Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wedding Invitation Wording

Trap is amused #1- 17 marzo 2008

Meltin Pot meets an actress with a thousand shades: Carolina Crescentini

" When the tanks pulivamo sometimes a dolphin came and took us with his nose pieces of plastic, he had found around, and then gradually helped us to clean and it was very funny. Or when we did the night shooting underwater, there was a mutiny initial dolphin, not wanting to go out, because we had worked on the morning news conference. In the afternoon we shot the night and they were rightly tired. Then you are rightly mutineers and on this occasion there was also an attempt to attack the leg of Vaporidis. At that point we left the race. But when they were in good preparation and it was mainly, I gave very strong emotions and it was really beautiful, beautiful. "
from an article by Tariq Malik Bashir in line up tomorrow
(sometimes the world is really bright. The Italian press is thriving and alive)


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