Monday, December 6, 2010

Blue Print For Design Beauty Salon

Caprices de la nature, teca noir

theca noir

Caprices de la Nature

In the space of showcases, display case space, though small, many things happen. This is a showcase noir, is a detective story. It 's the story of a passion and a lot of lies that have led to commit a murder.
film noir The term was coined by French film critics at the end of World War II when Alps were distributed U.S. films shot in 40s. ("Pinocchio" by Walt Disney, into this shrine, it is 1940).
The film noir is a cinematic subgenre of thriller , who had the summit in the United States in the forties and fifties. Apart from the subject of an investigation and to the classic small town, the film noir provides strong contrasts of light between white and black, which symbolically represent the conflict between good and evil.
Characters such figures are often inquetanti and unhealthy. Couples diabolical Messalina, drunkards, gamblers, brutal husbands, young crowd and killing for the thirst for conquest. Unlike the yellow, noir is the "works" for the triumph of evil that each character carries within himself. These people are opposed to private detectives, journalists, writers, often telling the story in first person, trying to stamp out these insane perversions prejudice, in turn, entangled. The classic yellow has well-defined characters in noir characters are dark, curved their torments and lead stories on how their troubled consciences.
In the United States within the genus del film noir circa 250 titoli rigorosamente classificati dal 1940  al 1959 , nel pieno cinema narrativo classico.
Molti riconducono la nascita del genere cinematografico a l film " Lo sconosciuto del terzo piano"  (1940 ), ma il periodo d'oro va dal 1941 - anno de " Il mistero del falco"  ( The Maltese Falcon ) tratto dal romanzo "Il falcone maltese" di Dashiell Hammett to 1958, with " Touch of Evil" by Orson Welles .

This is the beginning of film noir:

We are in a hard-working town of the province, is the beginning of autumn. All'inbrunire the river, from which one can see the factory that has provided jobs to local people and sudden wealth, a man and a blonde woman are close to a dead man. He is bent over the body, looks at the woman and seems to ask: "And now what do we do?". The young blonde lady departs a lock of hair from his forehead, strutting on her heels, her back arched, without a shadow of repentance, but only focused on how to stop it once again: as a woman it is not the first time that the quarry trouble, but this time it's half a murder.

Pinocchio and the frog
The frog at the bottom of Pinocchio.
This animal is the symbol per eccellenza del principio fondatore dell'acqua, quindi di cuiò che è fecondo ma anche di ciò che scorre. La rana è anche simbolo sia di morte che di vita. Nella psicologia junghiana questa creatura, che non è ancora un essere umano, rappresenta un impulso inconscio che ha una risoluta tendenza a diventare conscio. La donna rana non ha ucciso il suo uomo in prima persona ma ha contribuito a far sì che il suo amante commettesse il crimine.
In Giappone statuette delle rane vengono spesso vendute nei templi perché la parola "rana" in giapponese si pronuncia come la parola "ritorno": questo ci dice che il suo amante torna dal passato. Forse è stato l'unico uomo che ha amato e da cui è stata abbandonata e the other, who is now lying dead on the ground, a fall-back husband, who became cumbersome.

who broke the eggs in the basket?
What happened? How will the plot of the shrine? Because the two lovers killed the owner of the factory?

Those wisps of white smoke that obscures the view out of the mouths of the protagonists, their mouths to fill the lungs, which float in the air of suspended Their damned souls. Carried away by their passion and their greed are evil but so instinctive to do, however, surprising that the error will lead to death or jail. The characters of film noir seeking a ransom demand that they repay their lives for something they have not had and feel entitled to get and their end justifies the means, but are a little pathetic because they almost never do away with it. uo mini broad-shouldered and husky voice, young women with their mouths and red stockings, badly lit and seedy hotels in the ballrooms where men and women are around to Grosz.


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