Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sand Rail Schematic Free

Sigfrido, teca tassonomica

teca tassonomica


Puchu ha subito capito questa teca: Heidegger, Wagner, Antonin Artaud, Adolf Hitler, Simone Weil, Beethoven, Miles Davis lo sciamano elettrico e Gene Simmons.

...è sempre war!

In the morning the reliquary surprised me, I did not know there was and then returned my gaze was a virgin. First of all I thought that was immediately in tune, in its place, even though I did not understand what it was. Then I realized that this is a showcase that brings together some of taxonomic life forms that inhabit my nervous system, with varying intensity as to impose themselves at the sight, but it is never right because what is most manifest is also the most influential, even the shark is a figure of great importance and still largely unknown in my life, like that of many who saw ill eponymous film in 1977 summer, the sea. The shark is imprinted in the soft infantile neuronal why not frightening, but because it attracts, the more frightened, for the immense power that reveals the fear is because of the strength meter. Thus the 'decadence' and its devastation on Europa charmed the charmer supreme Wagner and Nietzsche, which is too sensitive, he yielded to the thrill crazy, so intrigued that Artaud in the viscera to the attraction of the most pestilent disease that reveals man shit was struck in the rectum by a symbol of his poetry: cancer, so Hitler, who loathed because he has destroyed what was left of the only Europe that we could love, but how many and immense and legendary residual forces are conjoined for the last time in Europe to rotar swastikas, but unfortunately in the wrong direction, one that swallows the sun instead of bringing about the Aurora (Morgenroth, 1886), so the war, the grinder without identity. To query and propitiate the mystery of the force, which is always cruel, and death it causes and then extinguished the force, we must turn to the office of the sacred Shaman, whose electric horn is still the same golden dart and Apollo venom of the time before Homer. Then for gl'ingenui, and children are all innocent, there is the carnival, the pious father demonic masks: Gene Simmons.

Siegfried floats in the display case

the mannequin


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