Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where Can I Get Plain Black Vest Tops

Schaukasten display case, display case, showcase


The caskets are narrative scenes, setting up small pieces of the world, with the task, from time to time of remembrance, to exorcise, to examine or to summarize.

The caskets are "Machinae memorialis" because, as the ductus medieval, are maps of memory and identity of each and everyone, for entering the forest of symbols and references that surround us and that have made us who we are.
are magnets that attract and repel a second systolic and diastolic performance. Create a strategy game that upsets the sixty-four places of the chessboard of the world, including literature, news, cinema, costume, music, painting and imagination to induce the viewer to enable personal and intimate connections between the myths and customs and unleash other worldviews.

A showcase is a glimpse, a quick beam of light that highlights details normally neglected but who, on that little stage, find meaning and poetry. They are toys, pieces of paper, frames, knick-knacks, recovered materials, but also drawings, graphics, colleges, assemblages of everyday objects and transformed in a minimum of comedy and dramatic roles. A peep show of memory and intimacy of the human mind.

Questo gioco con la storia personale dello spettatore è il motore delle machinae memorialis.


The display cases are narrative scenes, the settings for little chunks of reality, charged with the task, case by case, of recollecting, exorcising, questioning, summarising.
The display cases act as “machinae memorialis” in that they are, like the medieval ductus , maps of memory and identity for each and every one of us, with which to venture into the forest of symbols whose reference points surround us and have made us what we are.

They are magnets which attract and repel according to a systolic/diastolic rhythm. They create a game of strategy which throws into disarray the sixty-four positions of the world’s chessboard, from literature to news reports, cinema to music, art to imagination, in order to lead the spectator into activating intimate, personal connections between his myths and habits, releasing new and different visions of the world.
A display case is a chink of light revealing details which are normally overlooked but which, on that tiny proscenium, regain a sense of meaning and poetry: toys, newspaper cuttings, photographic stills, trinkets, reclaimed materials, but also drawings, graphics, collages, fusions of trifling, everyday objects transfigured into dramatic and comic roles: a peep show of the human mind’s memories and intimacy.
This playing with the personal story of the spectator is the motor of the machinae memorialis .

Artist’s statement

Enrica Borla was born in Turin, Italy.


The showcases are narrative scenes , the establishment of small pieces of the world , with the task , from time to time to remember, , drive out to interview , , or summarize .
The showcases are " Machinae memorialis "because, as the medieval ductus , cards the memory and identity All are , so that we in the forest of symbols and can penetrate References that us surrounded and have made us, what we are .
you are magnet after the systolic and diastolic performance drag and led away. Create a strategy game that interfere the sixty-four sites the chessboard the world , between literature , report , cinema , custom , music , painting and imagination, order to entice the viewer to personal and intimate links between turn myths and customs and to other to unleash world views.

A showcase is a gap, a fleeting ray of light, the usually neglected details out to , and on the small proscenium again find those details meaning and poetry. You are toys , pieces of newspapers , frames, Nippes , recovered materials , but also Zeichnungen,   Grafikstücke , Collagen,   Montagen   von Alltags- und Mindestsachen,   die in    dramatische und Komödie-Rollen verwandelt werden . Sie stellen eine Peep Show of memory and intimacy the human is mind .
This game with the personal history the viewer is the motor Machinae memorialis .

Artist statement

Enrica Borla wurde in Turin, Italien geboren.


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