Saturday, November 14, 2009

Best Portable Projector For My Laptop

Make Water in the Desert

Dig A Few curved holes (the more the better) about half a meter deep so the moist subsoil That is Clearly visible. If you are in the dryer Conditions, dig the hole a bit Deeper, As It Is Essential That Clearly visible is the moist subsoil. If there are any plants, throw them in the hole as well.

Survey the land for signs of dried out river beds; these are the best places to seek moisture.
Do not dig the hole in the shade. The process needs direct sunlight to work correctly. Look around and make sure that shade won't move over your solar still before evening arrives.
You may lose more water perspiring while digging than the still will generate for you in the end, depending on the moisture in the soil, how hard the soil is to dig, and what you're digging it with.
Urinating in the hole provides extra moisture and is sanitary because only the water evaporates.
This technique can also be used to purify dirty water, including urine[1]--anything but radiator fluid.[2] Instead of digging a hole, replace the hole with a larger container containing the tainted water and do everything else the same. If you don't have a container, pour the tainted water directly in the hole.
Place an open coffee can, mug, cup or canteen in the center of each hole. If you have a length of plastic tubing, you can run it from the bottom of the coffee can out the edge of the hole. You can use the tubing to suck the water from the can without dismantling the still.
Lay a taut piece of clear plastic wrap across the top of the hole. To create a seal, pour sand in a circle around the hole along the outside of the plastic wrap. Pour the sand an inch or two from the edge of the plastic wrap. Ensure that there are no gaps not sealed by the sand. The plastic wrap must seal the hole shut; if it is punctured the water will not condense.
Place a small to medium sized rock in the center of the plastic wrap so that the plastic wrap dips to a point above the can. Keep the plastic wrap from touching the can or else the water will not drip into the can.
Sit back and wait for the sun to evaporate water out of the moist soil and any plants you threw in there. The water will condense on the plastic wrap because it cannot escape the hole and will drip into the can. If you have the plastic tubing, drink from that.
Once the sun dries the subsoil in that hole, start the process all over by digging another hole or just dig deeper.

Plant Condensation
Put a clear plastic bag on the end of a plant or small tree branch.
Make sure the bag is sealed as tightly as possible around the branch. The plant transpires water during the process of transpiration. A clear plastic bag is necessary to maintain photosynthesis.
Water vapor will collect and condense in the bag. Make sure the water collecting in the bag won't drip out.
Wait until evening for maximum condensation before removing bag.
Switch the bag to another branch and repeat.

Make sure you leave it long enough for the process to take place. In somewhere like the desert where it is really hot, it should take a couple of hours; in places with less sunlight it can take half a day.

Contrary to what is written in some popular survival books, the solar still will not provide adequate water to keep a person alive, even if it is constructed in moist soil. It is a last resort, so don't wander into the desert without enough water, thinking "Oh, if I run out, I'll just suck water out of the soil!" Those might be your last words.
This survival trick is actually far more useful in purifying water that may be contaminated than it is for obtaining water.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Watch


Forse non tutti sanno che esistono alcune piante ed insetti, abitanti di ambienti desertici, che hanno la capacità di essiccarsi completamente durante la stagione calda senza che le loro molecole biologiche subiscano danni. Infatti, as soon as the first rains fall and are rehydrated, these bodies (called criptobionti) are able to resume very soon, their life cycle. This ability to survive dehydration due to the presence of large quantities of an unusual sugar: trehalose, which allows them to survive in a "state of suspended animation" in the absence of water. The same thing happens Artemio Salina, a shrimp that live in very salty water and can survive without water due to the production of trehalose. This sugar also allows certain types of frogs to survive in virtually frozen.
What can tie these terrific organizations to our agro-industries, farmaceutiche e biomediche?
Ce lo spiega Mario De Rosa, ordinario di biochimica alla Seconda Università di Napoli e coordinatore del Centro regionale di competenza per le Applicazioni tecnologiche industriali di biomolecole e biosistemi, con ben ventisei brevetti nel proprio curriculum scientifico, la maggior parte dei quali riguardano le biotecnologie: ha lavorato soprattutto nel campo del farmaco brevettando in Usa sistemi che riguardano la stabilizzazione delle molecole, i sistemi di rilascio controllato ed i processi produttivi. La produzione di trealosio, o meglio i processi di produzione di questo zucchero, isolato per la prima volta proprio da quegli organismi che vivono nel deserto, costituisce parte degli ultimi brevetti depositati da De Rosa perchè This sugar can be used as a sweetener and as a preservative for dried and frozen products and can find many applications that are still being tested. "The sugar trehalose is a very important short-will spread in the market - said De Rosa - It appears a bit 'less sweet than sucrose but has important biological functions: it interacts with macromolecules, stabilizing and slowing the processes of degradation, trehalose is finding application as a stabilizer of enzymes, particularly in the food sector to maintain its nutritional value, tastes and smells of dried foods as this will mean that the volatiles do not go away: there are many patents filed in various stages of research in this regard. "For a long time, however, the very high cost of production of trehalose do not have permission to use a large scale until the Japanese, and the University of Naples in isolation, have invented a process convert the starch into trehalose by the use of two enzymes. Those Japanese are enzymes derived from mesophilic organisms (ie living at very low temperatures and are unstable), "our enzymes instead - said De Rosa - are isolated from a bacterium living in Solfatara at very high temperatures: this is the bacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus, a thermophilic bacterium that lives in hot water and sulfuric acid. "Researchers Neapolitans, quindi, isolato gli enzimi utili e li hanno fatti produrre ad un altro batterio.
"Abbiamo prelevato i geni che codificano questi enzimi e li abbiamo immessi in microrganismi che vivono a temperatura ambiente - precisa il professore - in tal modo per ottenere il downstream, ovvero la purificazione del batterio dagli enzimi che non servono, basta bollire il batterio stesso e ciò perchè gli enzimi utili sono attivi solo ad alta temperatura: il procedimento è industriale ma non costa niente ed il batterio intero, ormai morto, dopo il trattamento tecnico può essere usato come catalizzatore per trasformare l'amido in trealosio". Attualmente questo brevetto è in corso di valutazione industriale per l'enorme rilevanza che potrebbe rivestire. Le in fact, possible applications are endless, such as in the production of dried fruits and all the freeze-dried or dried hot: the addition of trehalose causes water to be added as soon as the product does not differ more than cool. In the food and confectionery then could have a major impact on the conservation and use of eggs, because the two components, egg white and yolk are normally sold separately and red you can not keep anything dry because of the properties of the red 'egg, with the addition of trehalose yolks can be dried and reused by adding water. The use of trehalose is also being evaluated in the field of
panificazione perchè molto probabilmente può essere sfruttato per far indurire il pane più lentamente, per avere cioè pane fresco per una settimana, riuscendo quindi a farne una produzione industriale.
"Attulmente l'Università sta collaborando con l'azienda agricola Dolce Irpinia per l'applicazione del trealosio - racconta De Rosa - abbiamo sviluppato un processo per candire le castagne perchè gli zuccheri tradizionali reagiscono con le proteine e si imbruniscono e ciò è sinonimo di invecchiamento e degradazione. Il trealosio sostituisce questi zuccheri rendendo il prodotto migliore per due motivi: non imbrunisce ed è meno dolce. La società già is producing these candies. "You have to consider that the current industrial trehalose sugar costs three times the municipality or 4 or $ 5 per kilo but both glucose and trehalose are derived from starch and sugar also common, with this new production process Costs are likely to upheaval.
"In a public system that is evolving towards industry - said the professor - the patent culture is important and requires a skill acquired. Here we are trying to train young people who have the culture of the patent with the aim of developing a research activity that starts from the beginning with this logic. "This is a new way of thinking and research in the University's assets country: a vision in which the patent takes a node and the defense of the invention became one of the cornerstones of the growing relationship between the public research system and industrial activity. "Unfortunately - concludes De Rosa - Italy here in the patent literature does not have the rigor of the scientific"
looks like sucrose. Sugar for the excellence unites even the same chemical formula, but there are structural differences that make it its strength. It is of trehalose, a sugar that has a capacity "bioprotettive and could one day be used, as well as in" food and cosmetics, to preserve stem cells, antibodies and vaccines. But

also be used to store the plasma in dust, so "for use on the battlefield in times of extreme emergency. Just as with the coffee
" instantaneous, it is sufficient to add "water for healing, for example , wounded soldiers. This sugar, which is synthesized by a class of organisms, extremophiles, capable of withstanding a habitat deemed prohibitive for life, past and "won the prize international set" L "Hours" AL and the "UNESCO" For Women in Science "to a" Italian, Federica Migliardo, a researcher of 32 years.
Siciliana di Messina, Migliardo explains all "Adnkronos
Health its commitment in the study of "a protocol that would allow the use of bio-trehalose as a preservative, or rather as a stabilizer

DR. FEDERICA Migliardo

Dott. Federica Migliardo Migliardo Federica Messina was born in March 30, 1975 and graduated with honors in Physics at the age of 22 academic years (1996 / 97 aa) at the Department of Physics, University of Messina. In 2001 she was awarded the prize, announced by the Italian Physical Society (SIF) as the best graduate Italy, after May 1994. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics in the academic year 2000/2001 with a thesis entitled "Neutron Spectroscopy of Biophysical Interest in Complex Systems." In 2003 he won the prize, announced by the National Institute for the Physics of Matter (INFM), for the best doctoral dissertation in Italy in the period 2000-2003. He attended the course from 17/02/2002 to 28/03/2002 "Formation pour les utilisateurs Doctorale Europeenne des grand instruments, Higher European Research Course for User of Large Experimental Systems," HERCULES 2002 "in Grenoble, France. From 2002 to 2006 she held a fellowship at the Department of Physics, University di Messina. Ha svolto una prolungata attività di ricerca all’estero nell’ambito del Progetto Galileo Italia-Francia per la mobilità dei ricercatori intitolato “Meccanismi fisici dell’efficacia di bioprotezione del trealosio”, e ha realizzato numerosi esperimenti di scattering di neutroni presso le principali facilities europee (ILL a Grenoble (F), ISIS a Chilton (UK), LLB a Parigi (F), BENSC a Berlino (D)). Dal Luglio 2003 al Novembre 2004 è stata assunta come ricercatrice ATER presso il Laboratoire de Dynamique et Structure des Matériaux Moléculaires dell’Université des Sciences et Technologies di Lille, Francia, dove ha svolto attività istituzionali di ricerca e didattica.
L’attività di ricerca è stata preponderatamente svolta nel campo della struttura della materia con particolare riferimento alla comprensione dei meccanismi molecolari dei processi di bioprotezione; è attestata da oltre 80 pubblicazioni, da oltre 70 comunicazioni a congresso e da un brevetto per invenzione industriale n. ME2004A16. Ha svolto dal 2000 attività didattica sia in Italia che all’estero. E’ cultrice della materia per il Settore Scientifico Disciplinare FIS/01 per il Corso di Laurea in Biotecnologie della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Messina ed esercitatore per il Settore Scientifico Disciplinare FIS/01 della Facoltà di Scienze MM. FF. NN. dell’Università degli Studi di Messina. E 'joint responsibility of the European Project of the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Community "Finding promising drug Candidates Against tuberculosis with multidisciplinary protocol based non-conventional search.
In 2005 he received the "L'Oréal Italy for Women and Science" organized by UNESCO-L'Oréal conferred by a commission chaired by Professor Umberto Veronesi, for distinguishing himself in physics for research in Life Sciences . It 'was a guest of honor at the Conference "Women in Science" at the Genoa Science Festival, 2005 edition (October 27 to November 7, 2005), and the Sixth Congress of the International Forum Mediterranean Women's "10 years after Beijing and Barcelona: Euro-Mediterranean Policies from partnership to a good neighbor. Position and rights of women between reality and utopia "at the UNESCO Centre in Turin (23-27 November 2005), where he participated in the work and the writing of the report of the Workgroup" Knowledge, skills and labor market. "
The first issue of 2006 of the Newsletter of the Research and Statistics of the National Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE), the publication founded with the aim of providing updates and insights on the major issues of international trade in goods, services and capital, was dedicated to the research conducted by trehalose Dr. F. Migliardo and was presented at the booth of ICE designated institutional representative system in Italy of Italian research in the Annual International Convention of the Biotechnology Industry Organization BIO 2006, exhibition and conference that, since 1992, annually attracts more than 1000 exhibitors and tens of thousands of academics, researchers, experts and entrepreneurs from every continent and is aimed at operators of the various sectors of biotechnology (biomedicine, bioinformatics, food, environment and bioenergy), held in Chicago from 9 to 12 April 2006.
E 'organizer of the International Workshop "Neutron Scattering Highlights on Biological Systems", to be held in Taormina 7 to 10 October 2006 and curator of the exhibition "Science for Food" as part of Science Festival of Genoa, 2006 edition, which will be held from October 28 to November 7, 2006.