Monday, March 14, 2011

Indestructible Dog Crates

The nuclear threat

Il Giappone ha 55 reattori in 17 località, e ne trae un terzo della propria elettricità. Se i tentativi di raffreddamento dei reattori fallissero, il risultato sarebbero esplosioni e contaminazione radioattiva.
La fusione avviene quando la reazione nucleare delle barre di zirconio che contengono il combustibile di uranio non è più controllata, il nocciolo radioattivo arriva a migliaia di gradi e inizia a liquefarsi. Una fusione completa può rompere la struttura di contenimento e altre barriere protettive diffondendo prodotti radioattivi. Tuttavia, un reattore non esplode come una bomba atomica. Per prevenire la fusione il primo passo fondamentale è la riduzione della temperatura in all the reactor vessel. The reactor core is surrounded by a heavy sarcophagus of steel and this in turn comperto by a cage of concrete and steel containment.

In a reactor in Fukushima, in operation since 1971, are ongoing attempts to prevent the meltdown. The work is complicated by the fact that the need to release pressure in the reactor vessel has led to an explosion that brought down the roof and walls of the containment building. According to official sources, the building is intact, but concerns persist about the fissile fuel overheated. In a desperate move, have pumped large amounts of sea water in the reactor vessel to try to cool the hot core, which, according to experts, means that the Japanese are trying a desperate move because the sea water - combined with boric acid, which absorbs neutrons of nuclear fission - is corrosive which means the loss of the plant. Not dramatic, since the reactor would have turned 40 a few days and was destined soon to be divested. Official sources say that Japanese units 1, 2 and 4 Fukushima have increased the pressure in the containment buildings and equipment failure. As a result, was given a steam vent in each unit and considered to release more to reduce the pressure. The central Onagawa, with three reactors, is in a state of emergency. The Japanese Nuclear Safety Agency said Saturday that a small amount of radioactive cesium release of a reactor in Fukushima container building before the explosion. According to official sources, the presence of cesium does not mean there is necessarily a partial melting, because it could result from a mechanical failure. Of the more than 180 000 people evacuated, about 160 have been exposed. The authorities reported that radiation absorbed in one hour is equal to that absorbed in one year for the natural radioactivity. Exposure to radioactive iodine released in an accident can cause thyroid cancer.

Article taken from "Il Corriere della sera"

Calculating Seismic Forces

... and the Mac got crazy!

are some days that I have a bit of "problemini" with my MacBook ... and then they say it is a stable operating system! The photo editing and what now appears with great frequency on the Mac's video I wish I could start with the disk utility of OSX but I can not in any way! Once I get some time I'll make a nice restore with the TimeMachine and I'll be back online ... matter of 5 minutes!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Invitation Ideas For Third Birthday

Discovery last trip

His first mission dates back to August 30, 1984! The Discovery and 'landed at the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral in Florida and concludes his last mission. For Discovery, the veteran you all the space shuttle, the time has come to retire, after giving his last contribution to building the International Space Station, bringing up the form permanent Robonaut2 Leonardo and the Italian Space Agency, the first robot astronaut.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Itchy Skin Gallbladder

Android Market on March 8

In a previous post I told my experience with the Archos tablet Android. I must admit that I finally decided not to sell it and use it as a simple "picture frame", also if the latest firmware updates have improved performance considerably, reaching almost made me re-evaluate. One of the pitfalls of these excellent tablet low cost, however, is the lack of support to ' Android Market (Google's official one), because of the lack of certification and the failure to adjust according to the standard that requires Google to access it. This simply means that the "marketplace" of reference will be to Archos and not to Google, and will be available to users from those few programs that are normally found on official channels. To install the Google Android Market will tell you that those are the simple steps to follow to install all Archos tablet. The installation is very fast, is to simply download the source for Archos will find in this LINK which you then copy the tablet after it is connected to your computer via a USB connection (maybe on a MicroSD card). Use the "file manager" to locate the file you downloaded and run it. After this reboot your device. At this point appear on the desktop icon dell'Android Market ready to use! Some users report further steps to take before you can download new applications. Personally I have not had any problems at the end of the normal installation but diligently I followed the following instructions. From the menu "settings, management applications, all, market" select "clean cache and data" and then click on "stopping power". You then go to the following menu "settings, management applications, all, google services framework" and select "clean data". Now we have to do is restart the tablet and the configuration is completed ... and then do not say that I speak only ever for Apple!

Yamaha Rx V363 Bower And Wilkins


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wedding Reply Card With Food Allergy

10.2 and iTunes Jailbreak

Whenever Apple releases a new version of iTunes I always wait a few days before the update installed on my Mac, because I always fear that is blocking the synchronization with devices Jailbreak. The new update released in recent days, bringing the music player to version 10.2, however, is completely safe: all the basic operations to be performed through iTunes (syncing, using DFU mode, manual reset, etc.) luckily work no problems! The only novelty in this release refer to the compatibility with the new version of IOS 4.3. It 'also improved the "Sharing" which allows you to browse our music library and play music from all mobile devices. You can upgrade directly from the "Software Update".

Friday, March 4, 2011

Coleman Evcon Furnaces

iPad2: the video-parody

Just as had happened previously with the ' iPhone4 , here is a video parody of the official presentation dell'iPad2. It 's funny to see but maybe a bit too long. Certainly the former was much more effect. Enjoy!

What Is A Good Desktop Computer

8GB of RAM on the MacBook

few days ago I upgraded the ram to my MacBook withe raising it from 2GB to 8GB, contrary to what is stated by Apple in the technical specifications of the machine, which indicate the maximum amount of 4GB RAM installed, using only two modules of 2gb. I'm testing and "stress" the Mac to try to understand what could be the "any" problems or slowdowns in these cases reported by Apple for its products, to be honest I'm not finding anything abnormal, but a significant increase in performance of the car! The ram I bought is certainly not the official specified by the manufacturer, but a model compatible with the standard DDR3 PC3-8500 1066Mhz 204Pin CL7. I bought them on eBay from a German dealer (there are many) and the cost of each module 4GB and was only € 39.95, to which I added additional € 5 for shipping with registered mail (traceable via Internet ), for a total of € 84.90 . I installed the RAM on your Mac manually disassembled and reassembled without much difficulty. A very different thing than when I did the same thing on my MacMini! If I made this purchase at an Apple center I spent only € 360, including mounting . Basically I give 280 euro to these gentlemen (or, more generally, to Apple) to enable him to pay the costs of advertising their products. Obviously I had documented on various forums before you buy, and all users agree on the real possibility to upgrade to the MacBook 8GB without ever having encountered any problem. There is also a handy tools (called RAM Assistant) that will tell you what is the maximum amount of memory you can install on your Mac can be downloaded from this link . It 's a free small program developed by an Italian dealer in the industry, although I must tell you that its prices are higher than those that buy from many retailers find reliable products on eBay.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Connect Two Bluetooth Headsets Together

The "Fat Tuesday" is the new

The carnival this year, at least in Rome, never seems to end: it is very long! There are weeks I meet children accompanied by their parents to walk fully dressed with masks ready to throw confetti and streamers to every passerby. Last week I also assistito ad una furiosa battaglia al centro commerciale EurRoma2 tra band di ragazzini in maschera! Il carnevale dura due settimane... mica un mese! Il momento culminante é proprio oggi, giovedì grasso, e terminerà martedì prossimo, ultimo giorno di Carnevale (si spera!). Giusto per curiosità, ho trovato su internet quelle che saranno le prossime date di questa divertente festa:




March 3



February 16



February 7



February 27



February 12



February 4



February 23



8 febbraio



28 febbraio



February 20



11 febbraio



Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2002 Sonoma Blower Switch


Eccolo qui, l'oggetto del desiderio tanto atteso da molti: l'Ipad2 è tra noi! Negli stati uniti sarà in vendita a partire dall'11 di marzo, mentre arriverà in Europe 25. The most obvious is the introduction of a front camera with VGA resolution and a back that can shoot video in HD 720p. The new processor Apple A5 has a clock frequency of 1 GHz compared to the previous (the A4, based on one single core ARM Cortex A8), the new A5 has two cores and is also based on ARM Cortex A9. The graphics section has been revised with the adoption of a new architecture up to 9 times faster than current. The improved performance has also not reduced the overall range, which has remained for 10 hours, thanks to three lithium batteries 6700 mAh. The iPad2 weighs just more than 600g, with a half a centimeter thick and about 150g lighter than the previous generation. As for the connectivity (WiFi and 3G) and memory (16, 32 and 64 GB) were maintained the same characteristics as the first generation. The iPad2, as well as iPhone4, takes 3-axis gyroscope that allows to more precise control of movements (especially useful with video games), while the receiver A-GPS is only available for versions WiFi + 3G. The display keeps the previous features, with an IPS panel technology with LED backlight 9.7-inch with 1024 x 768 pixel density of 132 ppi. Currently no information yet on fiffuse amount of RAM installed. Learn my personal comments I leave them in later posts ...

Maryland State Obtain Pe Requirements

Work on "The Finale" on

Best Cream For Nose Herpes

few more hours ..

The big day has arrived: today we will finally discover the "huge" new techniques introduced in the new iPad2. Already we are talking about built-in webcam and maybe even a GPS!! Wow! Now is that Apple is really a step ahead of all competitors! And who else they could think of a brilliant innovation that came up at this point? Technology at its best. The state of the art! Bha!?! Whatever the AppleStore around the world are offline, pending the submission of the new tablet. A few more hours we can go back to sleep and peaceful dreams. I could not read anymore str @ # z $ and usually only on this issue. Deo gratias!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Do Dental Hygienists Wear

Happy Birthday Nadia! Dylan Dog