Friday, February 29, 2008

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Vergognoso silenzio dell'Onu su uccisioni di civili in Darfur

(New York, February 27, 2008) "The United Nations Security Council should take decisive action against Sudan for recent attacks. The Security Council should strongly denounce the government Sudan's recent bombardment of civilian villages in West Darfur and impose targeted sanctions to those responsible, "it wrote in a letter to Human Rights Watch. The

'Human Rights Watch warned that inaction of the Council Sudan gave the green light to continue attacking civilian targets in violation of international law and resolutions of the Council itself.

"The recent attacks of the Sudanese government to bring us back to the darkest days of the conflict," said Georgette Gagnon, Africa Director, Human Rights Watch. "The Security Council should not make any pause as if it were a matter of customary ordinariness."

From 8 February 2008, Sudanese government troops and militias "Janjaweed" Gunships backed by helicopters and Antonov bombers have carried out a series of attacks killing hundreds of civilians. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced by continuing bombardments, which are also preventing humanitarian assistance to reach some of the worst affected areas to prevent life-saving.
attacks are only the latest manifestation of the neglect and contempt of the Sudan to the Security Council resolutions and its obligations under international law, none of which provoked a strong reaction from the Security Council. These include the Sudan, the repeated violation of UN arms embargo, non-implementation of UN sanctions, and obstruction of peacekeeping "These horrific attacks on civilians shows awareness of Khartoum that there will be consequences real for his actions, "said Gagnon. "It 's time for the Council Security to prove them wrong. "
Human Rights Watch urged the Security Council to issue a presidential statement condemning Sudan for violations of international humanitarian law in West Darfur, the appointment of a Janjaweed leader Musa Hilal to 'Adviser Presidential, 'and his refusal to cooperate with the International Criminal Court. The Council should also send a team of UN experts to investigate immediately the attacks in West Darfur, and should impose targeted sanctions on those responsible.

(Trad. Giulia Fresh from and

Friday, February 22, 2008

How Long Does The Rash For Glandular Fever Last


That air of old grandfather telling stories that sta sfoggiando Giuliano Ferrara tra sorrisetti e favellare didattico è decisamente disgustoso.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

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Un pezzetto bello tondo di cielo d’estate sta sopra di me. Non ci credo. Lo vedo
restringersi. Conto le stelle. Ora. Sento tutte queste voci. Tutta questa gente ha già capito che ho sbagliato. Sono scivolato. Son caduto dentro il buco. Bravi, son venuti subito. Son stato stupido. Ma sono qua gli aiuti. Quelli dei pompieri. I carabinieri. Intanto Dio guardava il Figlio Suo. E in onda lo mandò. A Woytila e alla P2. A tutti lo indicò. A Cossiga e alla Dc. A BR e Platini. A Repubblica e alla Rai. La morte ricordò. Scivolo nel fango gelido. Il cielo è un punto. Non lo vedo più. Spider-Man pulled me by the wrist. He broke the bone. Now. I sleep or am I dreaming, because I speak but the voice is not mine. I say Hail Mary. What a stupid child. Full of grace. Mom. Our Father. With land in your mouth. Do not breath. Thy will be done. I do not remember well. I'm afraid. You are in heaven. And He looked at His Son. Sent him to live. A Wojtyla and P2. All showed it. Forlani A and Dc. A Pertini and Platini. Who never to himself the vacuum reading.

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Friday, February 8, 2008

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Un'amosessuale nel partito democratico

Photo of Charles Traina, / photos / karltra

What do you think is wrong in Italian? I mean, at what point in history have lost sight of the beauty of freedom? Homosexuals can not marry in the name of an alleged natural law. Same as, following a logical reasoning, should prohibit marriage to infertile couples ... where and how do you think is the problem?

Calm. I did not take it with the Italians. We Italians are living with every day, work, gym, or in condominiums. The Italians are our friends, our parents, our colleagues. And we ourselves are Italian, with the same defects. The salient fact is that Italian politics can not interpret the reality of the country on the issue of gay marriage, as on many others, also of equal importance. Think about the energy issue, the disintegration of the public school or above replacement level at the university. We are a country estate and conservative, where conservation goes hand in hand with the fear of change. It's called resistance to change. We will have more than any other European nation.

And these metastases of freedom are everywhere. Not only a right that has never made its instances libertarian. But even in that part of the left should be more fresh and modern: the PD.
You're part and you will thoroughly reasoned because the of your stay in a party that, in terms of the GLBT movement, is behaving just shameful. Policy "-but anchista" Veltroni, in this, it seems to show signs discouraging. Would you explain what the position of the PD?

E 'Veltroni called exactly that in his nomination speech at the Lingotto: recognizing the rights of same-sex couples who form a couple and a law to fight homophobia and transphobia. Any other position is unique. Even mine that are for the wedding. Sappi also every time I get to talk about GLBT issues, the audience roars of PD or not croak. Cheers. I can not tenerne conto, significa che c’è un DNA positivo, favorevole. Dobbiamo trasformare questo DNA in fatti, in politica, in azione di governo. Sono dentro per questo.

Il movimento è contro di te, a causa della tua scelta di rimanere nel partito democratico. “Con me hai chiuso”. “Se mi incontri per strada, evita di parlarmi”. Questo ti scrivono. Correggimi se sbaglio ad interpretare la tua posizione: tu vuoi stare dentro ora, quando il PD è materia fresca da plasmare, durante il quale c’è ancora la possibilità e la speranza di creare il primo vero grande partito moderno italiano, almeno sui temi etici. Ma non ci penseresti su due volte ad andartene qualora verificassi che a Veltroni, dei diritti omosessuali, proprio non gliene frega un tubo…

Il movimento non sono i lettori del mio blog. Loro ne fanno parte come molti altri. Al contrario di molti omosessuali che fanno politica che ci tengono a distinguere la loro azione dal movimento, io mi sento parte del movimento. Vedi, in realtà il movimento GLBT è una realtà liquida, dove trovano spazio gli omosessuali cattolici e le lesbiche separatiste. Gli uni che vorrebbero sposarsi in chiesa e le altre che rifiutano la replica di una famiglia borghese e fondata sul potere maschile. Parlare di movimento, oggi, purtroppo, al di fuori del Gay Pride è un azzardo. In questo siamo indietro, ma so che Aurelio Mancuso, presidente di Arcigay, sta lavorando alacremente to remedy this gap. We must define ourselves as a force, even cross. The important thing is not where military, but what they say. It 's true that until now the gay and DS Arcigay followed a moderate policy, calling for little. Now most of the movement seeking marriage and calls for recognition of the right to same-sex parenting. I am from this area for years. Then I feel to be part of the movement. I chose the military's largest center-left party that these positions are there citizenship.

is useless to speak of the church. The pope does his job. Wrong all those politicians who agree with him for convenience, agree?

E’ così. Ognuno è libero di seguire la propria coscienza, cosa che uno farebbe anche se non ci fosse una religione a distribuire dettami. Sbagliano coloro che lo fanno per altri interessi, per tornaconto elettorale, quelli che lo fanno in mala fede, quelli che predicano bene e razzolano male. Quelli che, come dici, lo fanno per convenienza personale.

Semplifichiamo per chi ancora non l’avesse capito: cosa vuole il movimento GLBT?

Da giugno 2007 il matrimonio. Ti ripeto, c’è una grande questione ideologica dietro che parte dagli anni 70, gli anni della liberazione sessuale, ai quali il movimento sembrava inchiodato. Il matrimonio sembrava una richiesta borghese. Invece è una questione di visibilità sociale, di riconoscimento, non solo della singola persona omosessuale con l’esercizio di una sorta di pietà laica. Ma il riconoscimento della relazione affettiva reciproca. L’omosessualità non solo come conquista di libertà sessuale, ma anche come conquista di affettività relazionale, un riconoscimento completo.

Foto di Carlo Traina,

Perché il registro delle Unioni istituito dai comuni è uno strumento debole? Da quale punto di vista?

Non penso che sia uno strumento debole e l’ho scritto anche a Veltroni. E’ debole dal Legally, of course. Especially in a town that already has the family over, like Rome. It 'a very strong tool to give strength to the real issue of homosexuality: the social visibility of homosexual families. It 's so simple. Recognizing these families, it means removing them from the silence, do not relegate them more shame. Embarrassment and shame on the homosexual question rhyme with a lot of suicides in recent months have once again ravaged the lives of vulnerable teenagers, no means of decoding life, that maybe you feel a program on TV where he talks about the Binetti, tells him that sick and they do not govern, they do not know. Because none of the same media Binetti can to calm the counter.

So at the end of interview, you can open yourself: do you still like women? In short, you can trust us, you're still sick? Do not tell me ...
Well, yes, I'm still sick. But I want to tell you something revolutionary. The
gays do not exist. It's not even straight. There are only human beings, men and women
, which can fall in love. Some say that basically, we are all-sexual love

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