Monday, December 13, 2010

Do You Wear Boxers Under Thermals

Pornopatta, teca rammemorante, re-collection display case

teca rammemorante


 "Se intorno  al cadavere di Eliogabalo, morto senza tomba, and slain by police in his own palace of latrines, there is an intense circulation of blood and excrement around his cot there is an intense movement of sperm. Elagabalus was born in an era in which all sex with everyone, nor will never be known where and by whom was actually impregnated her mother. for Syrian prince, as he was, the subsidiary is through mothers - and, in fact mothers, there is around this son of coachman, just born, a galaxy of Julian - and as they may affect whether or not the throne All these are fair Julian whores.
Their common father, the female source of this river of rapes and infamy, had, before becoming a priest, having been coccchiere note public, without which you do not understand the fury that began Elagabulus ascended the throne to be fucked by coachmen. "

Antonin Artaud, from" Elagabulus or anarchist crowned "I" The Cradle of semen " , 1934, ed. Adelphi, January 1991

"If There Was around the corpse of Heliogabalus, tombless, ITS throat cut by his police force in his palace latrines, a heavy flow of blood and excrement, there was around his cradle a heavy flow of sperm. Heliogabalus was born in an era when everybody slept with everybody; and it will never be known when or by whom his mother was actually impregnated. For a Syrian prince like him, consanguinity came from the mother’s side; – and as regards mothers, around this newborn son of a charioteer was a pleiad of Julias; – and whether or not practising when in power, all these Julias were highclass whores.
The father to them all, to the female wellspring of this river of rape and infamy, must, before he became priest, have been a coachman, since otherwise it would be incomprehensible - The zealousness Which Heliogabalus, enthroned ounces, put into Being buggered by charioteers. "

Antonin Artaud, from" Heliogabalus, or the Crowned Anarchist "Part I" The Cradle of Sperm ", 1934

courtesy of Chiara Benedetto
The ladies, the knights, arms and the mood I sing.

Donald and the Furies
Every time we buy something we do because we think we can improve, directly or indirectly, the quality of our lives. When we buy sex, when we turn to the market for pornography, do it for the same reason. To meet our strong instincts to vice, out of boredom, sometimes for abbruttimento. And we keep warm for a bit ', like lighting a match to warm up, as did the little match girl. The man offers up a smile at the sight of the woman lying at his feet that observes with care: Erinyes two more on the side stand guard.

Every time we buy something, we do know Because We Think It May improve, Directly or indirectly, our quality of life. When we buy sex, when we turn to the market of pornography, we do it for the same reason: to satisfy our base instincts, out of bad habits or boredom, or sometimes even to degrade ourselves. And we keep ourselves warm for a while, as we do by striking a match to keep warm, just as the Little Match Girl did. The man at the top offers a smile to the woman lying at his feet who watches him closely; two Furies stand guard to one side.

una teca natalizia

Amazon Moon


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