Monday, February 28, 2011

Playing Flv Files N96 Are Slow

free cinema

I state now that this post is not a news related to all forms of advertising self-interest ... take it rather as a useful information service! Dylan Dog, created by the supernatural nvestigatore Tiziano Sclavi in \u200b\u200b1986, back in theaters March 15 and will be previewed exclusively for customers of 3 Italy thanks to the Grand Cinema 3. Starting today, the website dedicated to the initiative (this is the link ) si potrà prenotare gratuitamente un massimo di 2 posti per tessera. Ovviamente i posti nelle sale sono limitati... fate in fretta!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Goldwell Elumen Salons In Pittsburgh

Discovery here is the latest launch!

Lo shuttle Discovery, partito per il suo ultimo viaggio lo scorso 24 febbraio dal Kennedy Space Center di Cape Canaveral in Florida, é stato ripreso mentre iniziava la prima fase del decollo da un volo di linea partito da Orlando. Dal finestrino dell'aeroplano, con un punto di vista assolutamente inedito e spettacolare, uno dei passeggeri ha filmato con un iPhone il passaggio dello shuttle.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Implantation Bleeding Seen On Ultrasound

I "tweeks" Cydia

Era da un pò di I thought time to publish this post, is to inform but also to allow me to "keep track" of the ones I installed on my iPhone. The tweeks can be downloaded from Cydia and allow the introduction of some interesting features that would otherwise be closed to you: why never stop to thank Jay enough Freeman! (Aka Saurik). My short list deals only with the introduction of some type of free features that can be installed only on jailbroken devices. I state that I still use the 4G version of the iPhone and, consequently, has not said that they can run on different versions of my.
  • Deepend (repository: )
He has a great feature, but to see the background around which we set using the gyroscope's built-in. Its use does not reduce the performance of the phone's battery. E 'can also modify the effects of "Zoom, Pitch and Roll" from the settings panel to get a real difference. Theoretically, the functionality of this tweeks has been introduced to create a sort of "3D".

  • Fake Operator (Repository: BigBoss )
Consente di modificare facilmente il nome operatore telefonico che compare in alto a sinistra nella barra di stato. E' semplicissimo da utilizzare: basta andare nel menù "Impostazioni", selezionare “Fake Operator”, abilitare la modifca e scrivere il testo che andrà a sostituire il nome del carrier.

  • Five Icon Dock (repository: Cydia/Telesphoreo )
Questo tweeks permette di aggiungere una quinta icona nul dock del nostro iPhone. Nativamente infatti é possibile utilizzare soltanto 4 icone. E' molto comodo e si integra perfectly with IOS, while also allowing you to move at will the icons in the dock, placing them at will.

  • Icon Renamer (Repository: BigBoss )
As the name suggests, allows double-clicking on any icon, renaming, inserting Then name at will. One option available natively on ios only for "folders".

  • NoVoiceMail (Repository: BigBoss )
allows di rimuovere completamente il tasto "Segreteria" dall'applicazione Telefono. La trovo molto comoda perché, anche se non ho costi per le telefonate, molto spesso mi capita di premere per errore questo tasto. Se si vuole ripristinare nuovamente il tasto "Segreteria", basta semplicemente disinstallarlo.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gay Me S Guide To Online Cruising

FaceTime is to be paid!

Apple ha appena rilasciato la nuova versione finale di FaceTime per Mac ed ha deciso di imporre un "piccolo balzello" a chi volesse installarlo per la prima volta. FaceTime è infatti disponibile al prezzo di 0,79€. Un prezzo irrisorio, ma sicuramente frutto di una scelta discutibile, soprattutto perchè Apple dovrebbe cercare di incentivare la sua diffusione, they compete directly with Skype, and certainly not to urge users to pay to use a proven technology and other free software. We want to perhaps make video calls in a service for a few close friends? Also the use of FaceTime on the iPhone is only available using a WiFi network (for use on 3G network is jailbroken phone required). The next Mac and mobile devices being sold with FaceTime already installed, do not require heavy taxes to pay. After this brief polemical (and angry) you point out what is the real novelty of this new release: calls in high definition. To make video in HD, however, will need a camera FaceTime HD and an internet connection to 1-Mbps upstream and downstream. To receive video in HD you need a Mac with a suitable (random new MacBook Pro). That said, now drain me from Torrent ... of course just to test it and then buy it officially!

How To Look Good In Natural Light

iPad2 and Thunderbolt

These days there is great excitement in the Apple event to be held on March 2 at the "Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco, during which it will introduce the new iPad2 . The date of submission is so official! This evening, at 19.00 (Italian time) Intel will present a special event in the new networking technology "high-speed two-way" called Thunderbolt, which will be used in the new MacBook Pro that from tomorrow will be on the market. Thunderbolt should use the mini DisplayPort connector that Apple has "kindly" made available for use, in contrast to what was decided by the consortium that supports USB technology that, in fact, has allowed Intel to use its own connector USB3. A competition that will surely bring the technology market to create two different standards and incompatible with each other, much to the delight of people who will decide definitely the future. On rumors that (daily) leaked on the internet it seems that the new iPad2 could adopt the new port Thunderbolt. Among the features expected on the new iPad note the presence of front and rear camera, A5 dual core processor, compatible with CDMA and 3G networks, anti-glare screen, but with the same resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels version of the ... and to think that March 2 is also the birthday Nadia!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Small Business Loan Default Bankruptcy

A new bug to block the Telecom WinZoz

generally are not very interested in security issues of Windows, but this concerns me because it directly affects those who normally use for my work. Researchers at a French company that deals with information security have discovered a vulnerability that has been classified as "critical" for Windows XP SP3 and Windows Server 2003 SP2 . The problem is mrxsmb.sys driver, and to be precise in BrowserWriteErrorLogEntry function (). It appears that this flaw can be exploited to remotely take complete control of a vulnerable system, but only on 64 bit systems and not on 32. The problem still affects the SMB protocol used for sharing resources; properly configuring your firewall and blocking ports 138, 139 and 445 protocols TCP and UDP we'll still be able to protect systems from any attack. Soon Microsoft will release a patch to put us all al sicuro e dormire sogni tranquilli... aspettando il prossimo baco!

Music Before Movies Start


Riprende anche in Italia la battaglia al P2P ed al file sharing. Nei giorni scorsi infatti Telecom Italia ha comunicato agli utenti che verranno applicate delle limitazioni nell'utilizzo delle linee Adsl, riguardanti in particolare il traffico peer to peer e il file sharing. E poi si parla di portare la linea dati a 100mb, ma se non dispongono delle risorse necessarie a garantire tali prestazioni, perché prendersela con i normali utenti e limitarli? Bha?!? Penso proprio che a breve ci sarà una "migrazione di massa" verso altri operatori... io consiglio Fastweb! Ecco quanto riportato nel comunicato ufficiale:
Nel rispetto del principio di parità di trattamento e ove necessario, Telecom Italia si riserva la facoltà di introdurre per tutte le offerte e/o i profili commerciali che prevedono traffico dati su tecnologia Adsl, meccanismi temporanei e non discriminatori di limitazione all'uso delle risorse di rete disponibili. A tal fine Telecom Italia potrà limitare la velocità di connessione a Internet, intervenendo sulle applicazioni che determinano un maggior consumo di banda (peer to peer, file sharing ecc.), limitando la banda destinata a tali applicazioni ad un valore massimo proporzionale alla banda complessiva disponibile sul singolo DSLAM. Per questo è previsto anche l'aggiornamento delle Condizioni Generali di Contratto Telecom ADSL tender of Italy from March 1, 2011.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rutgers Fax Cover Sheet

Steve Jobs ... and then?!? Subculture

These days we have heard much about the health of Steve Jobs and the future of Apple. The CEO has been given only a few weeks of life, now at a point of no return with his illness. Personally I can not care less about the health of one of the richest men on the planet, it will change "my favor" against Apple products if their standards continue to meet my needs. But the gossip is always in need of "being fed" news with real or alleged, and there then check the photos we've all been waiting for: Steve and Obama (along with other great personalities from the world of technology) happily sitting at a table for an informal dinner. Now they have released this great picture I can finally go back to sleep nights sleep!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rotom Sankt Peterburg

Dear Dr. Masi, I hope you realize that, thanks to his call, The island is famous for the first broadcast live to receive the blessing of the Directorate-General. The public had no other programs as a model of virtuous? (ALDO GRASSO - Corriere della Sera)

Dear "Director" was not better to call Piero Angela? Given i bassissimi livelli della Rai e la faziosità della televisione pubblica posso solo dire: ho pagato il canone e me ne vergogno. Permettetemi di precisare che (fortunatamente) NON ho assistito alla telefonata in diretta (diversamente da quando accadde con Annozero) e posso aggiungere soltanto una cosa: grazie SKY di esistere!!!

How Do You Make A Peace Signs Symbol

Roma-Lido: the class action! Sony

La Roma-Lido , la linea metropolitana utilizzata quotidianamente da migliaia di pendolari romani, diventa oggetto di una class action promossa dai Verdi, a tutela dei pendolari, dopo i continui e ripetuti disservizi divenuti ormai quasi insostenibili per chi viaggia. Questa linea fu inaugurata nel 1924 e collega la stazione Porta San Paolo in Rome to Ostia Lido, with 13 stops over a total distance of 28.359 km and was the first Italian railway to be built for metropolitan rail services. If it worked decently would be very convenient for us the mobility of the Romans, because it connects the area of \u200b\u200bthe Roman coast line B of the Rome metropolitan area, allowing guests to reach the center of the city without having to take your machine. But every day there are outages on the network, with serious consequences for commuters, students and tourists, with rides that are constantly being canceled, and an insufficient number of trains in service subject to repeated failures, making the connection between the Lido di Ostia Rome in una vera e propria odissea, spingendo il "pendolare di turno" a scegliere la propria auto per gli spostamenti. Quello che si chiede con questa class action é un intervento immediato per garantire un servizio efficiente. Nei prossimi giorni saranno presenti presso le fermate della Roma-Lido alcuni rappresentanti e consiglieri del XIII Municipio per sensibilizzare le persone sull'importanza dell'iniziativa. Chi volesse aderire alla class action potrà comunicare le proprie generalità anche tramite email all’indirizzo . Facciamo valere i nostri diritti dopo anni di disagi! Forse solo questo é l'unico modo per garantire ai cittadini romani un servizio pubblico degno di una capitale europea.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Edinburgh Shop Red Tights

"bans" the PS3 changed

Some hackers have put into circulation devices to circumvent copy protection system for use on the PlayStation 3. These devices allow the use of unauthorized or pirated software. The use of such devices or software violates the terms of the License Agreement of the system software for the PlayStation 3 "and" Terms of Service and Conditions of Use "PlayStation Network / Qriocity and the clauses of the Code of Conduct of the community for these services. The violation of the license agreement of the system software for the PlayStation 3 system will void the warranty to the consumer for the system. In addition, copying or use of pirated software is a violation of international copyright laws. Users running pirated or unauthorized software or devices to circumvent copy protection can no longer access the services Qriocity through the PlayStation Network and PlayStation 3. To avoid this, users must immediately remove the devices to circumvent copy protection and stop using it and remove unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems.
With this post on his official blog, Sony has stated that those are his intentions with regard to the protection of its flagship product, the Playstation 3. Some weeks ago I had already spoken of that Sony is taking legal action to try to stem the phenomenon of hacking, but as was expected, this was not the only decisive move to protect itself in the name of fighting piracy. With this release, the company said that each console will be changed forever banned from access to online services. For several days many users report receiving the error 0x8002A227, a sign that your console has been identified and will not be able to log in to online services, the PlayStation Network.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ivf Deduction Turbo Tax

The truffacuori: a funny movie!

Yesterday I went to the movies with Nadia and a friend of mine. We have the card Grandecinema3 and we took the opportunity to see one of the (few) with films such as free cinema ticket courtesy of Tre Italy. I must say that several months Luciana and I are making full use of the card and every week we watch a film again. Some were really bad (for example, "The Passion"), but many others were at least interesting, movies, however, that I hardly saw paying the ticket! This time we could see "what a beautiful day" with Checco Zalone (I was not attracted to this movie!), Burlesque, trips or Guliver truffacuori. Our choice (or rather, quella di Nadia) é ricaduta sul film "Il truffacuori" con Vanessa Paradis e Roman Duris. Personalmente non avevo ne visto il trailer ne letto le recensioni e non sapevo proprio cosa avrei visto! Al termine della proiezione devo dire che mi sono proprio divertito e, con me, anche gli altri spettatori in sala. E' una commedia leggera e, sotto alcuni aspetti, anche brillante. Non voglio raccontarvi la trama ne segnalarvi le piccole e geniali scenette che sono state inserite nel film, ma se cercate un film leggero e divertente questo é quello che fa al caso vostro. Un ultimo appunto... permettetemi di "criticare" la bellezza di Vanessa Paradis: devo ammettere che non é prorompente e ci sono sicuramente moltissime altre attrici più belle di lei... ma okay!

Fotografies Hannah Montana

happened BEYOND ocean

Thinking and rethinking the Bunga Bunga Italian (and not only that of our Prime Minister) is almost comical to read the news of a Republican in upstate New York, Christopher Lee, who has resigned only because "guilty" of having sent a photo of a shirtless woman known on the Internet; has resigned after three hours of a website that had revealed the news. Only a picture, without even a suspicion that they have had sexual intercourse. Chris Lee had met the woman through the personal ads on a site in the industry. The advertisement, published in the "women seeking men" la donna affermava di essere alla ricerca di uomini "finanziariamente ed emotivamente sicuri che non avessero l'aspetto di ranocchi". Il giorno stesso della pubblicazione dell'annuncio Lee aveva scritto alla donna presentandosi come un lobbista di 39 anni (realmente ne ha 46) "in gran forma fisica e con molta classe, vivo nell'area di Capitolo Hill, sono biondo ed ho gli occhi blu". Per provare le sue affermazioni il deputato aveva allegato una sua foto a torso nudo che aveva scattato col suo telefonino davanti allo specchio del bagno. Il deputato, sposato e padre di due figli, ha dichiarato:
Mi dispiace. Il danno che le mie azioni hanno causato alla mia famiglia, ai miei colleghi e ai miei elettori. Chiedo scusa profondamente at all. I have made profound mistakes and promise to commit to hard to earn their forgiveness.
In America, his political career may be said to be virtually over. In Italy it would be a springboard for a bright future. I do not want the moralist (world-wide and country) but it is too simple a comparison with the Italian company, because in this country politicians are deeply attached to his chair (to their own interests and personal gain), and there's no way unrivet of your seat. The American company instead of daily living situations posed at the boundary between the absurd and the real and often more extreme puritanism comes into conflict with the hypocrisy. A company may be too profoundly different from ours but we can not say that this is better. In this gesture, it is hypocritical or sincere, we must seek the recognition of something important: public office involves a standard of behavior different from that in private life and embarrass the voters with an undignified behavior has a cost. We do not think Mr. B. only but we extend our discussion to the whole Italian political class. Spirit or simply want to call it dignity?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fire Sprinkler Pendant Head Use

To> Innsbruck


15th ART International Fair for Contemporary Art Innsbruck,
February 3-6, 2011

Adelindo ALLEGRETTI Curator, STAND D/09

Selected artists: Jean Arp (F), Enrica Borla (I), Georges Braque (F),
Alexander Calder (USA), LeoNilde Carabba (I), Marc Chagall (RUS) , Salvador Dalí
(E), Alberto Giacometti (CH), Katsushika Hokusai (J), Emanuele Luzzati (I), Inge
Mair (A), Man Ray (USA), Marino Marini (I), Umberto Mastroianni (I), Henri
Matisse (F), Joan Miró (E), Pablo Picasso (E), Cristina Rodriguez (CO), Saul
Steinberg (RO), Antoni Tàpies (E), Andy Warhol (USA), Aurelia Waßer (D)

3rd February 2011: 11 - 20
4th February 2011: 11 - 20
5th February 2011: 11 - 20
6th February 2011: 11 - 17

Fair Innsbruck
fair hall 4
South entrance, Ing.-Etzel-Straße
A-6020 Innsbruck

Grazie a :

M.F. , S.B., M.G., E.S., M.C., M.M. per i consigli, C.M. che mi sopporta/supporta da settimane, F.A. che ha reso per me possibile questo viaggio,C.A. che mi ha suggerito di fare un blog, e non trascuro l'Occulto Motore Primo, senza cui nulla sarebbe stato.

Grazie infinite per le traduzioni in zona cesarini a :

Adriana Oberto
Jonathan Matthews
Daniel Monti
Marcella Perodo

Grazie anche a :

Davide Maria Volontà
Chiara Benedetto
Livio Taricco
Lilla Durante, che si prende cura dei miei gatti in mia assenza
Andrea Scagliotti, per il supporto del suo gregge di ovini

Pinky The Star Movies

The Annunciation of Batman - Batman's Annunciation, rammemorante showcase, display case Recollection

teca rammemorante



Non è sempre necessario che  venga spiegato tutto a chiunque. Poichè nessuno è in grado di spiegare il mistero, la meraviglia, il miracolo. Non vi è necessità di Papi o di teologi, i miei gatti ne sanno di più. L'unico vero dono è il Pensiero, l'unica cosa per cui vale la pena di vivere, l'unica cosa che santifica i nostri lombi. Semplice e terribile, potente. Perchè Batman? Perchè no?
Chi altri?

It is not only necessary to explain everything to anyone. For no one can explain the mistery, the wonderful, the miracle. No need for popes or theologian, my cats know best. The real gift of life is Thinking, the only thing worth to live for, the only thing That can sanctify Our loins. Simple and terrible, Powerful. Why Batman? Why not? Who else?

picture Enrica Borla

The Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo Buonarroti

Dune Buggy Plans 2 Seat Cad

I sometimes stranger from reality - Sometimes I Become estranged from reality, portable shrine, portable homes disply

portable shrine


Sometimes I BECOME REALITY FROM Estranged

is the portable shrine, the shrine wearable anywhere. E 'is closed in its case and can be easily put into pocket or purse or suitcase, wherever you are, it can be pulled out, opened and you can watch. Turns out to be a comfortable furnishing item for travel, in hotel rooms or residence and / or resort. It gives a touch of familiarity with the place where you are, even if unrelated.
And 'the extension of the medallions that were worn around the neck with a picture of loved ones or a lock of hair of the beloved. I invite anyone to take a box of wood and turn it into a container of symbolic objects, photos, writings that we take with us. You should have a session every time you want to carry with you something or someone, a reminder in the pipeline, and when the portable shrine expires, not thrown away, in fact, close it and another costruitevene. Are the travel notes of your life, what are consigned to the past or want to relive that moment come up from time to time. Build your sci-tech!

The portable display case, portable everywhere: enclosed in its holder it can slip easily into one’s pocket, bag or suitcase and, wherever one happens to find oneself, be taken out and opened for one to look at. It also turns out to be a useful item of travel furnishing for one’s hotel room, apartment complex and/or resort, thereby conferring a touch of familiarity on the place in which one finds oneself, even if unfamiliar.
It is the extension of the lockets which used to be worn around the neck containing the photos of loved ones or a lock of hair of one’s beloved. I invite everyone to take a little wooden box and turn it into a container of symbolic objects, photos, written lines, which you would like to take with you. You should make one every time you want to keep someone or something with you, a memorandum en route. And when your portable display case reaches its expiry date, don’t throw it away but, on the contrary, close it up and make yourself another one. They are our life’s travel notes, they represent that which you want to relegate to your past or take out again from time to time to relive a particular moment. Create your own fantasy-case!

the portable shrine closed, ready to be placed in a handbag
the portable shrine ajar

Jerome Shostak Level F Answers

The Uncanny (Das Hunheimlich), The Uncanny , theca rammemorante

theca rammemorante

The Uncanny

(DAS unheimlich)

The Uncanny

"The disturbing is the sort of frightening that goes back to what we have known for a long time, to what is familiar. "
( Sigmund Freud, The Uncanny , 1919. )

" The uncanny is frightening That Kind Of Thing Which goes back to What We Have Known for a long time, to what is familiar to us . "

( Sigmund Freud, The Uncanny , 1919. )
Fear is an emotion that connects us with nature, a way to highways, the more intimate connection with the primitive, the proof of the sense faculties refined, the amygdala.
Norman lives with his mother stuffed downstairs and ubbedisce yet. An evil spirit disguised as a clown haunts me: I am always Supposed to laugh When you speak? Something alien moves in the cavity walls. Everything in the Lower Valley, near the house from the windows Ridono: ovviamente nello specchio vedrete anche la vostra immagine riflessa.

Fear is an emotion connecting us with Nature, a kind of highway, the most intimate connection with that which is primitive, tangible evidence of the abilities of our refined senses, the amygdala.
Norman lives with his mother embalmed downstairs and still obeys her. An evil spirit disguised as a clown haunts me: am I supposed to laugh every time you speak? Something Alien moves inside the cavities in my domestic walls.  All this in Bassa Padana, close to The House of the Laughing Windows: obviously in the mirror you can also see your Reflected own image.

Mickey arrives at Bates Motel
Make a list of five movies that scared you more. Then try to identify the exact moment in which fear peeps and analyzed the contents of the images.

Make a list of the 5 films you That frightened most. Then try to identify the exact moment When fear strikes and analyze the content of the images.

the shrine seen by Clive Barker

 Il perturbante di Sigmund Freud

su "Shining" di Stanley Kubrick, liberamente tratto dal romanzo "The Shining" di Stephen King:

..." In un'intervista rilasciata dopo l'uscita del film, Kubrick ha parlato dei riferimenti letterari che ha preso in esame con la sua co-sceneggiatrice Diane Johnson per affiancare il lavoro di adattamento sul romanzo di Stephen King. Il referente teorico principale di Shining è un saggio breve scritto da Freud, Il Perturbante, definito dal regista "il massimo discorso fatto dalla Western culture on the theme of fear. "

In this essay Freud tries to explain a particular feeling, what precisely defined uncanny (" unheimlich "in German), studying the causes of its occurrence and some examples of situations disturbing. It is a scary kind of feeling that stems from its being new, the fact that it is not known, which is unusual, "the uncanny [...] something that would, so to speak, you do not find their way . Freud in the essay lists a number of situations that may give rise to this feeling, the reason for the repetition of equal impersonator. As we shall see in the next section, all samples Freudians are in Shining: Kubrick used the Treaty as a thematic guide, such as maps of the horror. Interesting observation by Enrico Ghezzi on the same duplicity of the English verb "to overlook," which means both "check with the look, inspect, monitor" how much "miss, miss." Even in the name of the hotel Shining exude the same sense of duplicity shown by Freud, which makes the Overlook Hotel, the very embodiment of the uncanny.
Freud also analyzes the linguistic usage of the German word and note an ambivalence of meaning that is reflected in a particularities in this sense. The meaning of the word "heimlich" in certain contexts can have a connotation that is the same as its opposite, "unheimlich" here is what it seems then that becomes comfortable and protective, just the opposite, treacherous, cowardly, deceitful . In the vocabulary of the German word "heimlich" in fact has two distinct meanings, one meaning "not foreign, familiar, domestic, intimate and trusted" and another as "concealed, kept hidden so as not to make it known to others or not to say the reason for which it intends to conceal. " Freud says: "the little word heimlich, among the many nuances of its meaning, it also shows that coincides with its opposite unheimlich. So what is heimlich becomes unheimlich, "and even" unheimlich [...] is all that should have remained secret, hidden, and instead it surfaced, "" heimlich is a term that then develops its meaning in an ambivalent way, In conclusion, to coincide with its opposite unheimlich. Unheimlich is in a sense a variant of heimlich. "