Saturday, April 12, 2008

Patagonia Sale Jan 15 2010

Io Non voto.

I will not vote this time either. And frankly I'm fond of the idea of \u200b\u200bnever having produced a valid ballot in my life.
"Socialists and clerical I leave you (PD and PDL and ideologically aberrant minor parties). And also keep to the PLI, which has not even a serious program: should I rely on them confidence and hope? ".

report some interesting conclusions drawn from the 100-Acre Wood :

I have always been a fan of policy. Since I was a child. As is natural, over time, based on various studies, readings, reflections and intellectual maturity of a lot of my personal views and positions have changed. The final destination this was my path liberalism.
When I met him and I started to develop it in front of me has opened up a world again.
trivial, liberalism is the doctrine philosophical and policy that focuses on all the inidividuo and his rights, stating that every person has a sphere of freedom that can not be tarnished by anyone and that everyone has the right to take any action you want as long as they do not cause damage to others or that does not prevent others from the possibility to enjoy the same rights as enjoyed the individual in question, this liberalism is founded on freedom of choice, not the attempt to establish what is right and what is wrong and will not approve the thoughts of individuals. Liberalism also opposing any form of coercion, and then raises the stakes quite stringent riguardo i limiti che non devono essere oltrepassati dall'attività statale (arrivando, in alcune sue varianti, a mettere in discussione il concetto stesso di "Stato").
In sintesi dunque il liberalismo poggia sul concetto di individuo, proponendosi come il sistema in grado di valore al massimo le capacità e i talenti delle singole persone, e si contrappone a visioni collettivistiche della società.
Al contrario di quanto avvenuto in altre parti del globo, come ad esempio all'interno del mondo anglosassone, in Italia le idee e la cultura liberale hanno avuto una diffusione e un impatto assai scarsi.
Il vecchio Partito Liberale Italiano (Pli) , nato nel 1922 e ricostituitosi nel1943, durante the Republican era until its dissolution on February 6, 1994 in the wake of Tangentopoli, despite having been part of several government coalitions, has always had a very small constituencies.
On the purely cultural things have never been better, because after the war on the political culture that has had the widest spread among the intellectuals has been to Marxist, why liberalism for decades was done almost entirely ignored by academic researchers.
This situation seemed to change in 1993 when the entrepreneur Silvio Berlusconi has announced plans to make his entry into politics, a project that has been reflected January 18, 1994 with the founding of Forza Italy .
Berlusconi expressed from the beginning, thanks to his experience as a successful entrepreneur, the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking efficient state machinery, to reduce weight, emphasizing the need to manage it like a business and to introduce concepts for our country were quite revolutionary, such as meritocracy. His plan was to create a "liberal party of the masses".
Much of the old Liberal Party joined the new movement with enthusiasm, excited by the prospect of being able to finally have an important place in Italian political life. The moment of vengeance was finally arrivato? Molti liberali credettero di sì.
Sulla bontà dei concetti liberali nessuno ha mai avuto dubbi, e con un'adeguata organizzazione alle spalle e soprattutto forti di un leader che possedeva grande popolarità, eccellenti doti comunicative e ingenti risorse economiche, oltre a controllare vari media, si pensò che si sarebbe riusciti a diffondere in modo efficace quelle idee presso la maggioranza degli italiani.
Il programma con il quale Forza Italia si presentò alle elezioni del 1994 assieme ai suoi alleati (vincendole), scritto quasi interamente Antonio Martino, era autenticamente liberale e liberista.
Quel governo purtroppo durò solo sei mesi, a causa della Lega Nord che ritirò its support.
followed a government engineer and a five-year period who ruled in the center (1996 to 2001).
On May 13, 2001, the center-right won re-election with a program a bit 'less liberal than that of 1994 but that generated high expectations among the liberals, who unfortunately in the following five years were mostly disregarded.
quell'esecutivo The action was characterized by high internal bickering and, despite some good action at the end of the budget than expected, was largely inadequate. There is a reduction in the tax burden very low (it was not followed up on the project of the two rates), there was a massive process of privatization and liberalization, public expenditure is not reduced by the extent to which it was expected and streamlined the bureaucracy was not a significant and appreciable. At the same time he recorded a progressive marginalization of the exponents of so-called liberals and ethically sensitive issues the government achieve a substantial crush illiberal, which culminated with the approval of Law 40.
In 2006, the electoral program was decidedly less liberal than that of 2001 (one example: had gone to the proposal of the two rates) and the 2008 is a further regression, from a liberal point of view, than 2006.
Giulio Tremonti, who in caso di vittoria sarà il ministro dell'economia, lancia da mesi attacchi durissimi nei confronti del libero mercato e della globalizzazione, arrivando a sostenere che l'intervento statale nell'economia è giusto e necessario. Nel programma non c'è traccia di vaste privatizzazioni e liberalizzazioni (banche, assicurazioni, servizi locali, professioni) e anzi, vengono canddidati personaggi come il leader della rivolta dei tassisti. Non sono previsti meccanismi di privatizzazione del sistema sanitario. Sono infine presenti numerose misure interventiste e assistenzialiste.
Per quanto riguarda le questioni eticamente sensibili nemmeno l'ombra di provvedimenti quali la depenalizzazione delle droghe leggere, dell'abrogaziozione della legge Merlin or 40 of the Act, the introduction of divorce shortly, living will, euthanasia, or the establishment of private law mechanisms through which two persons living together, regardless of their sex, they can adjust by mutual agreement, a number of ways.
missing the prediction of structural reforms such as, for example, in education, the abolition of the legal value of the qualification. Most thrilling
If we add the fact that some years none of the center-right leader Berlusconi in the first place, includes among the "noble fathers" liberal leaders (Mises, Hayek, Friedman) but only representatives of popular culture, in the relentless clericizzazione act, as demonstrated by statements such as those made by Gasparri ( "The PDL accepts the appeal of Bagnasco and is committed to defend and uphold Christian values, in defense of life and protection of the family. In the preamble to our government program we have included clear indications of values \u200b\u200band ethical issues undertake a social-moral point of view all the candidates of the PDL. A clear signature that goes beyond the program and that will be the guiding star for all the People of Freedom ") and the exclusion of many representatives from the liberal lists (Capezzone, Alfredo Biondi, Dario Rivolta, Egidio Sterpa, Antonio Del Pennino and Lino Jannuzzi), in response to the presence of fascists, statists and clergy of all sorts, the picture is fosco.

La quasi totalità dei liberali, giustamente, è delusa, insoddisfatta e frustrata. Che fare dunque?
Ci sono tre possibilità:

1) astenersi;

2) votare Pdl "turandosi il naso";

3) esprimere un voto di protesta, optando per la scheda bianca o nulla o dando la propria preferenza ad un partito minore;

Personalmente ritengo che solo la terza opzione sia costruttiva.

In ogni tornata elettorale c'è sempre una quota di astensione "fisiologica".
Se non mi reco alle urne il mio non voto verrà confuso con l'astensionismo di chi non va a votare perchè non si informa e e si disinteressa della politica come di qualunque altro argomento serio.
Ma anche se vado a votare turandomi il naso non lancio alcun segnale.
La politica è un mercato.
Se io fossi un politico perchè dovrei interessarmi delle opinioni degli astensionisti "fisiologici"?
Tanto è gente che non va a votare a prescindere, non mi è di alcuna utilità.
E viceversa...
Perchè dovrei interessarmi delle preferenze di chi mi vota turandosi il naso?
L'importante è che mi votino, sai quanto me ne importa se sono scontenti o lo fanno con il magone.
Tanto negli anni precedenti ho talmente polarizzato la competizione (come i miei rivali con the antiberlusconismo) that my constituents with whom I established a bond of loyalty I will vote anyway, even if disappointed, whatever he does or says, I do not need to hear them.

If I will give a protest vote, thus indicating to be an elector of the center-which is not willing to vote regardless of the PDL, in a context where an election is ultimately decided by a handful vote, probably next time some members of the PDL is need to understand what are my views, my requests and my preferenze.Non will do it for high and noble reasons, but for pure self-interest. This time I did not vote for him, but the fact that I be bothered to go to the polling station and vote, and that basically means is part of his policy area that are potentially the next time a person may express a preference for him.
Politics is made of notes and balances. The program of the PDL is not an agreement in mid-way between the arguments of conservatives and liberals, but it's all focused on meeting the demands of the former. While the Liberals do snobbisti Yesmen neglecting to vote or the vote, saying "yes" to any idiocy is being offered, do not do the good of liberalism, because our bargaining power (for reasons I explained) is zero . If the PDL should match or most of the elections because it is clear that there was a loss of votes on the liberal side (it may takes a few tens of thousands, like last time), probably the next time we will be heard.
and "listen" does not mean adopting "The Libertarian Manifesto" by Rothbard, and even draw up a program such as that of the Dutch Liberal Party.
I know that Italy is not the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, where there are strong liberal parties in a position to compete for victory in the elections.
No, "listen" is to give us lists where there is some liberal and where the program is a balanced compromise between conservatives and liberals, like that of British Conservatives, the Gaullist UMP or the English Popular Party.
And I do not think I can be called utopian, liberal or table, or accuse of asking the moon, why do I mention examples that refer to the conservative parties in Europe are part of the PPE , and not of ' ELDR .
E 'frankly paradoxical that a so-called liberal party of mass is vastly more of a clerical party which makes explicit reference to political culture and popular also working in the presence of a strong Catholic Church and with a high capacity di mobilitazione.

Alcuni dicono che i liberali dovrebbero cercare di condurre la loro battaglia all'interno del Pdl. Questo sarebbe sacrosanto se fossimo in presenza del sistema americano. Se ci fosse una legge elettorale che prevede la presenza dei collegi uninominali nei quali ogni partito tiene delle primarie allora gli elettori liberali potrebbero sostenere dappertutto i loro candidati in contrapposizione a quelli espressi dalle altre anime del partito. Il sistema elettorale invece è proporzionale, le liste sono bloccate (cioè senza la possibilità di indicare la preferenza), sono interamente decise dai vertici e non c'è la possibilità di concorrere per la leadership. Under these conditions, how can you realistically think to lead a battle "inside"?

elections to be held Sunday and Monday will present the reeds reconstituted Italian Liberal Party (PLI).
Regarding the vote given to small parties and rationality to its well-known political scientist Gianfranco Pasquino wrote: "(...)
E 'was then noted that in the case of a vote, as other behaviors of participation, motivation this instrument, namely the pursuit of a obiettivopreciso, specifically the 'election of a particular candidate, the victory of his party-, is sometimes subject motivation can be defined as expression, namely the reaffirmation of belonging to a voter's social class, ethnic group, a church, a cultural community, a professional association. In the case of a vote, the activities involving funds in a significant set of reasons to take part with that part of being. Become a perfectly rational for voters to state their voting membership and their membership, regardless of the actual possibilities of influencing the outcome of the vote. "
(Gianfranco Pasquino, " Course of Political Science ", Il Mulino)

As I have explained and argued non ritengo che il Pli vada votato in nome di una motivazione espressiva , e quindi sostanzialmente fine a sè stessa, ma per un obiettivo ben concreto, ovvero quello di lanciare un segnale.
Il Pli è ritornato per la prima volta sulla scheda elettorale in occasione delle regionali del 2005. L'anno successivo, in occasione delle elezioni politiche, si è presentato all'interno della Casa selle Libertà. Il suo Segretario, Stefano De Luca, nel 1994 è stato eletto europarlamentare all'interno delle liste di Forza Italia.
E' chiaro dunque che ogni singolo voto che otterrà il Pli sarà stato espresso da un elettore appartenente all'area di centrodestra, e nella quasi totalità cases it will be a disappointed voter Forza Italy.
I would say that the vote to the Liberal Party is unequivocal signal that is launched.
is not useful in the sense that a vote will help elect a candidate who will usher in Parliament in certain instances. It 's a good rating because it is an expression of uneasiness and discomfort of many liberal voters and will be a message addressed to the representatives of the People of Liberty, a message that if implemented will help create a better center.

A more liberal center.

This means that the country would be something not only relevant but extremely useful.

Trailler Licence United States

Fake Palindromes (Traduzione)

My wife disney-eyed dew,
What have you tried swapping your blood with formaldehyde?

whiskey-plied voices cried fratricide!
items that were changed with layers of whiskey loudly shouted fratricidal!
Jesus did not know you could have died
(you'd have to die)
with the monsters that talk, monsters that walk the earth

and she has red lipstick and very bright colored shoes
and socks to the knee, to cover a bruise
you have an old equipment that would use the death
has blood in his eyes, in her eyes that she has to blood in the eye you
for you

certain mode, foil and blankets, advertising for singles
make you feel hot and cold as a rheostat, I mean a thermostat so you hit a towel

I hope he does not do too bad my wife

by-disney Eye Dew, did you feel
swapping your blood with formaldehyde?
with the monsters that talk, monsters that walk the earth
and says: I like long walks and sci-fi film
if you're 2 meters tall and you're a west-coast
some lonely night we could meet and I'll tie the

your wrists with leather and a drill will make a small hole in your head

( Fake Palindromes , Andrew Bird, Andrew Bird & the Mysterious Production Of Eggs. Translated by Larissa Setaro)