Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cramps And Mucus 13dpo

Siete stati tutti cattivi, molto cattivi ,teca natalizia

teca natalizia


E' di nuovo arrivato il tempo del Natale, quel tempo che, quando eravamo bambini, tanto ci piaceva.  Poi, per il resto della vita, se ne paga caro il prezzo . Festa obbligata ed insidiosa, infinitamente peggiore di Capodanno.
E allora cosa può pensare di fare un drugo a Natale?
Alex has just been released from the Korova Milk Bar, where he sipped plenty Lattepiù, and really needs to exercise some good old ultraviolence . Driving his car in the milky, snowy night in December: in his head echoes the Ninth of Ludwig Van. I still wonder if Alex has a strong desire to pull off its wheels the annoying Santa Claus, who brings gifts to good children only (a good educational tool for blackmail), or Santa Claus is in prospect 's small object hanging from the rearview mirror of our car drugo.
Teca sour, my very theca, theca cynical and kinetics, on a personal shrine.

and if Alex was our Santa Claus?

"That Santa Claus with red belt and black propaganda invention of Coca-Cola is the urban legend of the metropolis tributaries. In 1915, to stay within the same relevant product market of soft drinks, Santa Claus comrpave in White Rock Beverages advertising campaigns to promote the consumption of mineral water. It 'true, however, that Santa Claus comes to its unsurpassed accomplishment in the 30s, in the drawings of propaganda for the Coca-Cola Chart Haddon Sundblom Hubbard. Santa Cola, saturated fat benevolent, warm smiles of fur, is to quell Democratic universal distribution of gifts with the endless anxiety of owning everything. Sundblom drew the features of a didactic poem of intent edifying, 1822 "A Visit From St. Nicholas." Alex is anxious to have everything, but not for the sake of things, but himself. Self-esteem is so fragile and elusive that the personality attributes requires tangible and compelling acts: as 340 hp turbocharged engine to turn a man into a bullet. Alex Kubrick formed in 1972 deriving it book by Burgess, not at all edifying but somewhat didactic. From "A Visit From St. Nicholas" to "Clockwork Orange" is a literary apprenticeship of Anglo-Saxon peoples. In 1972 Sundblom drew Santa Claus again, this time for the cover of Playboy, and finally a more human warmth could be matched with the wishes Alex. Santa Claus is the dream and obsessive persecution, the nightmare, Alex, what did you bring me? C. .. or, what did you bring me ?!..." (FA)

This is the greeting for this year end, and I want to thank the anonymous author del murales, in splendido spirito aranciameccanicizzato.

Auguri di Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!

Chicago, 1902

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Point And Shoot With Variable Shutter Speed



GO Pyrenees

Monday, December 13, 2010

Do You Wear Boxers Under Thermals

Pornopatta, teca rammemorante, re-collection display case

teca rammemorante


 "Se intorno  al cadavere di Eliogabalo, morto senza tomba, and slain by police in his own palace of latrines, there is an intense circulation of blood and excrement around his cot there is an intense movement of sperm. Elagabalus was born in an era in which all sex with everyone, nor will never be known where and by whom was actually impregnated her mother. for Syrian prince, as he was, the subsidiary is through mothers - and, in fact mothers, there is around this son of coachman, just born, a galaxy of Julian - and as they may affect whether or not the throne All these are fair Julian whores.
Their common father, the female source of this river of rapes and infamy, had, before becoming a priest, having been coccchiere note public, without which you do not understand the fury that began Elagabulus ascended the throne to be fucked by coachmen. "

Antonin Artaud, from" Elagabulus or anarchist crowned "I" The Cradle of semen " , 1934, ed. Adelphi, January 1991

"If There Was around the corpse of Heliogabalus, tombless, ITS throat cut by his police force in his palace latrines, a heavy flow of blood and excrement, there was around his cradle a heavy flow of sperm. Heliogabalus was born in an era when everybody slept with everybody; and it will never be known when or by whom his mother was actually impregnated. For a Syrian prince like him, consanguinity came from the mother’s side; – and as regards mothers, around this newborn son of a charioteer was a pleiad of Julias; – and whether or not practising when in power, all these Julias were highclass whores.
The father to them all, to the female wellspring of this river of rape and infamy, must, before he became priest, have been a coachman, since otherwise it would be incomprehensible - The zealousness Which Heliogabalus, enthroned ounces, put into Being buggered by charioteers. "

Antonin Artaud, from" Heliogabalus, or the Crowned Anarchist "Part I" The Cradle of Sperm ", 1934

courtesy of Chiara Benedetto
The ladies, the knights, arms and the mood I sing.

Donald and the Furies
Every time we buy something we do because we think we can improve, directly or indirectly, the quality of our lives. When we buy sex, when we turn to the market for pornography, do it for the same reason. To meet our strong instincts to vice, out of boredom, sometimes for abbruttimento. And we keep warm for a bit ', like lighting a match to warm up, as did the little match girl. The man offers up a smile at the sight of the woman lying at his feet that observes with care: Erinyes two more on the side stand guard.

Every time we buy something, we do know Because We Think It May improve, Directly or indirectly, our quality of life. When we buy sex, when we turn to the market of pornography, we do it for the same reason: to satisfy our base instincts, out of bad habits or boredom, or sometimes even to degrade ourselves. And we keep ourselves warm for a while, as we do by striking a match to keep warm, just as the Little Match Girl did. The man at the top offers a smile to the woman lying at his feet who watches him closely; two Furies stand guard to one side.

una teca natalizia

Amazon Moon

Will Protonix Effect Birth Control?

Cocaina Purissima, teca rammemorante

theca rammemorante

pure cocaine

I particularly remember a Japanese print by Hiroshige Utagawa, "Evening Snow at Asuka-yam", where the snow seemed to be flocking out of the sheet. And "Contest of beauties from Pleasure Quarters" by Torii Kiyonaga, where beautiful and graceful geishas walking down the street without the street looks background, chatting quietly. I remember a particular print, because it is hung on the wall beside my futon: it is a print by Katsushika Hokusai in which a man moves between the gusts of wind blowing and its feel on your face if you look closely. The ability to staordinaria
captured and imprisoned the four elements are what I love most of the old Japanese prints.

scratch the stone
the voice of cicadas

ya iwa ni shimiiru
semi no koe

Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), haiku poetry

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mountain Bike Colligraphy

Il nome non ha proprio importanza, The name really doesn't matter, teca rammemorante

theca rammemorante



In tanti anni ho sempre raccolto fototessere: oppure le trovavo per strada e son le mie preferite. Sovente le chiedo ad amici e conoscenti e le metto tutte in una scatolina e ogni tanto le guardo, come la collezione di figurine. Le ho da così tanto tempo che mi sono dimenticata chi sono alcune persone, ma il nome non ha importanza.
Eppure non riesco a privarmene e il destino mi aiuta a trovarne in giro. Anche prese singolarmente hanno una grande forza evocativa, non importa se non ricordo i nomi oppure non li ho mai saputi.

I have been collecting passport photos for many years: or I used to find them on the streets and those are my favourites. I often ask friends and acquaintances for some and store them all in a box and sometimes I look at the them like they were a postcard collection. I have had them for so long that I cannot remember who some people are, but their names do not matter..
Yet I cannot throw them away and Fate helps me find more out in the world. Even as a single object they are very evocative, it does not matter if I cannot remember the names or if I have never known them.

Ci sono due donne all'angolo di una strada che stanno parlando fittamente, pare proprio stiano spettegolando dei personaggi theca: I think the two women hardly know the people around them, but this is sufficient for them to pass handfuls of minutes to cut collars.
This shrine does not tell a story, here are many stories.
But the names of the characters have their own importance.

There are two women at the corner of a street talking animatedly, it really looks like They are gossiping about the characters in the display case: I believe the two women barely know the people around Them But That Is Enough for Them to spend time bending Each Other's ear.
This display case does not tell a story, there are many stories here.
But the characters' names do not really matter.

but this is not what I wanted to tell ....

But this is not what I wanted to say ....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Is Hydraulic Acid Used For

Coltellate per avere il telecomando, teca rammemorante

theca rammemorante


It 'hard to find reasons per vivere, ma ancor più difficile è trovare buone ragioni per cui morire. Quindi ce ne si può inventare davvero di ogni sorta, così per supplire alla mancanza di grandi cause, visto il fallimento storico delle stesse.

Elvis e l'esorcista

I nomi dei demoni.
Alle volte sono nomi biblici o dati dalla tradizione biblica, satana, lucifero, belzebub, asmodeo, meridiano, zabulon ecco e allora sono demoni molto forti. Altre volte hanno dei nomi che indicano direttamente lo scopo che si prefiggono, distruzione, perdizione, rovina, oppure indicano singoli mali: insonnia, terrore, discordia, invidia, gelosia, lussuria. Noi chiediamo il nome ai demoni e di demoni fanno molta fatica a rivelare i loro nomi, perché rivelare i loro nomi è già un segno di sconfitta, un segno di debolezza. Quando c'è la possessione diabolica noi chiediamo il nome, come ha fatto Gesù con l'indemoniato di Gerasa. Gli ha chiesto come ti chiami ed egli ha risposto "legione perché siamo in molti". Anch'io ho avuto una volta una persona posseduta che alla domanda come ti chiami rispondeva "legioni, legioni, legioni". Quando escono da un anima il più delle volte sono destinati all'inferno. Voglio sfatare una paura che alcuni hanno. La paura che il demonio possa passare a terzi specie se partecipano alle preghiere di liberazione, keep close to people, etc. .. No, the devil does not pass from person to person. When leaving a core are generally intended to hell, can sometimes say that they go into the wilderness. We in the book of Tobit the case that Asmodeus is chained in the wilderness by the Angel Raphael. I will always obliged to go beneath the cross to get to your destination by Jesus Christ, the only judge. The Father gave the Son power to each rating. We must always
with this phrase: "go to the foot of the Cross and Christ the Lord to give you the destination."
(a priest exorcist from "Exorcism and prayers of liberation", website)

In the Middle Ages often was provided to equip themselves with lists of demons and devils, a census: and every one of them gave the name and characteristics, say, the properties, since one can not speak of virtue. Indeed, each of them, like the fairies at the beginning of "The Sleeping Beauty", handed out a particular sin or vice, so that if someone you thought was particularly colt owned by several demons.

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled Was convincing the World he Did not exist."
Verbal Kint / Keyser Soze

il Signore delle Mosche e la lussuria

Sand Rail Schematic Free

Sigfrido, teca tassonomica

teca tassonomica


Puchu ha subito capito questa teca: Heidegger, Wagner, Antonin Artaud, Adolf Hitler, Simone Weil, Beethoven, Miles Davis lo sciamano elettrico e Gene Simmons.

...è sempre war!

In the morning the reliquary surprised me, I did not know there was and then returned my gaze was a virgin. First of all I thought that was immediately in tune, in its place, even though I did not understand what it was. Then I realized that this is a showcase that brings together some of taxonomic life forms that inhabit my nervous system, with varying intensity as to impose themselves at the sight, but it is never right because what is most manifest is also the most influential, even the shark is a figure of great importance and still largely unknown in my life, like that of many who saw ill eponymous film in 1977 summer, the sea. The shark is imprinted in the soft infantile neuronal why not frightening, but because it attracts, the more frightened, for the immense power that reveals the fear is because of the strength meter. Thus the 'decadence' and its devastation on Europa charmed the charmer supreme Wagner and Nietzsche, which is too sensitive, he yielded to the thrill crazy, so intrigued that Artaud in the viscera to the attraction of the most pestilent disease that reveals man shit was struck in the rectum by a symbol of his poetry: cancer, so Hitler, who loathed because he has destroyed what was left of the only Europe that we could love, but how many and immense and legendary residual forces are conjoined for the last time in Europe to rotar swastikas, but unfortunately in the wrong direction, one that swallows the sun instead of bringing about the Aurora (Morgenroth, 1886), so the war, the grinder without identity. To query and propitiate the mystery of the force, which is always cruel, and death it causes and then extinguished the force, we must turn to the office of the sacred Shaman, whose electric horn is still the same golden dart and Apollo venom of the time before Homer. Then for gl'ingenui, and children are all innocent, there is the carnival, the pious father demonic masks: Gene Simmons.

Siegfried floats in the display case

the mannequin

Monday, December 6, 2010

Best Laptop For Art And Media


"Looking for Mr. Goodbar"

Richard Brooks, 1977. Suitable
sentimental education of adolescents.
E 'based on a novel, I would say romance, inspired by the murder of a young teacher in New York of 28 years, that Roseanne Quinn. She was killed New Year's Eve of 1973 by one of his occasional lovers, one of the men who in the small apartment of rabastava 72nd street. As a good Irish Catholic family, estimated teacher of deaf children Bronx Catholic School, which he dedicated to care and love even more than stopping his time teaching, he led a double life: at night, alone, beat the singles bar for less than slums in search of men to go to bed one night and that's without getting paid. She was killed with 14 stab wounds by one of them, a young man who gave 23 years of crazy when she told him to leave his house because he could not that night, thanks to alcohol, to do his duty. They found his body three days later, thanks to alert the school where I taught, they were worried he failed to get to work, she always così precisa e puntuale. Una storia di solitudine.

"New Year’s Day in 1973 started out inauspiciously for Quinn. She had spent New Year’s Eve alone and was restless. Sometime after dinner, she went across the street to Twead’s, where she befriended a Wall Street stockbroker and his friend. Several hours later, she was dead. Nobody knew what happened until three days later, when one of Quinn’s colleagues became concerned at her uncharacteristic absence from work. The colleague convinced Quinn’s superintendent to open the woman’s apartment. They found Quinn sprawled on the floor—she had been Raped, stabbed 18 times in the neck and stomach, and left with a red table candle inserted in her vagina. "

Blue Print For Design Beauty Salon

Caprices de la nature, teca noir

theca noir

Caprices de la Nature

In the space of showcases, display case space, though small, many things happen. This is a showcase noir, is a detective story. It 's the story of a passion and a lot of lies that have led to commit a murder.
film noir The term was coined by French film critics at the end of World War II when Alps were distributed U.S. films shot in 40s. ("Pinocchio" by Walt Disney, into this shrine, it is 1940).
The film noir is a cinematic subgenre of thriller , who had the summit in the United States in the forties and fifties. Apart from the subject of an investigation and to the classic small town, the film noir provides strong contrasts of light between white and black, which symbolically represent the conflict between good and evil.
Characters such figures are often inquetanti and unhealthy. Couples diabolical Messalina, drunkards, gamblers, brutal husbands, young crowd and killing for the thirst for conquest. Unlike the yellow, noir is the "works" for the triumph of evil that each character carries within himself. These people are opposed to private detectives, journalists, writers, often telling the story in first person, trying to stamp out these insane perversions prejudice, in turn, entangled. The classic yellow has well-defined characters in noir characters are dark, curved their torments and lead stories on how their troubled consciences.
In the United States within the genus del film noir circa 250 titoli rigorosamente classificati dal 1940  al 1959 , nel pieno cinema narrativo classico.
Molti riconducono la nascita del genere cinematografico a l film " Lo sconosciuto del terzo piano"  (1940 ), ma il periodo d'oro va dal 1941 - anno de " Il mistero del falco"  ( The Maltese Falcon ) tratto dal romanzo "Il falcone maltese" di Dashiell Hammett to 1958, with " Touch of Evil" by Orson Welles .

This is the beginning of film noir:

We are in a hard-working town of the province, is the beginning of autumn. All'inbrunire the river, from which one can see the factory that has provided jobs to local people and sudden wealth, a man and a blonde woman are close to a dead man. He is bent over the body, looks at the woman and seems to ask: "And now what do we do?". The young blonde lady departs a lock of hair from his forehead, strutting on her heels, her back arched, without a shadow of repentance, but only focused on how to stop it once again: as a woman it is not the first time that the quarry trouble, but this time it's half a murder.

Pinocchio and the frog
The frog at the bottom of Pinocchio.
This animal is the symbol per eccellenza del principio fondatore dell'acqua, quindi di cuiò che è fecondo ma anche di ciò che scorre. La rana è anche simbolo sia di morte che di vita. Nella psicologia junghiana questa creatura, che non è ancora un essere umano, rappresenta un impulso inconscio che ha una risoluta tendenza a diventare conscio. La donna rana non ha ucciso il suo uomo in prima persona ma ha contribuito a far sì che il suo amante commettesse il crimine.
In Giappone statuette delle rane vengono spesso vendute nei templi perché la parola "rana" in giapponese si pronuncia come la parola "ritorno": questo ci dice che il suo amante torna dal passato. Forse è stato l'unico uomo che ha amato e da cui è stata abbandonata e the other, who is now lying dead on the ground, a fall-back husband, who became cumbersome.

who broke the eggs in the basket?
What happened? How will the plot of the shrine? Because the two lovers killed the owner of the factory?

Those wisps of white smoke that obscures the view out of the mouths of the protagonists, their mouths to fill the lungs, which float in the air of suspended Their damned souls. Carried away by their passion and their greed are evil but so instinctive to do, however, surprising that the error will lead to death or jail. The characters of film noir seeking a ransom demand that they repay their lives for something they have not had and feel entitled to get and their end justifies the means, but are a little pathetic because they almost never do away with it. uo mini broad-shouldered and husky voice, young women with their mouths and red stockings, badly lit and seedy hotels in the ballrooms where men and women are around to Grosz.