Friday, December 4, 2009

How Do I Make A Homemada Double Boiler


These "blue men" from the characteristic dark blue turban and wearing the veil that always covers the their face (litham) live in the desolate expanse of the central Sahara. Descendants of the Berbers, have maintained unchanged or nearly so, the purity of the race, remaining faithful to centuries-old traditions and cultures. The name Tuareg, the singular Signs, was given to them by the Arabs and means "the forsaken by God" because of their opposition to the teaching of Muhammad. Converts to Islam 1200 years ago by the Arabs, the Tuaregs have kept intact pagan beliefs, or at least, pre-Muslim:
- is the man and the woman to keep her face covered
- are not used to pray five times a day facing Mecca
are monogamous - are convinced that the trees and stones possessing a soul and carry amulets to ward off the jinn, the evil spirits that inhabit the Sahara.
once ferocious predators are now living on pastoralism practiced by their servants. The Tuareg of the social order is based on the distinction of four classes: the nobles, vassals, servants and workers. The noble class are the purest and elect the king. If a man has more slaves than he needed, granting them freedom, but only if they are young and strong enough to take care of themselves. Old and sick slaves are never released, and their owner must maintain them.
The Tuareg who own land, living in villages where the houses are rectangular with flat roof, made of bricks and stones, but the homes of the nomads, tents or huts are mounted. Generally, the curtain is formed by a cover made from several skins of wild sheep and sheep sewn together and is supported by a high pole in the middle, the sides are attached to many extreme shorter poles, fixtures securely to the ground.
society is matriarchal type: Tuareg women, must face uncovered, enjoy di molte libertà e prendono parte alle decisioni che guidano le comunità. La tradizione vuole che siano state proprio loro a introdurre tra gli uomini l'uso del "taguelmust". Sono le depositarie principali della scrittura e quindi responsabili dell'educazione dei figli. Circa la metà di tutti i bambini sono orfani di madre, infatti, più di 2/3 delle donne muoiono dando alla luce i propri figli. Se un bambino perde la madre, viene accolto subito da un'altra famiglia ed allevato con lo stesso amore che si ha per un figlio proprio. L'unico mezzo di educazione è una parola di rimprovero o di monito. Battere un bambino è considerato crudele.
La rapina non è calcolata come delitto ma atto eroico. Il ladrocinio è invece ritenuto and even the infamous slave steal. A murder takes revenge with murder.
The greatest wealth of this nation is made up of cattle sheep and camels, the salt is very important to the economy of the Tuaregs, barter it with tea, sugar, textiles, sorghum, mats, sorghum. The Tuareg people are very healthy and rarely get sick. In the evening, they find themselves sitting around the fire telling stories to children and adults.

taken from (

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For hijab is commonly understood that the scarf covering her head and shoulders of women Muslim. The term derives from the Arabic verb "hajaba" (hide) and indicates, in its original meaning, every obstacle placed in front of an object or an individual to escape the view of others. In this case, the hijab is intended to protect women from lustful glances and unwanted attention. In general it can be composed of two parts: the first headset that picks up and covers her hair, holding fe rmi, and a veil itself that is placed on it, often leaving the headset protrude from under the veil. The hijab can be any color, some women the prefer black, others white and other fancy is pinned under the chin with a pin. The tips of the scarf can be dropped softly on the body or for reasons of convenience, wrapped around the neck like a scarf, especially when you have to carry out practical. I n general is accompanied by a tunic or a feather duster, but it can also be worn with ordinary clothes, skirts, shirts and pants as long as "adequate." The skirt should be long, large shirt, with sleeves that reach below the elbows and when worn on the trousers, not too short. The veil is considered an integral part of Islam by many Muslims. Attach the hijab is like attacking the right of a Christian to bear the cross, or the right of a jew to wear the yarmulke.