Monday, January 31, 2011

Bushnellbanner 3-9x40 Blogs

Firmino - Firmin, theca rammemorante, Recollection

theca rammemorante



"If he had kept a diary of pain, the only item was a word I".

Philip Roth "Had he Kept a pain diary, the only entry Would Have Been One word: myself "Philip Roth

Firmin, Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife
I decided to dedicate a shrine to Fermin rammemorante and myself, everyone in this world, reading the book, it was immediately filled with some feelings, including sadness, anger, despair, but also poetry, beauty, the most intense emotions, remote memories bittersweet. There would be a lot to say about the miserable life of this mouse, so that does not even attempt to write a single line of comment. So, I use the only language I know to send you what I have inside the shrine.
Firmino now is in a wonderful building, crammed with books, is enjoying a good glass of red wine and Bela Bartok is playing the piano for him by candlelight. His struggle for survival is over.
I Decided to a display case devoted to Firmin and to myself, to everyone in this world That, reading this novel, has been immediately penetrated by several feelings, including sorrow, rage, desperation, but also poetry, beauty, deep emotions, passed bittersweet souvenirs. There's too much to say about this rat's miserable life I don't even dare to approach a line about this book. So, I use the only language I know to tell you what's inside of me, the display case language.
By now, to me, Firmin is living in a marvellous palace, full of books: he's tasting a glass of good red wine and Béla Bartòk is playing piano for him by candlelight. His struggle for life is over.
Béla Bartok plays the piano for Firmino

Firmino was published in Italy in 2008. He went for the first time in America in 2006 as debut novel of American author Sam Savage, with a circulation of one thousand copies from Coffee House Press.

In 2006 Coffee House Press published Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife , by Sam Savage, a bookstore Darkly humorous story about a rat in difficult times. In 2007 the English publishing house Seix Barral purchased the world rights to Firmin, Including Inglese-language rights. The novel Subsequently Became A bestseller in Europe and translated into Has Been More Than a dozen languages.

# Thanks to Marcella Perodi I found the original sentence of Philip Roth, taken from "The Anatomy Lesson"

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where Can I Get Plain Black Vest Tops

Schaukasten display case, display case, showcase


The caskets are narrative scenes, setting up small pieces of the world, with the task, from time to time of remembrance, to exorcise, to examine or to summarize.

The caskets are "Machinae memorialis" because, as the ductus medieval, are maps of memory and identity of each and everyone, for entering the forest of symbols and references that surround us and that have made us who we are.
are magnets that attract and repel a second systolic and diastolic performance. Create a strategy game that upsets the sixty-four places of the chessboard of the world, including literature, news, cinema, costume, music, painting and imagination to induce the viewer to enable personal and intimate connections between the myths and customs and unleash other worldviews.

A showcase is a glimpse, a quick beam of light that highlights details normally neglected but who, on that little stage, find meaning and poetry. They are toys, pieces of paper, frames, knick-knacks, recovered materials, but also drawings, graphics, colleges, assemblages of everyday objects and transformed in a minimum of comedy and dramatic roles. A peep show of memory and intimacy of the human mind.

Questo gioco con la storia personale dello spettatore è il motore delle machinae memorialis.


The display cases are narrative scenes, the settings for little chunks of reality, charged with the task, case by case, of recollecting, exorcising, questioning, summarising.
The display cases act as “machinae memorialis” in that they are, like the medieval ductus , maps of memory and identity for each and every one of us, with which to venture into the forest of symbols whose reference points surround us and have made us what we are.

They are magnets which attract and repel according to a systolic/diastolic rhythm. They create a game of strategy which throws into disarray the sixty-four positions of the world’s chessboard, from literature to news reports, cinema to music, art to imagination, in order to lead the spectator into activating intimate, personal connections between his myths and habits, releasing new and different visions of the world.
A display case is a chink of light revealing details which are normally overlooked but which, on that tiny proscenium, regain a sense of meaning and poetry: toys, newspaper cuttings, photographic stills, trinkets, reclaimed materials, but also drawings, graphics, collages, fusions of trifling, everyday objects transfigured into dramatic and comic roles: a peep show of the human mind’s memories and intimacy.
This playing with the personal story of the spectator is the motor of the machinae memorialis .

Artist’s statement

Enrica Borla was born in Turin, Italy.


The showcases are narrative scenes , the establishment of small pieces of the world , with the task , from time to time to remember, , drive out to interview , , or summarize .
The showcases are " Machinae memorialis "because, as the medieval ductus , cards the memory and identity All are , so that we in the forest of symbols and can penetrate References that us surrounded and have made us, what we are .
you are magnet after the systolic and diastolic performance drag and led away. Create a strategy game that interfere the sixty-four sites the chessboard the world , between literature , report , cinema , custom , music , painting and imagination, order to entice the viewer to personal and intimate links between turn myths and customs and to other to unleash world views.

A showcase is a gap, a fleeting ray of light, the usually neglected details out to , and on the small proscenium again find those details meaning and poetry. You are toys , pieces of newspapers , frames, Nippes , recovered materials , but also Zeichnungen,   Grafikstücke , Collagen,   Montagen   von Alltags- und Mindestsachen,   die in    dramatische und Komödie-Rollen verwandelt werden . Sie stellen eine Peep Show of memory and intimacy the human is mind .
This game with the personal history the viewer is the motor Machinae memorialis .

Artist statement

Enrica Borla wurde in Turin, Italien geboren.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Due Date Based On November 28 Conception

lie to you?, theca rammemorante

theca rammemorante

lie to you?

Would I lie to you, honey?

... and if I stop for a moment time and sniff, in spite of what's out there, I warm up in the moment of nostalgia moment. It's cold outside, somebody checks, someone falls, someone ambushes, but there is always a moment when time stops.

... if, for a while, I Could Delay time and smell your scent, in despair of what's outside, When I do feel nostalgic about that moment it will warm me up. Outside it's so cold, someone's controlling us, someone's hanging on us, someone's setting up an ambush for us, But there 's still a moment in time Which comes to a grinding halt.

Il Minotauro dionisiaco, la divinità negata, prigioniero triste del labirinto di passioni, ucciso da un vigliacco che abbandonò al suo destino Arianna che pur lo aveva aiutato nell'impresa. Qui egli tenta disperatamente di mettere in guardia gli amanti dalla loro folle passione, preludio di tragedia, ma non li raggiungerà mai ed essi andranno incontro al loro Fato, nello squallido androne dell'esistenza in cui consumano la loro unione di Eros e Tanatos.

The Dionysiac Mynotaur, the denied deity, sad and lonely prisoner of passions' labyrinth, killed by a coward that left to her destiny Ariadne, even if she did help him in the challenge. Look at him now, trying desperately to warn  the two lovers against their insane passion, the prelude to a tragedy: but He will never reach them and they will head for their Fate, in the widked hall of their lives where they waste their union of Eros and Tanatos.
il Minotauro guadagna la teca

" When you love someone, you've gotta trust them. There's no other way. You've got to give them the key to everything that's yours. Otherwise, what's the point?
And, for a while, I believed that's the kind of love I had."

(Ace Rothstein / Robert De Niro from "Casino" by Martin Scorsese, just before his car explodes)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wendy Calio See Through

Goofy Skater Bardo of love, rammemorante showcase, display cabinet remembrancing

theca rammemorante


cha cha cha

Quetsa is the shrine dedicated to the 6th chakra and the Sonnet XVIII by William Shakespeare. For this reason, the purple is the dominant color.
This display cabinet is dedicated to the VI th chakra and to Sonnet XVIII by William Shakespeare. This is the reason why purple and violet are the prevailing colors.

William Shakespeare, sonnet XVIII

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer Shall not fade, Nor lose possession of
That thou fair owest;
Nor Shall Death brag thou wander'st in His shade, When in eternal
lines to time thou growest;
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this
, and this Gives life to thee.
Should I dare compare thee to a summer's day?
You are far more affectionate and your temperature more pleasant:
Rough winds do shake the bud of May,
and give hope summer lasts too little:
sometimes hot the eye of heaven,
and too often is his gold complexion became gloomier;
and all theme parks Tramontano,
by-case basis, or for course of nature, inexorably,
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
nor lose possession of that beauty belongs to you;
nor death will boast of your wandering in its shadows;
long as men can breathe or eyes will have the ability to watch,
so long this will survive, and this will make you immortal.

(trans. Enrica Borla)

There were moments in life when you ate two packs of cigarettes a day, two bottles of wine, eight cans of beer, which in the name of an obsessive memory of a thin thread of silk cloth Arachne us back to the early moments of unconditional love. As the butterflies dying pierced by a pin, with colorful wings deployed on the White paper, appear to us the past loves. This sonnet, immortalante the beauty of the first appearances, I always come up with a collection of moths. And this seem to be at the bottom of the passions of our lives, and often killed remembrance in their full glory.

There Have Been In Which moments in my life I used to be heavy on sigarettes, two packets per day, on wine, two bottles per day, on beer, eight tins per day, in Which, by the name of an obsessive memory, a thin silk thread Arachne's canvas Took us back to the instants of a former Wholehearted desire.
As agonizing colorful butterflies wings wide open pierced on white paper , so bygone lovers appears to us.
This sonnet, immortalizing the former manifestations beauty, always occurred to my mind as a lepidoptera collection. And in the end, this seems to be  exactly what our life's passions appear afterwards to us, killed and rotten, but too often remembered at the time of their utmost brightness.

Il Ajna Chakra .
Questo centro sottile dai 2 petali è l’Agnya chakra che si situa al center of the forehead. This point is also known as the third eye of Shiva. In the physical body is the interweaving of the two optic nerves in our brain (the optic chiasm). This center controls the operation of two pituitary glands and pineal , that occur within us as our ego and superego. Since this center subtle check out our eyes, a vision excessive commitment (such as film, television, computer or reading) can ruin this chakra, as well as all the bad thoughts. To clean the Agnya chakra must purify our gaze. The pent-up anger and rejection to forgive, false notions about God, an inflated ego, people attend baleful influence, block this chakra. Thinking and planning over inflate our egos too, too much make projections into the future blocks this chakra. The Agnya chakra gives the possibility for human beings to forgive and be forgiven, so that they can cleanse themselves of their sins and their past karmas. Forgive yourself and others allows the opening of this chakra through the awakening of kundalini.
Ajna is a hierarchy among the highest of the chakras, this wheel is also contained in the Manas, the petals of lotus there are letters Ham and KSame , it contains the representation of the sacred syllable Om , summary of all Mantra . is also known in the West as third eye and is located in the space between the eyebrows: his gland that is associated with is the ' pituitary. color is indigo, is bipolar and is oriented horizontally. Influence of the midbrain, where they are absorbed all nerve impulses in order to be sent to all other parts of the cervello È il chakra che presiede la visione interiore o extrasensoriale. Esercita lo sviluppo della capacità di concentrazione; la sua attivazione mediante la meditazione permette l'utilizzo del sesto senso e la capacità di manifestare le percezioni extrasensoriali, stati mistici, proiezione mentale, e di viaggiare nel piano astrale. Produce il controllo della coscienza e delle reazioni fisiche, purificazione e trasformazione dei pensieri in forme di giudizio più raccolto, con la graduale diminuzione delle percezioni sensoriali. Gli squilibri qui si manifesteranno attraverso incubi, fenomeni psichici incontrollati o sgradevoli, mancanza completa di sogni, allucinazioni, confusione mentale. È responsabile perception of the "visual" aura.

the wings of butterflies - the butterfly wings

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Yonex 9900 Nanospeed Canada Price

The Bomb That will bring us Together, theca rammemorante

theca rammemorante


A devastating explosion incinerates the pulpit and the people perish. The plane bombers flying over capital e villaggi, mentre truppe organizzate approfittano della confusione per entrare nelle case e trascinano via le donne, sparando all'impazzata su cani e galline. L'Agnese va a morire con le sue scarpe zuppe di fango e ha in mente il soldato che ha sparato al gatto del marito per farli soffrire ancora un pò di più: impotenza e umiliazione. Cedo alla tua violenza per non essere nè traditore nè puttana, per essere martire.

A devastating explosion burns the pulpit to ashes and people yeld. Fighter planes overfly capital cities and villages, while shock troops take advantage of confusion to seep into houses  dragging out women, blasting away, shooting dogs and chicken. Agnese is going to death with her mud-soaked shoes, bearing in mind the soldier who shot to her husband's cat, just to make them suffer a little bit more: powerlessness and humiliation.
I do surrend to your violence not to be a traitor nor a whore: even if just to be a martyr.
Doctor Strangelove

la maialina amorosa e l'impronta digitale di Carlotta

Il giro di una danza e poi of another, and you're no longer the time Lady.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Proper Way To Display War Medals

I am the Alpha and the Omega, amulet

shrine amulet


the Dioscuri

This shrine one day should be able to reach Apricale, a village fairy perched on a headland overlooking the valley where once, in the highest place was built a temple of the sun, just where, from the foam of the wooded hills, centuries ago , the rest saw the first ray of Ra. There was built an altar, which was surrounded by offerings and devotions, a magical place by the first rays of the sun is wedged into the ground. Who has dared to desecrate this temple was struck by bad luck and was human sacrifice: the Chariot of the Sun is out of the earth drunk with blood and crying that was released from his tomb, taking off the bark in which they had dared to conceal it. But further down in the valley everything is quiet and the sounds of footsteps pavement cats sacred to Bastet, and Apricale free to wander the streets of the Tarot.


Questa spazio teca è abitata, questa spazio teca parla, profetizza, ammansisce gli animi, invoca e bandisce, blandisce, è una teca arcana. Deo non Fortuna.

Non è possibile rivelare molto di questa teca arcana, poichè si svelerà ogni giorno, che lo si voglia o no, agli occhi di coloro ai quali fu destinata.

Il Sole, Theatre of the Cough, Apricale 2009, photos of Mauritius Gelatti

the casket arrived at the destination
layer under

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Many Calories In Stewed Tomatoes

Anna Megadeath theca, theca biographic biographic display case

biographical showcase

ANNA Megadeath
sometimes build a shrine is a painful process, as in this case.
This is the story of Anna Megadeath.
This is the story of a child who stuttered all his life tried to put patches where the fabric, already thin and lisa, tore: instead of choosing light fabrics and cloths used for heavy patches. He failed in all his life for too scared to be honest and always chose the wrong men: adventurers fell in love with and married sloth. Drowned in a martini glass down three steps and never saw his daughter. This is the story of a poor Christ.

Sometimes the making of a display case is a painful process, as in this case.
This is the story of Anna Megadeath.
This is the story of a stuttering kid who, during her whole life, tried to sew patches where the cloth, already threadbare, would tear. For her patches, instead of using light cloth, she would use heavy cloth. In all her life she was never able to be sincere, because she was too afraid, and so she always chose the wrong men: she fell in love with adventurers and married slothful people. She drowned in a Martini glass, while going down three steps of stairs, and never saw her daughter again. This is the story of a poor wretch devil.

Anna Megadeath si aggirava sperduta in una città enorme: i genitori le avevano repeatedly recommended to follow the roads and that they knew they had repeatedly indicated they knew that Anna Megadeath ran with a bomb placed in his stomach. She tried it for years and years, then got bored and decided to get into too much trouble. Megadeath Anna soon realize that they had had neither Madonna nor patron saints, and found himself in serious trouble in the blink of an eye.

Anna Megadeath Was wandering lost in a huge city: her parents many a time Had Advised her to tread only well-known streets, the ones They HAD - many a time - shown to her, Because They Knew She Was going around with a time bomb in her belly. For years That she tried doing, But she got bored and I Decided to get into trouble. Anna Megadeath Would soon REALISE That There Were not Holy Mary's, nor Saints protectors, and in no time she found herself in serious trouble.

Megadeath Anna had become a woman beautiful and attractive, much courted: the capacities playful and happy and loved to beautify wear colorful clothes tailored , went to fashion shows in Paris and this filled her with joy, he loved the luxury and jewelry, travel, theater, art and opera, it was his great passione. A poco a poco sperperò la sua dote ma fu talmente abile da recuperare, verso la fine della sua giovane vita, una parte del patrimonio, sebbene esigua in confronto a quella che aveva scialacquato.

Anna Megadeath had turned into a beautiful and pleasing woman; she was much courted: of playful and cheerful disposition, she loved to embellish herself and to wear coloured tailored dresses; she went to fashion shows in Paris, and this filled her with happiness; she loved luxury and jewellery, travelling, the theatre, art and opera – the latter being her true passion. Little by little she squandered wasted her dowry, but she was then very deft as to recover, towards the end of her short life, Part of her assets - although it was very little Compared to what she HAD wasted.

the bride and groom and their witnesses bubbles
Megadeath Anna fell in love once and that his first marriage important witnesses to the wedding were the Lumiere brothers, because From there began a great movie!

Megadeath Anna fell in love in her life only ounces, and That Was Witnessed first important match marriage no less by the Lumière brothers, Because That Would Be the beginning of a very big show!

the Lumière brothers wedding witnesses

It is said that the first wedding ceremony was one summer evening, under a big leafy tree in the country, but Anna was so happy Megadeath did not observe that the master of ceremonies was the god Anubis, protector of the sacred land of the Necropolis. That night, conceived a daughter that he would throughout his life lying on the graves without knowing exactly why, but this was the gift of Anubis, and shortly after Anna lost, like Isis, her beloved.

As the story goes, her first wedding ceremony Was Started " summer, under a large leafy tree in the country, Anna, though, was too happy to notice That Was the master of ceremonies the god Anubis, protector of the sacred earth of the Necropolis. That night she Conceived Would a daughter who, for all her life, lie on tombs, without Knowing Exactly why, This Was Anubis' gift. A little time later Anna lost, like Isis, her loved one.

Megadeath Anna wanted to die but there was strength and resumed his walk up the hill constant. It was a strong woman, you gave easily won, she was beautiful and never stays alone for more than a week. He saw it grow under his nose a daughter silent nervous, lonely, heavy and dark, so different from how he wanted and dreamed of her, but he loved so much the same as in his eyes again saw his beloved lost. One day when the sun shone and warmed announced his second marriage, decided to take only the promise made, years and years before his parents, to follow the right path that all women well, they said, were to follow. And so it was, she married again. But this time, not like the first time for euphoria, but for lack of interest and boredom, did not notice that the ceremony was again the god Anubis, and this time had not come to his wife, but for lei e  la portò via con sè verso la sua terra sotto la terra. Spero per farne la sua regina.

Anna Megadeath wanted to die, but she steeled herself and went on her path – constantly uphill.   She was a strong woman, but she gave up easily; she was beautiful, and she was never alone for more than a week. She saw a silent, nervous, solitary, heavy and dark daughter grow up under her nose; a person so different from what she would have wanted and dreamed of, but whom she loved very much, because in her look she saw her lost love. Her second wedding took place on a day when the sun was shining and sending warmth; she had decided to get married only to keep the promise made years and years before to her parents: to tread the right path that every proper woman, or so people said, had to tread.   And yet also this time – and not out of euphoria, as at the first time, but out of unconcern and boredom – she did not notice that the master of ceremonies was again the god Anubis: this time he had not come for the groom, but for her, and he took her away with him to his land under the earth. To make her his queen, I hope.

Sua figlia, che ormai era una signorina, la vide andare via: la seguì con lo sguardo umido finchè Anna Megadeath non scomparve all'orizzonte e non si voltò mai più indietro.

Her daughter, who meanwhile had become a young lady, saw her go away: she followed her mother with tears in her eyes since Anna Megadeath vanished on the horizon and never turned back again.

Mother, you had me but I never had you,
I wanted you but you didn't want me,
So I got to tell you,
Goodbye, goodbye.
Father, you left me but I never left you,
I needed you but you didn't need me,
So I got to tell you,
Goodbye, goodbye.
Children, don't do what I have done,
I couldn't walk and I tried to run,
So I got to tell you,
Goodbye, goodbye.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home.
Mama don't go,
Daddy come home...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Difference Sugar And Gluten

Il pesciolino dispettoso - The naughthy little fish, teca esorcizzante, exorcizing display case

teca esorcizzante

more than just a summer storm in the winter blankets, for the scandal of the reactionary right-thinking


When I approached the counter wood to pay my Petruzzi transparent plastic, the Chinese lady behind the cashier looked at me and asked, "What do you need?" and I replied, "I do not know, but they are expressive."
Then one night, at home, I began to connect them to each other: they are the sea, are ice, the intracellularly, are glass, are transparent, are lacrime, sono il teorema.

When I went near the wooden counter to pay for my plastic transparent beads, the Chinese woman at the cashier’s desk looked at me and asked. “What they for?”; I answered: “I don’t know, but they are expressive.
Then one night at home I began putting them together one by one: they are the sea; they are ice; they are the intracellular space; they are glass; they are transparency; they are tears; they are the theorem.

Questa in realtà è la vera prima teca esorcizzante, è antecedente a "Il Lego": ma ogni teca di cui vengo a raccontarvi ha il suo momento di narrazione. Le parole ristagnano nei nostri corpi e a seconda della materia di cui sono fatte evaporano, sedimentano, germogliano, imputridiscono, infettano, curano, guariscono, leniscono, o aggravano la situazione. Certe parole che prima creavano malessere ora ci stupiscono per la loro inconsistenza, quelle che sembravano scaturire da una tragedia insuperabile ora appaiono ridicole. Altrettanto, alcune parole che ci facevano sorridere possono tramutarsi in piccoli ragnetti avvelenati che iniziano a scorrere nelle nostre vene e intossicano il cuore, l'anima. Le parole che ci hanno reso felici ricordate in un altro tempo ci fanno solo stare molto male. E quel fiume di parole che arriva finalmente e fisiologicamente al delta porta con sè i detriti della stessa acqua pura che sgorgava alla sorgente.

As a matter of fact, this is my first exorcizing display case; it precedes “Lego”, but every case I’m going to tell you about has its moment in narration. Words stagnate in our bodies and, depending on the material they are made of, they evaporate, settle, sprout, putrefy, infect , cure, heal, ease or worsen the situation. Some words -- that once created malaise – now amaze us for their inconsistency; those which appear to come out of an insurmountable tragedy now seem ludicrous. In the same way, some words that made us laugh can turn into small venomous spiders, That Our start to run through veins and intoxicate our heart, Our soul. The words That made us happy, When at Another Time Remembered, only make us feel very bad. And That stream of words That finally gets to Physiologically and ITS delta Brings Itself with the detritus of That Same That well water spouted from the source.

running pirate adrift

On this sea of \u200b\u200bwords, on this river of tears , in which someone is drowning - I'm going Deeper underground - there is a fish that wallows indifferent, that hovers over the waves without thoughts or feelings of guilt, without feeling the weight on me of any responsibility, without feeling the guilt of abandonment, indifference to pain that causes, flickering and the water car absolves them of sin, jump out of the waters, from quell'amarezza from that mess of tears and words. Was I? Are you?

On this heap of words, in this flood of tears, In Which somebody is drowning - I'm going Deeper underground - there is a small fish that splashes indifferently, that springs over the waves with no thought or guilty feelings; without feeling the weight of responsibility on itself; without feeling the remorse of neglect. It’s indifferent to the pain it causes; it splashes and through the water; it acquits itself from any sin; it jumps out of those waters, of that bitterness, of that mire of tears and words. Was it me? Is it you ?

Ma tra un pò da quegli abissi uscirà Paperino Surfista!

But from that abyss Surfer Donald Duck will rise!