Friday, February 29, 2008

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Vergognoso silenzio dell'Onu su uccisioni di civili in Darfur

(New York, February 27, 2008) "The United Nations Security Council should take decisive action against Sudan for recent attacks. The Security Council should strongly denounce the government Sudan's recent bombardment of civilian villages in West Darfur and impose targeted sanctions to those responsible, "it wrote in a letter to Human Rights Watch. The

'Human Rights Watch warned that inaction of the Council Sudan gave the green light to continue attacking civilian targets in violation of international law and resolutions of the Council itself.

"The recent attacks of the Sudanese government to bring us back to the darkest days of the conflict," said Georgette Gagnon, Africa Director, Human Rights Watch. "The Security Council should not make any pause as if it were a matter of customary ordinariness."

From 8 February 2008, Sudanese government troops and militias "Janjaweed" Gunships backed by helicopters and Antonov bombers have carried out a series of attacks killing hundreds of civilians. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced by continuing bombardments, which are also preventing humanitarian assistance to reach some of the worst affected areas to prevent life-saving.
attacks are only the latest manifestation of the neglect and contempt of the Sudan to the Security Council resolutions and its obligations under international law, none of which provoked a strong reaction from the Security Council. These include the Sudan, the repeated violation of UN arms embargo, non-implementation of UN sanctions, and obstruction of peacekeeping "These horrific attacks on civilians shows awareness of Khartoum that there will be consequences real for his actions, "said Gagnon. "It 's time for the Council Security to prove them wrong. "
Human Rights Watch urged the Security Council to issue a presidential statement condemning Sudan for violations of international humanitarian law in West Darfur, the appointment of a Janjaweed leader Musa Hilal to 'Adviser Presidential, 'and his refusal to cooperate with the International Criminal Court. The Council should also send a team of UN experts to investigate immediately the attacks in West Darfur, and should impose targeted sanctions on those responsible.

(Trad. Giulia Fresh from and


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