of a very big show!

the Lumière brothers wedding witnesses

It is said that the first wedding ceremony was one summer evening, under a big leafy tree in the country, but Anna was so happy Megadeath did not observe that the master of ceremonies was the god Anubis, protector of the sacred land of the Necropolis. That night, conceived a daughter that he would throughout his life lying on the graves without knowing exactly why, but this was the gift of Anubis, and shortly after Anna lost, like Isis, her beloved.

As the story goes, her first wedding ceremony Was Started " summer, under a large leafy tree in the country, Anna, though, was too happy to notice That Was the master of ceremonies the god Anubis, protector of the sacred earth of the Necropolis. That night she Conceived Would a daughter who, for all her life, lie on tombs, without Knowing Exactly why, This Was Anubis' gift. A little time later Anna lost, like Isis, her loved one.

Megadeath Anna wanted to die but there was strength and resumed his walk up the hill constant. It was a strong woman, you gave easily won, she was beautiful and never stays alone for more than a week. He saw it grow under his nose a daughter silent nervous, lonely, heavy and dark, so different from how he wanted and dreamed of her, but he loved so much the same as in his eyes again saw his beloved lost. One day when the sun shone and warmed announced his second marriage, decided to take only the promise made, years and years before his parents, to follow the right path that all women well, they said, were to follow. And so it was, she married again. But this time, not like the first time for euphoria, but for lack of interest and boredom, did not notice that the ceremony was again the god Anubis, and this time had not come to his wife, but for lei e  la portò via con sè verso la sua terra sotto la terra. Spero per farne la sua regina.

Anna Megadeath wanted to die, but she steeled herself and went on her path – constantly uphill.   She was a strong woman, but she gave up easily; she was beautiful, and she was never alone for more than a week. She saw a silent, nervous, solitary, heavy and dark daughter grow up under her nose; a person so different from what she would have wanted and dreamed of, but whom she loved very much, because in her look she saw her lost love. Her second wedding took place on a day when the sun was shining and sending warmth; she had decided to get married only to keep the promise made years and years before to her parents: to tread the right path that every proper woman, or so people said, had to tread.   And yet also this time – and not out of euphoria, as at the first time, but out of unconcern and boredom – she did not notice that the master of ceremonies was again the god Anubis: this time he had not come for the groom, but for her, and he took her away with him to his land under the earth. To make her his queen, I hope.

Sua figlia, che ormai era una signorina, la vide andare via: la seguì con lo sguardo umido finchè Anna Megadeath non scomparve all'orizzonte e non si voltò mai più indietro.

Her daughter, who meanwhile had become a young lady, saw her go away: she followed her mother with tears in her eyes since Anna Megadeath vanished on the horizon and never turned back again.

Mother, you had me but I never had you,
I wanted you but you didn't want me,
So I got to tell you,
Goodbye, goodbye.
Father, you left me but I never left you,
I needed you but you didn't need me,
So I got to tell you,
Goodbye, goodbye.
Children, don't do what I have done,
I couldn't walk and I tried to run,
So I got to tell you,
Goodbye, goodbye.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home...


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