Saturday, April 12, 2008

Trailler Licence United States

Fake Palindromes (Traduzione)

My wife disney-eyed dew,
What have you tried swapping your blood with formaldehyde?

whiskey-plied voices cried fratricide!
items that were changed with layers of whiskey loudly shouted fratricidal!
Jesus did not know you could have died
(you'd have to die)
with the monsters that talk, monsters that walk the earth

and she has red lipstick and very bright colored shoes
and socks to the knee, to cover a bruise
you have an old equipment that would use the death
has blood in his eyes, in her eyes that she has to blood in the eye you
for you

certain mode, foil and blankets, advertising for singles
make you feel hot and cold as a rheostat, I mean a thermostat so you hit a towel

I hope he does not do too bad my wife

by-disney Eye Dew, did you feel
swapping your blood with formaldehyde?
with the monsters that talk, monsters that walk the earth
and says: I like long walks and sci-fi film
if you're 2 meters tall and you're a west-coast
some lonely night we could meet and I'll tie the

your wrists with leather and a drill will make a small hole in your head

( Fake Palindromes , Andrew Bird, Andrew Bird & the Mysterious Production Of Eggs. Translated by Larissa Setaro)


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